On September 16, 2016, Ju Zhimomi from Nagaland, India sends the following prayer request, “I get sudden and severe unbearable headache from time to time. Please pray for me.” I respond on September 19, 2016, “In Jesus’ name, lay your hand upon your spine. Right now, I command your spine to realign from the top […]
What’s Paul’s Thorn In the Flesh?
“Becky, I’ve heard some Christians say that they are not healed, because “God has them right where he wants them.” One lady said that the Lord told her that she is to study and write about the end-times, and that she is to remain in pain with various problems, This belief that He has her […]
Signs and Wonders Win the Lost
Jesus promises to equip us with signs and wonders. “In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” After He rises […]
The Progression of a Healing
One of my readers, Jean writes and sends me the following prayer request. I believe this will encourage you and help you to believe for your healing and miracle. “Dear Becky, I would very much appreciate your prayers for healing for my gum disease and bone loss, and lower teeth. I have an appointment […]
What Is the Gift of Faith?
The Gift of Faith is a special kind of faith that is given as the Holy Spirit wills or desires in order for an individual to receive a miracle from God. We’ve all been given a measure of faith to use in our everyday lives (see Rom. 12:3), but the Gift of Faith is an […]
Need Advice How to Minister Healing
“Morning Becky, if you have time I need a little advise. I am going to pray for a man who has cancer and is dying. His daughter who goes to our church said she is at peace because he is born again. I would say he is mid 60’s. I told him I would come […]

Ministering Healing at Work
Amy writes, “I feel like I have a lot of hindrances. I work in a place that is seemingly non conducive to faith. I mean I work in a hospital. When I tell people I believe it is God’s will to heal every person and that God is able to heal, people just look at […]
A Heart of Faith
A vibrant relationship with the Spirit of God ignites the heart with faith, erases the concept of impossible and releases the possible into every situation. This is why it is most important to closely monitor the spiritual condition of the heart. The spiritual heart is a vital organ; the strength of its intentions controls our […]

2 Hindrances that Block Healing
I asked the following question to my readers, “What do you think is more difficult for people to believe concerning healing?” Everyone that responded said, “That God is willing to heal them personally.” We are going to take a careful look at this response to expose two main hindrances that are blocking us from receiving […]

Delivered, Healed & Hears
After teaching about the identity and authority of the believer in Jesus Christ at a Sunday morning service in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania I called the people forward for healing. One man who came to the altar said he was deaf in his left ear and wanted to be healed and hear again. So, I […]