A reader asks; “Do you have to know all the details of what needs to be healed in order to pray for healing for someone?”

This is a good question that many want to know the answer for. No, we do not need to know all the details to pray for one another for healing. During healing lines I have already given instruction to the people that now is not the time for a long explanation for what they need healing from. It’s not necessary for me to know all the details of what has happened for me to pray in faith for their healing. And you do not need to know all the details either.

God’s word tells us that we are to pray a prayer of faith. It doesn’t say that we have to know all the details before we pray for the sick, but to pray in faith–believing.  “And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up”, James 5:15.

This reader writes asking how to pray for her husband who suffered from a stroke. Pray this way; “In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death, and the power behind this stroke.  I speak life into his brain cells and command his brain to be recreated and made whole for the glory of the Lord. And all negative side effects be reversed for God’s glory, amen.”

Now what do you do and you have prayed in faith and the manifestation is not instant? Do we continue to pray and ask for healing? No. Now is the time to use the prophetic power of our words and speak words that nurture the healing along. When you speak a confession of faith over yourself or someone else for healing you want to be as specific as you can be. And speak it out often in faith. For example, “In the name of Jesus’, my husband’s brain cells are recreated and function perfectly normal. By faith, there is no paralysis in his body. He can think clearly, communicate with clarity, there is no speech delay, his tongue is loosed. There is no paralysis in his body, he is strong and free to walk with ease, and his arms and hands are free to move as they are created to move. By the power of the blood of Jesus’ there is no lack in his body, amen and amen.”

And she also wants to know, “How do I help him to believe and speak life over his own body In the name of Jesus’ I pray that my husband will be willing to learn how to believe and activate his faith for his own healing?” Along with being a source of encouragement to him, pray that the Holy Spirit will hover over him, and that others will come into his life and speak a word of encouragement over him and he will receive all that the Lord has for him.


Click here to learn about the power of your words in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

20 thoughts on “Do You Need to Know All Details to Pray for Healing?

  1. your simply a blessing to the body of christ. i love you woman of god.
    may the lord continue to strengthen you and more of his grace upon you.
    Am reading your book The healing creed, god bless you for the truth of gods love,
    and i believe i receive my healing as i confess my healing creed everyday .

    with all my love

  2. Becky, I sent you a message a while back about my foot pain, back and other health problems. I had a mammogram and I am cancer free, thanks to Jesus. But the foot pain is still coming back..How do I pray over my feet..want to believe Jesus healed me. I’m having colon troubles, bowel area whenever I eat, My dr thinks it’s IBS.
    I’m having hearing problems and landlord troubles…pray for me…Laura from Vancouver, BC.

    1. Dearest Laura,
      Congratulations! You are cancer free. Praise God!! Right now, I speak to your spine. I command it to be realigned properly, every disc, ligament, tendon, nerve and nerve ending move into proper position. Any of these parts of the spine that might be damaged in anyway be recreated and function normal and pain free. I speak to your hips to be realigned properly as well, and if they are worn thin they supernaturally grow to proper width. I speak to your knees, ankles, arches, and all parts of the feet and I say be recreated and align yourself to the Word of God that declares, “By the healing whips of Jesus, you are healed and made whole.” I speak to your colon and bowels that they are realigned, recreated and function normally. They are balanced and there is no infection or disease in them. They are supernaturally cleansed for God’s glory operating in your life and in your physical body. I curse the label of IBS, I decree a separation between your body and it and declare you are healed and made whole for God’s glory, amen and amen.

  3. Thank you for the Revelation of the healing power of Jesus Christ and to continue to believe

  4. Thank you so very much Becky Dvorak. I was having fear due my sister has been suffering with this infirmity and me a healthcare worker seeing the decline in her body. I would literally ask everyone I knew to prayer for her. Thank you for powerful revaluation

    1. Kindrra,
      We need to take control of fear or it will control us. And the Bible is clear the thing we fear the most will come upon us. But Jesus gave you all authority over it.
      Becky :O)

  5. Hey Mrs.Becky and thank you so much for your teaching and encouragement words that you always sent in our inbox through which our faith is always built concerning our health condition. I know and believe that Jesus Christ remind the same from the days the bible told us when he was healing and announcing the kingdom of God. We need to believe strongly like a stone in our heart that his love and power still the same in nowadays and is able to do above, abundantly, what we ask him and what we think. I know I am healed and my whole family is healed and we are all in good health condition. Every curse from our sins, our parents and ancestors sins have been broken by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord and his glory endue forever and in all generations./. In Jesus Christ name.

