Let Us Join Our Faith for Your Healing Miracle!

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14,963 thoughts on “PRAYER REQUESTS

  1. Dear Becky,
    Please pray for my severe back and waist pain to be healed in the name of Jesus.
    Also, please pray for my son who has behavior issues at school. Please ask God to help him stay focused and finish school work in a timely manner and interact respectfully with his teachers and friends. He needs an obedient and loving heart to be given by God!! Thank you so much for all your prayers!

  2. Hi
    I am from India and my child Joanna (15 years old) fainted while writing a major school exam. and she couldnt finish her exam either. The doctors are not able to find the root cause of the issue. Please pray that she would be able to do her remaining exams well without fainting and score well in her exams too. And that the fainting episode would not repeat again.


    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your daughter, fainting. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into her brain to heal all issues that are the root cause of these fainting spells (low blood pressure, low blood sugar, dehydration, fear, etc.). No weapon formed against her will prosper. I speak peace and comfort into her spirit and emotions as she successfully completes her exams and fulfills the destiny she was created for, amen.

  3. Please pray for my son. He needs teeth! Broken off in his gums and dentists will not touch because previous broken jaw. He is in such pain with no help and has called assisted suicide number. God has teeth I need new teeth for him and healed gums and strength to bones and a steady job/work.

  4. Dear Becky,
    Please pray that the benign fibroid/mass in my left breast will shrink and dissolve in Jesus Name and for all the tests to be normal. I am a 31 year old woman who loves the Lord and want to do great things for Him. My consultation with breast specialist is next week.


    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this fibroid mass in your left breast. I curse it at its very seed and root and command it to dry up at its root, die off, and be supernaturally eliminated from your breast, never to return or produce in again. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to heal you and make you whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

  5. Please pray for a miraculous healing over my body as I’ve been diagnosed with motor neurone disease as it’s very very uncomfortable has almost my whole body is twitching

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this neurological disorder attacking your body. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout your nerve cells that control your movements and all skeletal muscle activity, to cleanse and regenerate and heal your motor neurons. I command divine order back into your nervous system and all twitching and suffering cease in Jesus’ name. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, amen.

  6. Please pray for my healing after a 15 year battle with breast cancer. I believe it is possible, but so many side effects and setbacks from treatment have weakened my faith. Thank you for your ministry.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray in faith for you that you are delivered from premature death, breast cancer, a familiar spirit and a spirit of fear and unbelief. I command all cancerous cells and tumors in your breast and body die off at their seed and dry up at their root and be supernaturally gone from your body, never to return or spread to other parts of your body. I boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed (Isa.54:4-5), free from all pain and suffering and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
      Lesa, see these messages to encourage your faith:

  7. Hello Becky–
    Would you please pray for my back pain (sciatica and disc problems)? Most of time I am in pain, but have medicine and some other devices to help diminish the pain.
    I have seen you on many programs over the years and marvel at your experiences with prayers.
    Thank you for your prayers–

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this sciatica and disk problems and the suffering it is causing your sciatic nerve and spinal disk pads between your vertebrae. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus (Isa.53:4-5) to flow through your spine to realign it; herniated disks be healed, bone spurs be supernaturally eliminated, and any other source of this pressure on the nerve be healed and made whole. Inflammation, pain and numbness in your back, hips, buttocks and legs are gone, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  8. Becky can you pray for my face clear up from redness, my broken and decay teeth become new and all injury on my head to disappear! Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity attacking your body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your body to cleanse and heal all infections and impurities in your body (on your face, your teeth and gums) and heal all injury to your head. New teeth and healthy guns recreated, in Jesus’ name. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to line up with the Word of God and declare that you are healed and made whole, and have peace and comfort in your spirit, all for God’s glory, amen.

  9. Please pray for my husband to be healed. He has been diagnosed with liver cancer, also a rare genetic disorder alpha-1 anti trypsin deficiency and he’s had a fever since Valentine’s Day that’s been diagnosed as a virus but could be cholangitis. We need a miracle and clear direction from God how to get to it.
    Thank you, Ramona

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors in your husband’s liver and body. I release the healing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus to flow through her every cell, tissue, organ (liver) and system to cleanse and purify them from all residues of cancer, autoimmune disease, generational curses and premature death. I speak to the DNA in his cells to align themselves to Isaiah 53:4-5 and they live and die as they are created to do so and are eliminated from his body without sticking together forming tumors, and his bile ducts are cleansed and healed from all inflammation and infections, in Jesus’ name.

  10. Please pray for healing for my daughter April who was diagnosed with breast cancer and had one breast removed and is now dealing with a nagging cough. That she will be restored to perfect health. I am so blessed to have found your words and work. Thank You

    1. n Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors in April’s breast and body. I release the healing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus to flow through her every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse and purify them from all residues of cancer and premature death. I speak to the DNA in her cells to align themselves to Isaiah 53:4-5 and they live and die as they are created to do so and are eliminated from her body without sticking together forming tumors in Jesus’ name.

