In a village called Sonjo in Tanzania, where we held a healing conference, there was a teenage girl who had been deaf since birth. As I laid hands on her for healing, everyone gathered around, including the girl’s mother. This girl held her head down in shame and was uncooperative. I could literally sense unbelief around me. I ministered over her, but nothing happened, and I knew that it was the unbelief that surrounded her. I spoke with her mother and asked her to come to the meeting the next day. She agreed to come.

When it came time to lay hands on the sick, I came to this teenage girl again. I looked at my friends who were standing next to me, and told the one to keep the mother busy. I took the girl around the corner where no one was watching her. I quickly stuck my fingers in her ears and rebuked the deaf spirit to come out of her in Jesus’ name. Immediately, for the first time in her life, this young girl who was full of shame, could hear! Her smile said it all.

When the mother came around the corner, I presented her daughter to her. The mother stood there in complete amazement at what the Lord had done for her daughter. He not only delivered her from a spirit of deafness, but opened up her ears, and took away her shame.

This experience taught me that there are times when we need to minister to the person in private, without onlookers. We need to create an atmosphere that is full of faith for the person receiving the healing touch. Faith is very powerful, and so is doubt. Faith releases Healing, whereas doubt steals it. Even Jesus kicked out the gawkers, the unbelievers when He raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead, and so do we. See Luke 8: 40-56.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Create an Atmosphere of Faith for Healing

  1. That’s a good point about Jesus clearing the room before He raised the dead girl back to life, because He needed to get the scoffers out of the way. I’d not thought of it that way, but you’re right, the mourners had laughed at Him when He said she was only sleeping.
    I think it’s sad that the mother of the deaf girl actually blocked her own daughter’s healing through unbelief, but good thing she agreed to bring her again the next day.

    1. God is so gracious with all of us. He knew the deep desire of this girl’s heart to be free from something that she felt shame from others. And to receive this gift of hearing, even though she had no way to understand what she really desired before. I thank the Lord that the mom brought her back. And that I had enough sense to ask the Holy Spirit for a plan to minister in a way that this girl could receive in privacy in the midst of a Church filled with people standing around watching everyone being healed.

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