    And the church says Amen Amen Amen

  6. Sister i am born in a muslim family.. but now i become a believer of Jesus.and now i desperately want to see Jesus.. i pray alot to him.. but get no answer.so now in my heart i know that i know that until i see him physically face to face the way u and other people saw him i never be satisfy.
    I pray alot for that. So now i turn to u sir. Can you please pray for me that Jesus showed himself to me right now in this moment.

    1. Oni, Jesus says in John 20:29, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” I believe your faith is being stretched to trust in Him even when you don’t see Him. But that does not mean you won’t see Him while on this earth, but for now rejoice and hold on to the truth that you will see Him face to face for eternity.

      *The Lord God would say to you this day, “Be not dismayed, for I love you with an everlasting love that cannot be measured in earthly measures. My love for you is not based upon conditions, but upon the center of My being. I just don’t love you, I am Love. And I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond.
      Learn to trust Me, and lean not on your own understanding.
      Learn to know Me in My Word. Learn to trust Me and believe Me when I say I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I am with you always. Learn to hear and recognize my voice. I desire to develop a rich and everlasting relationship of trust with you. Thus says the Lord your God.”

      1. Sister i want to recognize the voice of the lord..can you please pray for me.
        I just want some answers of my heart and from my past.. there are so many voices and different answers in my heart but which is the Lord’s voice i really want to know.. can you please pray for me to recognize the voice of the lord.i pray alot.can you please pray for me.
        I heard that you say in an interview that holy Spirit tell you about people’s condition.. can you please tell something about me sister?

        1. Dear Oni,
          I teach people how to hear and to recognize the voice of the Lord in my book, “Greater Than Magic”. I also teach you the 3 different possible voices that could be speaking to you and how to easily discern which one it is. And yes, it is important to be able to know the voice of the Lord, and I add especially for these last days.
          Right now I pray that you will learn to recognize God’s voice as you grow in relationship with Him, amen and amen.

  7. Thank you for sharing that information!! I’ve often heard that when you pray for someone in particular for healing, you have to know the name of the disease to effectively pray against it. Is this true because Dr.s don’t know what my diagnosis is and this has been going on for over 13 years. Could this be a reason why healing hasn’t manifested in me yet because I don’t know have a name for it?

    1. T. Dunbar, Jesus’ shed His redemptive blood to heal us from all sickness and disease known or unknown. When praying for people that the medical field does not know what is the cause… I prophesy healing of the unknown issue and that all the symptoms be gone because our Creator, Jesus who knows all things created the body and He knows the pathology (Himself) to the way of creative miracles and healing for your body. And I pray a lot in tongues, and as I / we do we allow the Holy Spirit (the dunumus, creative, explosive power of God) pray through us the perfect will of the Father into every situation. And we know His perfect will for healing… “By the His stripes (the healing whips of Jesus) we ARE healed and made whole in spirit, soul (mind and emotions), and physical body. Blessings, Becky

  8. Dear Prophetess Becky Dvorak:
    Many thanks for praying for me during your Prayer meeting at Faith Factor in NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA, this past April, 2019.
    In was indeed my pleasure to have met you and fellowships with you.
    I appreciate all your teachings on Healing, and your vast experience walking with our Lord Jesus for many years. I believe I am healed by the blood of Jesus, and I hope for the unvarnished manifestion of my total Restoration shortly: By the discernment of the Holy Spirit, can you comment about my case at this time?
    May our Lord Jesus continue to bless you and your family abundantly. I also trust that you like your re-location back to Arizona, USA after many years in Guatemala by His will.
    God bless.
    Amen and Amen.

    1. Peter, Stand strong, speak life, and don’t back down. The enemy is trying to wear your faith out, but you be the strong warrior you are created to be and use the healing promises of God and wear satan out.

  9. Amen! Thank you Mrs. Becky for your words of encouragement. Your answered my question. Now I believe for my total healing in my uterus and wonr need surgery to remove it. God has recreated it in Jesus Name. God bless you ! I will keep thanking God for my total healing in Jesus Name. Please be in agreement with me. God richly bless you . I always look forward to hearing from you. .And still believing that I will meet you soneday. Yolanda.

    1. Yolanda, Call those things that are not as though they already are.Prophesy death to the problem, sickness and disease, but life, recreative miracles, restoration, and strength to your uterus in the name of Jesus–your healer. Hugs, Becky :O)

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