12274568_1216908828335748_9132617556757837266_nThere are people who believe and receive by faith healthy teeth and gums. Here are testimonies of two people who believed and received.

Margie from Ocala, Florida suffered from severe gum disease. She could not eat or even touch her teeth lightly together without serious pain. She dared to believe God at a DARE to Believe healing service. She put her faith into action, and started to bite down on her teeth. Her gums and teeth were instantly healed in Jesus’ name.

Dennis from Live Oak, Florida recently sent in the following praise report. “Hey Becky, you prayed for my teeth on Sunday night. Afterwards, I went to Subway, and ate a sandwich, and drank some lemonade with no pain.”

The Word tells us in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds’, says the Lord…” NKJ

Let’s learn to trust God for the physical healing of our bodies. Even if we have dental needs, let us learn to look to Him first, and learn how to receive by faith healthy teeth and gums.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

392 thoughts on “Healthy Teeth and Gums by Faith

  1. I have severe bone and gum loss. My teeth or loose. I need Gods miracle of healing and reversing this to strengthen and restore my gums and bones. In Jesus name amen.

  2. Thank you God, for healing my whole mouth which would cost $90,000. I am going in agreement now to be heled with you Becky. In Jesus name that gu m s and bone be restored and teeth. Also that the bottom tooth in my lower center mouth is leveled and no longer diging into my pallet. I agree and pray for healing in Jesus name.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your mouth, gums, teeth and bones, cleanse them of all impurities and infections, and new strong, healthy teeth, bones and gums are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit ot flow into your teeth and gums, cleanse them of all impurities and infections, and new strong teeth are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

          1. Amen, Thank you Jesus. I too receive this. We ask blessings on this ministry in Jesus name.

      1. Thank you and Amen, Amen, Amen (I, too, receive this in Jesus’ Name)…Father, I thank you for your servant/daughter Becky. Increase her as she increases others/us. Bless her beyond belief and render her beauty for every good work–even the work that is yet to come. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  3. I have almost total gum loss. I ask you to join me in faith in Jesus name for complete regrowth and restoration of my teeth, jaw, gums and tissues. Amen

    1. In the name of Jesus’, your healer I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your teeth and gums cleansing them from all impurities of gum disease, decay, infection, swelling and pain. I release creative miracle working power of our Lord to flow in and throughout them to heal, recreate and make them whole again, amen.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums and teeth, cleanse them of all impurities and infections, and new strong teeth and healthy gums are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      1. Please pray for God to restore my missing teeth and to fix my broken words please pray for me to have muly beautiful smile back again. Thank you. I receive it on Jesus name. Amen

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth and gums, cleansing all impurities and infections, and new strong teeth and healthy gums are supernaturally recreated, and you are stored and made whole in your mind and emotions, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, your healer, I release His healing power into your mouth and to cleanse your teeth and gums from all impurities, decay, infections, pain and swelling in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  4. Please pray for healing of gum disease. I have lost many teeth and many existing teeth are loose. Right now the gum is painful and I stumble on your site. Please pray for me.. I need healthy gum and teeth.

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I release His miracle-working power to flow through your teeth and gums to cleanse and purify them from the inside to the outside, to restore health and strength to them in His most holy name, amen.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums and teeth, cleansing all inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues around your teeth causing swollen and bleeding gums. I speak to healthy gums and new strong teeth to be recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  5. Hi Becky—I’m a senior and have lost most of my teeth—have an upper denture, but my gums and bones will not allow me to wear a lower denture or anything else. I’m believing the Lord for new upper and lower teeth–Praise GOd

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your gums and jaw bones to heal and strengthen them. I speak creative miracles into your jaws and strong and healthy teeth to grow in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  6. I had an upper molar extracted a few years ago and pocketing of my gums near another tooth. I missed going to the dentist a few years, but brushed, flossed and cared for my teeth as best I could. There developed a loose tooth and I waited too long, so it fell out. I should’ve gone in sooner but really thought it would tighten up on its own. I recently went to a good dentist and they are sending me for an evaluation by a gun specialist. Please pray for my gums and teeth and supporting bone structure to be restored, strengthened and healing of this situation. I join my faith with yours for all those who need blessing upon their mouth and tooth health. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I renounce tooth and gum disease that are harming your teeth. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow throughout your teeth and gums to cleanse them from all impurities, weaknesses and disease. Be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  7. Hello Becky,
    At a young age, I lost a front eye tooth, and it was my fault and doing. It caused my front teeth to shift, and they are off center. It is embarrassing to smile or talk because of the off-centered front teeth. I also lost a molar and only had the implant put in, but not the tooth. I would like a creative miracle to straighten my front teeth, create a new eye tooth and a tooth for the molar. I need an actual miracle. Will you pray for me. Thank you, Heidi

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death in these 3 teeth. I release the power of that same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead into them. Be healed, made whole, strong and healthy in Jesus’ name, amen.

  8. please pray for my teeth and gums. I’m told I’ll need full restoration. I believe Jesus died for FULL restoration of all things. I believe for a miracle in my mouth! Thank you!

    1. In the name of Jesus Christ, your healer, I release His healing power into your teeth and gums to cleanse them from all impurities of infections and decay. I speak words of faith filled with health, strength and life into them for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  9. Thank you for all your prayers over these lovely people. I am requesting prayer over my gums( starting to recede a little) gum/periodontal disease. Pain, infection, front teeth starting to shift a little and one tooth is a little wobbly. I am believing in a dental miracle in Jesus name. Thank You Jesus in advance. Thank you Becky!

