12274568_1216908828335748_9132617556757837266_nThere are people who believe and receive by faith healthy teeth and gums. Here are testimonies of two people who believed and received.

Margie from Ocala, Florida suffered from severe gum disease. She could not eat or even touch her teeth lightly together without serious pain. She dared to believe God at a DARE to Believe healing service. She put her faith into action, and started to bite down on her teeth. Her gums and teeth were instantly healed in Jesus’ name.

Dennis from Live Oak, Florida recently sent in the following praise report. “Hey Becky, you prayed for my teeth on Sunday night. Afterwards, I went to Subway, and ate a sandwich, and drank some lemonade with no pain.”

The Word tells us in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds’, says the Lord…” NKJ

Let’s learn to trust God for the physical healing of our bodies. Even if we have dental needs, let us learn to look to Him first, and learn how to receive by faith healthy teeth and gums.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

392 thoughts on “Healthy Teeth and Gums by Faith

  1. I have dental problems with my teeth having more cavities with broken and one lost upper tooth. I’m trying to find a good instant healing for my teeth restoration and straightening with a prayer of miracle.

  2. I am suffering from my decayed teeth including ones that are broken and missing. I need a supernatural miracle from the Lord to restore my teeth to a normal healthy smile.

  3. I have had regular dental care my whole life, but I stayed in an abusive marriage for almost 20 years. I didn’t realize what was causing my dental problems until a dental surgeon asked if I were under a lot of stress. Turns out living in survival mode for so long caused me to grit my teeth, in turn causing much damage. God led me to safety, but I had to give up my insurance and dental care. I have 3 missing teeth, 2 broken, a loose crown, and other problems. I’ve been living with this for several years and can barely eat now. Please pray for me to receive complete healing in my mouth. I know that God can restore all that’s been lost and damaged Thank you.

    1. In Jesus’ name, as Sherry forgives this abuser of all the pain he caused her healing manifests and supernaturally the missing teeth grow a new teeth, the broken ones are recreated and made whole and the loose crown is cemented back in with no further issues, and that all infection, swelling and disease is healed and made whole in Jesus’ name, amen.

  4. Hi Becky, I’ve been believing God for a creative miracle to supernaturally straighten my teeth and restore a tooth I cracked in 2015 while undergoing straightening with clear aligners and tried to have restored via root canal. I was told by the dentist that I would have to have the tooth pulled. I really don’t want to (nor can I afford to) have a pulled tooth, and to have to start all over with the clear aligners. Could you please stand and believe with me for this creative miracle?

    Be blessed

  5. Hi becky,
    I am 18 years old and im going to be honest, I havent been taking care of my teeth like im supposed to and now they are crooked and 4 teeth have decayed. Can you pray for me to get straight teeth without braces. I KNOW the lord will help me because I believe in god 🙂

    1. In Jesus’ name all things are possible. And in His name, we command that these crooked teeth are made straight and the decayed ones are healed supernaturally from the inside of the tooth to the outside for the glory of the Lord and for your good pleasure, amen.

  6. Hi Becky,
    Ive been following you since ive seen you on Sid Roth..Supernatural about a month or so ago. I ordered book healing creed and reading that now. I kind of fall in the same category with periodontal disease. I also have a thyroid issue which leads to gastrointestinal issues, candida, bladder issues. Im trying to find out how can i ride myself of all this…im realizing i need Gods help. Im on constant meds antibiotics and it does affect my esteem. This is a big leap for me posting my business for the world to see and I dnt know if you respond personally or have someone else answer your emails…but Im desperate.

    1. Hello Jewel, Right now, I renounce a spirit of infirmity and a spirit of premature death and command them to leave your body in Jesus’ name. I decree that you are healed and made whole and that your physical body and immune system are strong and healthy and fight off every sickness and disease. If there is any hidden root in all of this I pray that it comes to the surface that you can deal with the root issue. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  7. Hi Becky. My teeth and gums have long been going downhill due to a self-image that was never built up and a continued refusal to take care of myself at least somewhat in the light of that lack of self-image. I’m trying to believe right now in Jesus’ stripes healing me, or even having healed me 2000 years ago.. it’s just hard to maintain the believing until the healing has totally manifested. I believe some, and the pain goes away, but I doubt and end up losing what God wants to do seemingly. I don’t know what to do.. help?