  11. 2 years ago I had esophageal surgery for internal bleeding. Now my hemoglobin is dropping again. I have blood in my stool. I have made a list of 20 scriptures about the blood of Jesus. Please put your prayers with mine to command healing into my esophagus in Jesus name. Please !

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout your blood, esophagus, and digestive system to cleanse and heal all. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you, Sundra, are healed and made whole, all for God’s glory, amen.
      Attached is a teaching to encourage you:

  12. Please pray for my teeth and gums…in Jesus’ name, roots are being recreated where there have been root canals, gums are being recreated where there is gum disease, teeth are being recreated where there is missing teeth and amalgam fillings are being replaced with porcelain fillings in and any bone loss is being recreated, the name of JESUS!

  13. Could you please pray for my friend Jenny, to be cancer free?The surgeon recently removed a big Squamous cell carcinoma from her skull. Thank you very much

    1. n Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors in Jenny’s skull and body. I release the healing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus to flow through her every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse and purify them from all residues of cancer and premature death. I speak to the DNA in her cells to align themselves to Isaiah 53:4-5 and they live and die as they are created to do so and are eliminated from her body without sticking together forming tumors in Jesus’ name.

  14. Please pray for my friend Bill he has gone to hospice to die. Everyone has given up on him but I have not, I know that the shed blood of Jesus has paid for his healing. Please pray for his healing.

    1. I pray that you will have the opportunity to go to Bill and encourage him to believe in Jesus for his life and healing. I pray for others to come along side of him to believe with him and for him as well. I renounce this spirit of death and release the healing power of the Lord to flow in and throughout his entire being in Jesus’ name, amen.

  15. I expecting for a healing miracle. I renounce the spirit of sickness and death. Please pray for me so I can maintain a strong faith and positive attitude. All things are possible through God!

    1. I pray that you will choose to make right choices and do as the Word says to increase your faith by hearing and hearing the Word of God concerning this healing in Jesus’ name, amen.

  16. My daughter in law is fight cancer and I wanted you to help me bind the spirit of death I know she is scared so please pray for her her name is Gwenette.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors in Gwenette’s body. I release the healing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus to flow through her every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse and purify them from all residues of cancer and premature death. I speak to the DNA in her cells to align themselves to Isaiah 53:4-5 and they live and die as they are created to do so and are eliminated from her body without sticking together forming tumors in Jesus’ name. And I pray that her and the entire family will choose life and choose to believe in the healing promises of the Lord, amen.

  17. I request prayer for a creative miracle from degenerative back disk disease. I have prayed for years for healing from this disease (through your class and book “On the Waves of Healing Glory,” and have also received medical treatment over the years – with no success. I have become very depressed living daily with severe chronic back pain.

  18. Please pray for healing in my body and mind. It has been one thing after the other with gastrointestinal issue (leading to hospital), lower back (leading to neurosurgeon(, and a cough now that is constant after having the flu. I am tired and scared, thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of infirmity, and all hindering spirits that are attacking your body and mind (fear). I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your physical body and mind to heal all. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your physical body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole. I speak peace and strength into your mind and emotions. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Amen.

  19. I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. I am a Christian and FULLY believe that God is my healer!!! I have been fighting this battle with holistic treatment, God’s Word and prayer. At the moment it is not completely gone. Please believe with me for complete healing and that it will NEVER come back on me!!

    1. I stand in faith with you Cheryl, for your complete and total healing.
      In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of death, cancer. I curse all cancerous cells and in Jesus’ name command them to die off at their seed and dry up at their roots and supernaturally be eliminated from your breast and body, never to return or spread to other parts of your body. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to line up with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed, and your breast is recreated, and you are made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  20. Please be in agreement to be free from OCD with health anxiety. I have stood on His Word for so many years. I want healing manifested. Thank You!!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this mental health disorder, OCD, and the demonic forces behind this label. I renounce the spirits of fear, obsession, and compulsion. I command them to come out of you, and leave you at once, in Jesus’ name. I release the power of Holy Spirit to hover over you to comfort and calm you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  21. Por Favor orar por mi oído izquierdo que esta sordo desde hace una semana y no sabemos la causa. Necesito que Dios en su amor infinito me sane. Es desesperante no recibir la sanidad y no escuchar.

    1. En el nombre de Jesús, renuncio a un espíritu de sordera en tu oído izquierdo. Libero el poder sanador del Espíritu Santo para que fluya hacia tu oído (canal auditivo/tímpano) para limpiar sobrenaturalmente todas las infecciones, para que tu oído sea sanado, y tu oído sea claro y restaurado a la normalidad, para la gloria del Señor, amén.

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