Faith has spiritual eyes; it’s visionary and sees into the future with hope. It can envision the promises of God already fulfilled via dreams and visions. God tells Abraham to look up at the starts and to count them if he can. He is not able to count them all because there are so many. God uses this visual to stir hope within this man and tells him that his descendants will outnumber these stars. (See Genesis 15:5.) Like Abraham, our faith also needs a vision for the future to hope for and to follow.

The supernatural power of our faith has the ability to see into the spirit realm what God chooses to reveal to us.

During my preparation years for the healing ministry, God gave me a vision of what I would do for Him for the next few years. He showed me a very sick child who was at the point of death. I saw my hand reach out to her and I put an oxygen mask over he nose and mouth to giver her life. For the next five years or so, that is actually what I did for Him. I stood against the spirit of death and released the Spirit of Life to flow into the lives of very sick children.

Even the medical profession could not deny what transpired in our children’s home. Whether the children came infected with HIV or other life-threatening situations, they all were healed.

He also showed me that this sick and dying little girl represented the Church and that she was physically sick. he revealed that I would be ministering life and healing to her. But He trained me with these sick and hurting children first.

Along with ministering His healing power to the sick at healing events, He gave me a mandate to teach you His healing word so that you would have a foundation to stand upon when attacked by the enemy with sickness and disease.

So, to go along with this devotional today, I am asking you to close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit for His guidance in this spiritual exercise. I want you to dare to imagine yourself healed. What will you actually do with your healed and recreated body? Remember, faith is visionary it sees things that are not as though they already were. See yourself healed today in Jesus’ name. 

(as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;  Romans 4:17.

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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Faith is Visionary

  1. Dear Karen & Marilyn,
    I stand with both of you for total and complete restoration like we have with our son, Andres. And yes, major miracles win people to the Lord as Andres’ testimony is. Both he and our other adopted son, Marco who was raised from the dead, he had died from SIDS, and has a new heart, lungs, kidneys and a new brain. They are both love the Lord, minister along side of us at healing events here in Guatemala. They witness what we see, the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, the paralytics walk… And their testimonies have won more people to the Lord than we will ever know.

    Pray in the Spirit, fast often, thank the Lord in advance for their healing, write up a confession of faith for their healing and speak them out, and act like they are healed now. You are wearing the enemy out by first seeking God, resisting the enemy, and living the promises that he flees and the healing manifests.

    Becky :O)

  2. Dear Karen,
    Amen to calling those things that be not as though they were. I, too dream about what type of life my son will have when is restored from autism. I pray for him to find a Godly wife. I pray for his children, my grandchildren. I pray that the anointing of the Holy Sprit will be on his life. I Will stand in agreement with you and give God all the praises and Glory during my worship time today. Amen

  3. About a month ago, before going to sleep, I asked God to give me dreams and visions of what life would be like when Jonathan was healed. That night I had 2 dreams. The first was a wedding of one of my children (I couldn’t see which child, but presumably it was Jonathan). The wedding party were wearing a saffron yellow color. I took this as a promise from God that Jonathan would live, would be completely healed, and live a normal life, including marriage.

    In the 2nd dream, we were on the island in S.E. Asia where Jonathan was born, and where we ministered for 8 years. We had to leave that place 6 years ago, because of Jon’s failing health, and I’ve always dreamed of going back, and ministering there again. This dream came about a week after Pentecost Sunday. On that day, the Holy Spirit descended in great power on the congregation, and the altar was flooded with people worshiping and repenting. As I was kneeling with my face to the floor, I felt the wind of the Holy Spirit blow through, and I raised up and sat on my heels and looked up at the international flags hanging across the front of the church. The flags were gently stirring, but the flag of the country where Jon was born was billowing and waving (and no windows were open in the church – it was chilly that day)as if beckoning us to come back. I believe when Jon is healed, we will be going back to that place for more service, and with the testimony of his healing miracle!

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