    1. John, you need healing physically and emotionally. You should get my book, The Healing Creed and allow God to minister to you in the areas that need to be healed. If you can’t afford a book, I have plenty of blog messages for you to read and watch and free healing helps as well to help build your faith. You be blessed in learning to believe that God loves and cares for you. Blessings,Becky

  8. I have a broken tooth and I need spiritual healing , so that I can have a complete tooth and also no more broken teeth and gum recession.Thanks

    1. In Jesus’ name I renounce this disease attacking your gums and teeth. I speak life into the roots of your teeth and into the cells of your gums and speak healing to them, amen.

  9. God gave me a Word through a person 6 years ago that he would heal my teeth in my sleep.
    I have broken back teeth, cavities in some and sometimes infections of the gum.
    God has been good. Dentist want to remove the teeth. Already one gone. Please stand with me as I dare to believe that he will restore, straighten and make whole all 32 teeth. Thank you in anticipation!

    1. Hello Livi. Certainly all things are possible, including the realignment of your teeth. Strengthen your faith for your miracle and stay focused on the redemptive work of Christ. Blessings, Becky

  10. I have been experiencing toothache for a few days. Help me to trust in god for healing of pain and restoring my teeth .


  11. Hi sister praise the Lord!

    As I gone through so many of testimonies I got some hope even my t eeths also will get restored please pray for me sister from past 6 years onwards I am suffering from this.

    All my t eeths are crooked and I have lost every gums and it has holes whatever I have bit will go and stuck into t eeths I am so much afraid about my future this happened because 1 doctor cleaned every of my t eeths before 6 year and so much of blood flowed from my mouth please please pray for me sister. I am non Christian but I trust Jesus. Please pray for me and prophesise about my future life please please please I beg you sister. I am praying praying but it’s continuing please pray for me. For Jesus nothing is impossible with that hope I am there.

  12. Hi.I have been trying to get dental help for years. Praying for my teeth to be restored. Praying for help to get them fix and looking for a way. I had absolutely no luck & my teeth are broken and damage.There is no way I can afford to fix them.I am praying for a miracle.

    1. Chat, I am sorry to hear of your suffering. I know that the Lord is willing and able to heal you. According to Isaiah 53:4-5 He already has. We know need to be responsible and learn how to believe again or believe for the first time in His redemptive power to heal us in spirit, soul (mind and emotions) and in the physical body, including problems with teeth and gums. For in depth study to learn how to believe and activate your faith for healing I would recommend my latest work, The Healing Creed. You can listen to the first chapter on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0moflem5ik

      And / or you can order your hard copy of The Healing Creed here on my site at https://backup.authorbeckydvorak.com/product/the-healing-creed/


  13. Praying for brand new teeth and gums. Cavities filled teeth were teeth are missing just a brand new smile and gjms. Restoration of whole mouth like naman after leprosy was cured skin was better than it was before the leprosy so shall my teeth be better than before ANY dental problems. Brand New healthy smile immediately in JESUS NAME!

    1. Simone, strengthen your faith to believe with no doubt in His healing creative power. Declare with your words and actions that by His stripes your teeth and gums are restored, recreated and healed in Jesus’ name. Blessings, Becky

  14. After meticulous care of my teeth, I am having horrible TMJ, periodontal loss of gums and cavities. I have no idea what brought this on as I had never had a cavity before all this in my life nor receding gums. My dentist tells me it could partially be from my stomach problem and or TMJ. I am praying for a miracle and total body healing.

    1. Hello Shell. Right now I renounce satan and his wicked attack against you. I command your jaw bones to move into proper position, and that your gums and teeth are healed of all decay and infections in Jesus’ name. Put your faith into action and do what you were not able to do in Jesus’ name, amen.

  15. Hi Becky,
    My front tooth is loose and my gums are receding badly, Please pray that my gums are healed and my bones in my teeth are strong,

    1. Hello Terri, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth and gums and that they are healed and made whole in Jesus’ name, amen.

