Oppressed or Possessed with Demons of Sickness?

In response to my last post, Take Authority Over a Spirit of Death, Karen writes and asks, “How do you know if a person has an evil spirit or if they are biologically ill or (in the case of a Christian) walking in the flesh rather than the Spirit?” Karen, this is a great question, and an important one for us to understand.
Now, when you are referring to someone having an evil spirit I think we need to clarify what could be happening. 1. Someone could be oppressed by an evil spirit, meaning they are being attacked as in the personal testimony I shared about being attacked by a spirit of death. I was being attacked, pursued by a spirit of death. It was clear the enemy was after my life. That’s an attack, a heavy attack. 2. Then there is demon possession, where someone is controlled by an evil spirit, their behavior, their character is altered and controlled by a demon or demons.
Concerning your question, “How do you know if someone is biologically ill or walking in the flesh?” I’m not saying that we are to be demon-focused, but we do need to be fully aware of the attacks of the enemy. The enemy, satan comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy (see John 10:10), and his weapon of sickness steals, it kills, and it destroys in every way.
Now, having said this, we need to be mature in our faith and realize that we live in a fallen world. Just because someone is sick does not mean they are demon possessed. Jesus warns us John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” We live in a fallen world, sickness and disease entered into our world when Adam and Eve willingly fell into sin. This was a consequence of their willful disobedience.
Sickness and disease are tiny, microscopic living organisms that enter into the body and make people sick. But according to Genesis 1:28 we have been given dominion over everything that moves, including these living creatures that we cannot see with the naked eye.
So, to repeat myself when someone is sick it does not mean they are possessed by a demon, but can be oppressed, pursued by a demon that attacks with sickness and disease.
But there are times when people are possessed with demons, here are some common behaviors to discern demon-possession.
- Is the person violent?
- Do they hurl insults and obscenities at others without being provoked?
- Do you hear strange voices or sounds such as growling, hissing, clicking with their tongues coming from them?
- Do they flip back and forth into different personalities?
- Do their ears flap, slither like a snake or other bodily movements that are not humanly possible otherwise?
- Is there a darkness in their eyes that was not there before?
- Are they riveted with an unnatural fear that wasn’t there before?
- Do they cut themselves? Or try to harm themselves? Are they preoccupied with blood, horror movies, death, suicide?
These are some common behaviors of someone who is demon possessed.
The last part of this question is equally important. How do we know if sickness is caused because someone is walking in the flesh rather than the Spirit? This is a matter that the Church doesn’t want to address either, but needs to.
People can be sick because of irresponsible behaviors, such as smoking which causes cancer; indulging in a diet high in sugar can be a cause of diabetes, eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure, this list can go on and on. But the reason remains the same, when people are controlled by the flesh, rather than by the Spirit of God which exercises moderation or abstinence it can cause sickness and disease to manifest in the human body.
But the good news is found also in John 10:10, where Jesus says of Himself, “ I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” And healing and divine health are part of the abundant life that He offers us by His redemptive blood.
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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Last year you came to Ottawa August 24-25 2019 with Apostle Victor Phillips and I received a healing for my intestine. I forgot to ask healing for this other part which is a fistula on my bladder. There is an opening that needs to be closed so that some of the stool coming out would stop. Just let me know if the Lord is showing you what I should. Right now I’m standing on the word of God declaring that I’m healed by his stripes. Thank you for hearing me.
I the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your bladder and declare that this fistula is healed and your bladder is made whole, amen.
By faith Lord I accept this healing. I declare that I am healed. Amen!
Please pray for healing of arthritis in most all area’s of my body, muscle, joints..for many years now..
Has been so painful. I’ve prayed everything I know, plus more.. I just last week prayed if there is any bitterness, or any spirit , that is nit of God, to be severed cast out. I just keep praying, all the time. It’s good for a short time, the nit so good .. always pray in Jesus name
Dear Tina,
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this arthritis in your body. I release the power of Holy Spirit to flow in and through your every joint and muscle. I declare that they are free from this disease, all pain and swelling is gone, and will not come back. Live life free from this disease and pain free, amen and amen.
I started dropping things a year ago because I couldn’t hold them with my hands anymore. All my joints are constantly inflamed and I ache every single day. I was diagnosed with ankylosis spondylitis and well as my neck disks being out of place and I am exhausted, in pain and trembler 24/7. I am only 34 years old and it’s progressing. I have to work like this. I am frustrated about feeling sick. I know God has a calling in my life because this happened right after I started operating in words of knowledge and helping people find Jesus and learning to hear his voice.
I have been following your videos online lead by the Holy Spirit and last time I was praying with you I felt something inside of me taking over which make me understand my sickness needs deliverance. It was something demonic that said “no” while I was praying against the spirit of death. It was frightening.
Can you please guide me in what to do next?
Dear Ana,
Fast and pray, stay in the healing Word and confess it aloud over yourself, and pray in the Holy Spirit–tongues.
Also Ana, I renounce this diagnosis and the power behind it. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your body. I command the discs in your neck to be realigned, recreated, healed and strengthened. I curse this disease at it very seed and command it out of your body. I renounce the spirit of death and command it to leave you at once. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flood your being with His life-giving power, and I say be healed and made whole, amen and amen.
Please pray for, me deliverance of diabetes, eyes, anxiety, depression, any demonic oppression. I don’t want to take anti depressant medication. Trusting God for total freedom. Please pray for my mother and brother as well. Need to draw near to God thanks Becky
Gloria, I renounce a spirit of death, diabetes, depression, and all the symptoms that this disease is carrying into your life. I speak life, healing, creative miracles into your pancreas, and eyes, and they be healed and made whole functioning 100% normal for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.
Please what should I do. Am always under financial stress
The Lord says to give and it will be given onto you. Do so. You can NEVER out give God.
Please pray for me against demonic attacks bringing .distraction to the things of God through painful cramps due to.dehydration, parasites in my hair that medicine is not killing, terriible smell like death outside my home just the enemy trying to wear me down as a saint but no weapon formed against shall prosper… I’m trying to press my way through to praise God anyway.
Dr M.,
In the mighty name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death coming against you. I decree a separation between it and you and your home. I release the Spirit of Life, the power of Holy Spirit to flow freely in and throughout your body and that cramps, dehydration parasites, terrible smells are cleansed and you are made whole and healed in Jesus’ name, amen.
1love to read about the healing power of God
Amen, Meena! I love to be in the midst of His healing power too!!
I have been praying for healing for several months now and I am still so sick. My head, stomach hut and I am so weak. Please help me pray.