This is the word of the Lord given to me at 1:11 AM in Guatemala, February 27, 2017.

Know that the battle will be great, the hour is getting late. There is an increase of hate, this is totally the enemy’s bait.

But just you wait, for My children the end will be great. You do not need to fear a dreadful fate, but keep in mind the hour is late.

All My children will endure much hate for My name, but at the same time you will witness the lost coming to Me in droves. Numbers, great numbers like you have not seen before.

Run, run with all your might, together, we will fight off the enemy. The door is wide open now, but it will soon close, that is how close we are to the final hour.

I will send My servants to the 4 corners of the earth, anyone that is willing and obedient to go. For some it won’t make any sense, others will just know that it is the right place to go.

The earth is groaning the evil taking place, and unfortunately, it will get worse. And as My Word foretold the world will say evil is good, and good is evil.

Great division is taking place, friends, families, acquaintances, businesses, denominations, and governments are dividing against themselves.

And even greater hatred is rising against My set apart ones, death threats and treason without reason will become all too common.

A common core will latch onto satanism, and the greatest treason that can ever take place, they will turn their backs on their creator.

Man-made images will arise in places one would never have imagined before. And untold scores of people will deny Me, and bow before them.

This is why I tell you to run your race, pick up your pace, because soon you will look upon My face with amazing grace.

Tell My people I am giving them a time, a limited space to finish their race.

But the final part of the race is all about willingness of heart, obedience to the call, and endurance to the end.

But the good news is I do not expect them to run this last part of the race on their own. In fact, it can’t be accomplished in the flesh, but by My Spirit. Together, with My power we are entering into this final hour, and this final hour will be the Churches’ finest hour.

The power for this hour is being declared around My throne. The cry is, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come.” And the spiritual volume is breaking through the physical barriers between Heaven and Earth. Get ready, the trumpet will soon sound!


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© 2017 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “Entering Into the Final Hour

  1. I keep hearing (in my spirit) The Battle Hymn of The Republic’s first lines: Mine eyes have seen the GLORY of the coming of The LORD He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;He has loosed the fateful lightning of HIS terrible swift sword; HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON.. and the LORD said, “It’s building up, it’s building up”. I believe the honor of His PRESENCE and His NAME is being restored in places where there was “political correctness”.Bit by bit and in various places I believe God’s presence will so saturate this country we will have TRUE REVIVAL as His GLORY is manifested!!Yes, I, too, believe we are entering into the Final Hour.

  2. A few years back I was given a vision. It was a minute sand timer of the coming of Jesus. You know when when you flip the timer over the sand start s to fall threw tiny little whole. At first as you watch it looks like it take along time but when it gets to the end you can see how fast it is really falling..So theirs know doubt your word has come hot off the press. times is so evil .but we have a mighty God to lead us threw to the race is run. Hang on and run the race cause your reward waits for you.

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