    1. Hello Rosa. Right now, I renounce this gum disease afflicting you. I release the Spirit of Life to flow in and throughout your gums and teeth. I command the infections, swelling, pain and suffering to cease in Jesus’ name, and that you will be able to believe for healthy gums and teeth in Jesus’ name, amen. Hugs, Becky

  16. Hi Becky,

    I lost almost 75% of my teeth and I used a denture but it is not really help me out.How I can I overcome it.Please pray for me so I will be healed and God will provide financially to get implants.

    1. Hello Hughes,
      I pray the financial provision for these implants come your way and that this situation will work out for God’s glory, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  17. I suffer from bad teeth I’ve mostly all removed Ive been believing for supernatural healing and new teeth in Jesus name if you could please be in agreement with me tyia

    1. In Jesus’ name, I agree with you in faith that by the blood of Jesus and the whippings at the whipping post you are supernaturally healed and made whole and that nothing is impossible with God and I believe with you for recreated teeth in Jesus’ name, amen.

  18. Dear May,
    Right now, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into the roots of your teeth. I command in Jesus’ name that all infection be gone, pain and swelling leave as well. That these teeth are supernaturally healed by the power of the blood of Jesus, amen.


  19. I am constantly suffering a lot of pain in my teeth, they are rotten and very loose, I ask for healing prayer and breakthrough in my finances and success in my studies

    1. Puleng, In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your teeth and gums. I renounce all of this death and decay in your mouth. I decree a creative miracle to take place in the mighty name of Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, amen.

  20. In Christ’s name I claim divine health to my teeth and right side. Kindly pray in agreement? Thanks! Improvements in diet with vegetable, fruit, nuts, fish and whole grain rice/quinoa has helped combined with herbs and fastings.

    1. Amen, John. I do agree with you and your prayer of faith in this healing of your teeth and gums. And by the stripes of Jesus I declare you are healed and made whole, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  21. I have been suffering from teeth and gum issues for the last 27years and I am now tired and super scared for how much pain I still have to go through. Please pray for my healing and believing that god will put an end to this problem for ever.

    1. Dear Nam,
      Right now we take our authority over gum disease and the decay in your teeth. We release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth and gums. We take our authority given to us by Jesus’ shed blood over this disease and we command it to leave your body. We speak life into the roots and inner workings of the teeth and gums. We speak to the swelling and pain to leave, and all other symptoms you are suffering from this. We declare that you are healed according to Isaiah 53:4-5. I release creative miracles into your mouth. In Jesus’ name, amen. Now, speak and act as though you already see your healing manifested. Blessings, Becky

  22. i am naturally healing my teeth & eyes & the dentists , docs get angry & abusive ; but still have to go for hygienist cleaning – feel under psychic attack fro the dentists & staff & preyed on ….some teeth have half healed , others may heal – gums bit receding -when they were almost 100% , i got oral candida & they receded again but now trying to heal again . clearly i am being spied on & intefered with . have hardly eated any sugar , white flour, etc for nearly 30 yrs . i do do teeth-pulling exercixes & lots of similar natuiural health lifestyles.some places have abusive dentistds or phoroah satan complexes….

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing and creative power of the Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth and gums and that by the whippings Jesus endured for you, your teeth and gums are healed for the glory of the Lord and for your good pleasure, amen.

  23. Hi my name is Jacqueline and my prayer request is that the dentist David that I am experiencing dental bone loss. Sometimes I feel pain in my teeth and gums. Some of my teeth are loose but I don’t want to take them out because then I won’t have any teeth to eat with like my molars. Please pray for me that when I go back to see the dentist they don’t have to take out any more my teeth. God bless you.

    1. Jacqueline, In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through your teeth and gums. I renounce this bone loss and command the bone to be regenerated in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I command all pain and swelling to be gone and that your teeth are saved from removal. I decree that your teeth and gums and bones are healed and made whole in Jesus’ name, amen.

  24. Hello,

    My name is Ben and suffer of periodontal desease, i would appreciate any advice or encouragement.If God does not do a miracle , in 3-5 years I will loose all my teeth, I am so descouraged and hopeless!
    Benjamin Mereu

    1. Dear Ben,
      I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your mouth right now. I renounce this disease that is killing your teeth. I release the Spirit of Life to flow into your teeth and gums and that all things are made new. I speak to the pain, swelling and every other symptom and command them to cease. I speak new teeth into being. In Jesus’ name.

      Please read DARE to Believe.


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