With so much stress during this election chaos I want to share with you a prayer of faith for your soul. As I said, this is a prayer of faith for your soul (your mind and emotions), but before praying I want to share a little from my heart about all of this.

First of all, it is normal for you to feel the stress of the times that we are all passing through. As we are witnessing the people of this earth in turmoil as government control is out of control. It is invading our liberty, our freewill, our personal space and daily choices. We have been lied to and manipulated. Our daily pace has been forever altered with fear tactics and lockdowns, and in some places total shutdowns. And people are stressed and wearied and discouraged–especially during this election chaos.

But even in the midst of all of this distress, there is hope for our soul–inner healing for our mind and emotions. Let’s pray.

Father God, 

We come before You, and by faith we lay down the heaviness of this election chaos, and all fear and uncertainty that is rising against our mind and emotions. We know that we are created to be creatures of faith and not fear, but we confess our weakness to remain strong in the midst of such uncertainty, You have prewarned us in Your word that in this world we would pass through tribulations (difficult times), see John 10:10. And a great season of tribulation is upon us, but as Your ambassadors in the midst of a lost world, we choose the higher road and keep our eyes fixed upon You. We thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and forever, see Hebrews 13:8. You never change, see Malachi 3:6, and we cling to Your stability–knowing that You are our Chief Cornerstone, Psalm 118:22, and because of You and our life in Your Word our foundation of faith remains strong. We thank You, that even during tough times our hope, our faith, our strength is in You. And in all of these promises we remain steadfast, therefore this inner healing that we all need right now can freely flow through our mind and emotions and heal us.

In Your most precious name we pray, amen and amen. 


I suggest praying this over yourself aloud, so you can hear your own voice declare God’s promises in this prayer of faith for inner healing for your soul during election chaos. 

Click here to order a copy of Becky’s latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “A Prayer of Faith for Your Soul During Election Chaos

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power to flow through your brain and recreate all damaged brain cells and every cell, tissue, organ and system is cleansed from the effects of this stroke and healed, made whole and functioning 100% normal for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus’, the Spirit of Truth to reign down upon your mind and emotions this day. That you will know the truth and the truth will set you free, in the name of the Lord, amen and amen.

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