    1. In the name of Jesus Christ, your healer, I release His miracle working power into your teeth and gums to cleanse them from all impurities of disease, infection, decay and weakness. I speak words of faith over them for healing, health, strength and healthy teeth and gums, amen.

  10. Please pray for me too, I think I have periodontal disease, 2 teeth have already cracked a little and I have many cavities.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Lord Jesus to flow through your teeth and gums to cleanse, heal and strengthen them for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  11. Pls. Pray that my back molar that a filling came out of be healed and whole again. All of my teeth and gums can use a renewal, thanks, in J’s name!

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Jesus Christ to flow through your teeth and gums to cleanse, purify, heal and strengthen them, and that they are supernaturally recreated for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  12. Hi Becky,

    I have so much ongoing dental health issues that it is driving me nuts.

    – Pain from infected root canals.
    -Cracked Teeth

    Please could you pray for me to be complete healed.

    Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and disease in your mouth. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your every cell, tissue, organ and system and to cleanse your teeth ad gums from all impurities, infections and decay for the glory of the Lord, teeth and gums, be healed, amen and amen.

  13. Hi, I got a few extractions years back but got no tooth replacements cause the dentist didnt tell me the danger of not replacing lost teeth or just forgot. Now it seems to be affecting another tooth and the surrounding gum. I’m so scared of what the dentist will say again.
    Pls pray for me that I will not lose any more teeth. That God will heal me completely of all my tooth troubles. Thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the cleansing and healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ into your teeth and gums to purify them from all impurities of infection and disease, to strengthen them and make them whole again, amen.

  14. Hello, I have a tooth that’s vertically cracked and causing so much pain. The dentist examined it and said she would refer me for extraction and implant. I have medi-cal and the implant is not covered. Please pray that God would supernaturally heal the cracked tooth. It’s difficult to bear with the pain.
    Thank you so much!

  15. Hello, I have been praying God would heal me of some mouth issues. My jaw grew after my braces came off fifteen years ago (due to a growth spurt), and most of the work the braces did to give me that right bite between my top and bottom teeth was greatly affected. I still smile with confidence, but my bite has been off for all these years and at 31, I am starting to see how it is most likely causing other issues of pain in my body, including anxiety. In order for me as an adult to get this fixed all over again, I would need to have two perfectly healthy bottom teeth removed to fix this open bite. I only will do this as a last resort, but I am praying and praying that God Himself would choose to heal me directly, rather than through other means this time. I truly believe He can, but of course it’s stretching me in patience because I am recognizing more and more how His timing often differs from ours. I believe this needs to get taken care of very soon so that the recession on several of my teeth over the years does not worsen with age, etc. It also will be very expensive to go through with these medical/orthodontic options. I would truly appreciate your restoration and healing prayers for me. Thank you kindly.
    Lord, I believe. Please help my unbelief.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing and restorative power of the Lord Jesus Christ to flow through your teeth and jaws to move them to the rightful position and correct your bite and all of the other issues that this has caused, amen.

  16. Hello ,I’m bhakya and I’m suffering from severe teeth and gums infections and diseases. My gums bleed every day and my teeth are in loose and severly affected. I believe in Jesus Christ

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and all this decay, infection, bleeding, swelling and pain hurting your teeth and gums. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your teeth and gums cleansing them from all impurities and decay. I declare words of faith that your teeth and gums are cleansed, healed and made whole, strengthened and pain-free, amen and amen.

  17. Before the pandemic hit, my dentist informed me that I had a crack in my molar (one that also has a large filling). The tooth has become sensitive and painful. Please pray for a dental miracle for me. The dentist took x-rays, and I can’t wait to show him my supernaturally healed tooth. Thank you, Jesus!

  18. I have noticed some receding gum & enamel loss & sensitive in my teeth & also tooth decay just looking for healing prayers before I go to the dentist.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit, that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead to flow through your teeth and gums and to cleanse them from all impurities of death and decay and I declare words of faith over them that they are refreshed, full of life, healthy, strong and healed for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  19. I have periodontal disease resulting in decaying, loose, shifting and now a cracked tooth. I have a gum infection and tooth abscesses. I have no health or dental insurance. I am terrified and desperate for God’s healing. I believe God heals, I just know I don’t deserve His grace. Could you please pray for my healing. I am so scared I am going to lose my teeth, or succumb to these gum infections if they get into my blood stream.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and disease attacking your mouth. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your teeth and gums and to cleanse them from all impurities, infections, decay, swelling and pain. I speak life into the roots of your teeth and into your gums and that your teeth are strengthened, healed and made whole, amen.

  20. Please pray to heal my teeth and gums. I have thin gums on my bottom with gums receding and pockets forming in the gums on my top teeth. I haven’t been to the dentist in 2 + years and going today. Very scared that I have a lot of teeth and gum issues!

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your teeth and gums and to cleanse them from all impurities, decay, infection and pain and swelling. I speak by faith that your mouth is healed, healthy and strong for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  21. Hello,

    I am 28 years old suffering with periodontitis. My gums are receding, I have bone loss, black triangles, and my teeth are becoming transparent. I have come back to my faith and have been asking god to please cure me of this gum disease. It has completely discouraged me from moving forward and has caused depression. Please pray that God regrows and regenerates my gums, regrow the bone that I have lost, turnover and regenerate the cells that want to attack my teeth and gums back to healing them, and to rewire my immune cells that want to attack my oral health. Please pray for me that my gums and teeth are restored and made whole and healthy Forever free of disease.
    Thank you,

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and disease in your teeth, gums and jaw. I release the resurrection power of Holy Spirit to flow through them and cleanse them from all impurities, decay and death. I pray for creative miracles to begin now in Jesus’ name, amen.

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