I was teaching at a healing school in Las Vegas. Afterwards, as I was praying for the sick, a woman asked me if I would pray for her husband who came with her to the meeting, but when he saw the number of people to be prayed for he walked out and went and sat […]

The True Purpose

Today, during the interview on WELE Radio in Ormond Beach, FL I was asked to pray with a man during one of the breaks. He was blind since birth. As I ministered healing to him, he saw light for the first time in his life! He was so excited he started to jump up and […]


People can be captive to all sorts of circumstances, often situations beyond their control , such as sickness, disease, blindness, deafness, paralysis, and more . Other times, such as addictions are brought upon by their own bad decisions in life. God didn’t bind people to these difficulties, nor does He desire they stay bound to […]

Faith is Our Title Deed

Many people are suffering from broken marriages, financial difficulties, and from incurable sicknesses and diseases. They desire a miraculous touch from God and do not understand why it is not happening.  They have not been taught that they possess a title deed called “faith” that gives them covenant rights with the Father to make their […]

Unborn Baby Healed

A concerned grandmother contacted me to ask for prayer for her unborn granddaughter. The parents were given no hope, and told to abort. We joined our faith together and prayed for a miracle, and a baby was miraculously healed while still in the womb. The doctor ran a second ultrasound to confirm what he had […]
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