Plan of Action Against Demonic Fits of Rage

Yes, we are to pray for one another, but we also need to know how to put our faith into action. I share this grandmother’s prayer request with my response, a plan of action against demonic fits of rage … I share this with all of you, because many are dealing with these uncontrollable meltdowns, and entire families are suffering. But we have authority in Jesus’ name over satan and all of his wicked works against us. And it is time that we activate this all powerful authority in Jesus’ name. “Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Sandra writes: I would like a healing prayer for my grandson whom is 7 years old and is having a very hard time at he is ADHD. He has lots of rages of anger in which when he has these meltdowns it’s like he is evil cussing every bad word in the book hitting and screaming and mainly at school he is on medication and it seems to work when we think things are getting better he will recess to square one. Teachers and principals are all trying to work with him. Please pray that he can rid of the anger and that God will put peace in his heart and let him be a normal child we are currently looking for help for him but I know one of the biggest help is God. He has two siblings and none has been taken to a church as infants to be blessed I myself am not a permanent church goer but I was raised going to church and know who God is and I would tell my children about him too I have taught my grandsons to pray before sleeping and when they are my home we do every daughter in law also needs a healing prayer to help her with her bipolar sickness and that God will help get rid of her cursing. Please pray for all and that God can work a healing miracle on my grandson. Thank you. Sandra.
Dear Sandra,
This is demon activity attacking your grandson. Not knowing all the details, other than what you have shared in great detail here is what you need to do:
- Pray a prayer of repentance over yourself, and family.
- Forgive anyone you may be bitter towards, release them from your vengeance.
- Anoint your grandson with oil in the name of Jesus Christ, command the angry, violent, vial, dirty evil spiritS off of him.
- Declare that a blood line of Jesus is drawn around him.
- Release ministering angels to encircle him and they cry out the name of Jesus Christ 24×7, and others declare “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, Who was, Who is, and Who is to come.” 24×7 around your grandson.
- Go through the house, and get rid of all satanic stuff, trinkets, music, books, dvds… Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these things to you. Do not give them away to someone else, get rid of them, break them, burn them…
- Anoint all doorways, windows… with oil and declare the power of the Holy Spirit to infiltrate that place.
- Play worship music 24×7, it does not have to be loud, but constant. Demons hate this and can’t handle it.
- Pray in the Spirit over your grandson.
- Write up a confession of faith for his deliverance, make it strong, leave nothing out. And read it out loud over him several times per day. Record it if possible on a cd and play this constantly. There is the power of life and death in every word that we speak, even moans and groans have a meaning to them.
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