Prayers to Help You - Author Becky Dvorak

Prayers to Help You

160 thoughts on “Prayers to Help You

  1. Good day pastor Becky, Please I need healing in my Life, my children’s LIfe and my marriage. Help me with prayers. God bless you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray revival of Holy Spirit into you and your family’s hearts. I pray that they receive the gift of salvation, and that repentance and inner healing is brought forth in their minds and emotions, and with the help of the Lord they will be made whole, and they will choose to walk in love and peace, all for the glory of the God. Amen.

  2. Please assist healing for Persistant Afib for adult daughter. No thyroid only by medication…she is scheduled for Pulsed Ablation…Prayerfully will be canceled.
    Thank you Becky..

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into the upper chambers of her heart to restore regular heart rhythm and normal function to her cardiac system. In Jesus’ name, I command all fatigue, heart palpitations, trouble breathing and dizziness to cease. I speak to her cardiovascular system, and every cell, tissue, organ (thyroid) and system in her body to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  3. Hi Becky, please stand with me in prayer for brain leak and deafness in left ear. Also, rosacea in my skin and eyes. I believe I am already healed. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏼

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow into your body cleansing all impurities. I speak to brain leak to cease and restore normal function to the brain. In Jesus’ name. I command the left ear to be cleared, open, and hearing restored. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system
      (Including your skin and eyes) to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, amen and amen.

  4. I tried to enter a prayer request a while back, but not sure if it arrived. I do not see a response?? Symptoms have attacked me resembling Sjogrens Syndrome and I do not receive it as mine! Could thyroid be involved? Becky, I so enjoy your books and prayers. Thanks for praying for me. Diana

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of infirmity. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your immune system, cleansing it of all impurities, the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of your eyes and mouth, all are renewed and function normally. I command joint pian to cease in Jesus’ name, amen.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this attack of the enemy against you. I release the healing power of the Lord to flow through your entire being, healing it, strengthening it, and making it whole again, Amen.

      1. Dear Becky, this few days i have been watching yr teachings on utube and i please reguest you to pray for fananacail breakthrough
        in the name of Jesus.Amen

        1. In Jesus’ name, I pray that as you do as the Bible teaches us to do, tithe and give offerings that the favor of God shines down upon you and that your needs are met, and you have extra to meet the needs of others for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  5. Dear Becky I started watching you’re teachings a few weeks ago and I thank you from the bottom of my heart because I have learned so much from you’re teachings. I recently broke my ankle in two different places and I am believing that tomorrow when I go to see the orthopedic I am going to be able to walk just like before the accident since the Lord already recreate a new ancle, new tendons and ligaments for me. I am going to be able to testify about supernatural power of God.

    1. Amen! I can join my faith with you for this. Right now, I speak to the ankle to be joined together perfectly and that the muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and nerve endings are healed as well, amen.

    1. Lay your hand upon your heart. Right now, I baptize you with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking / praying in tongues in Jesus’ name, amen. Open up your mouth, begin to move your tongue as if you are going to speak (give voice to the utterance that is being released within you now). Be bold, do not think about it, just do it. It comes from your spirit, and not your brain. Amen!

  6. My prayer request is on my womb with fibroids, under feet get got and numb sometimes. i also cough a lot midnight which can be very scary. my Daughter has hot hands problem. they get hot that she touches the ground to cool of. i am also diabetic for more than 10 years now but i believe in God’s Healing for all the sicknesses that i dont know about in my body and those of all my children. i really need your prayers and God’s intervention. Amen

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce a spirit of death and disease in your pancreas and womb. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow through them and cleanse them from all impurities. I declare recreation of the pancreas and that it functions 100% normal, and I speak into your womb, I curse these fibroids and command them to die off at their seed and dry up at their roots and to be supernaturally eliminated for the glory of God. I speak healing into your lungs and sinuses to be realigned, healed and made whole. I speak to your nerves in your hands and feet to be healed, numbness stop, just a total reset in your body for the glory of the Lord. I speak healing into your daughter’s hands and nerves for the glory of the Lord, and declare that whatever is ailing her and causing this problem to be healed and that she is made whole, amen.

  7. Please pray for my daughter Rebecca who is waiting for results of cat scan for cancer.Also pray for my son Sean suffering very dark depression.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of premature death and cancer. I curse every cancerous cell and tumor and command them to die off at the seed and dry up at the roots and be gone, never to return or spread in Jesus’ name I declare her healed, cancer-free and cancer-proof for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  8. Please pray for Alexis, in her 30’s she had what appears to be a heart attack while on a walk, two weeks before her wedding, fell and broke her jaw, and also caused a brain bleed. She has been in a coma for several months, her mother has quit her job to care for her at home. Please pray for complete healing of her mind and body, and that she is made whole in the Lord’s power.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death over Alexis. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into her heart, jaw and brain. I speak recreation into them, strength, healing and creative miracles, especially into the heart and the brain. I pray supernatural power into that brain bleed and that it is supernaturally healed. Again, I speak life, healing and strength into her every cell, tissue, organ and system for God’s glory, amen.

  9. Dear Becky, I read what you wrote about men and hearing loss in your amazing book The Healing Creed. I have never put hearing loss in the natural together with spiritual hearing, but that would explain my inability to hear from God, whom I used to hear loud and clear. I have since turned my back on that sin and have repented. I have tinnitus and hearing loss in both ears. Would you please pray for the restoration of my hearing and healing for my digestive system. Thank you and God Bless You.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your inner ears and command them to be realigned to the Word of God that says, “by His stripes you ARE healed.” and I also speak a recreation to your nerves in your ears to be healed from all physical damage. I curse the ringing and command it to stop for the glory and grace of God upon you, amen.

  10. Becky,
    I need prayer for syndrome of cushing. Left adrenal gland has been removed due to tumor. Need a creative miracle for that.
    Right adrenal gland with tumor need to be healed. Kidney stones need to be removed.

    God bless u

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this disease and the stronghold it has against you. I speak creative miracles into your body, declare that the overproduction of the hormone cortisol is corrected supernaturally. No longer does your body produce too much or too little of it, but just the right amount. In the name of Jesus’ I curse this tumor on your adrenal glad and command it to die off at the seed and to dry up at the roots and to be supernaturally eliminated from the body. I speak to all the previous damage to be healed and your body made whole, in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

      1. Becky I just saw your reply. Thank you for the prayer. I will speak that prayer over my body until my healing is manifested.
        Bless u

  11. I have been praying. I have done everything that I should in my prayer and faith. Yet, my husband has not healed but instead has worsened in pain. I know that God heals and he is real, I have personal experiences with him, but this time I don’t know what else to do so I will continue praying and believing and speaking that he is healed.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the source of this pain throughout his body. I release the power of the blood of Jesus Christ to flow through his every cell, tissue, organ and system and declare them healed, pain-free, made whole and functioning 100% normal, amen and amen.

  12. Please pray for my tooth implants loosed …. no dentiste during the pandemy…. am 72 raising two abandoned kids … I believe that it is the will of God to heal me and I am expecting the restoration of my mouth bones, gums and implants. Many thanks. I like your books. chantal

  13. Please pray for my dad who has been suffering from breathlessness for months and losing weight. Doctor will do tests to find out why there is fluid in his lungs and to check if there’s anything malignant. He had a lung infection and is not recovering well. Thank you.

    1. In Jesus’ name I curse this spirit of death and breathlessness and infections in the lungs. I release the healing power of the Spirit of the Living God to move through his entire being and cleanse him completely from all of this, amen.

  14. Dear Becky.
    Please pray for direction for my 10 yr old grandson who is under psychiatric ex meds for ADHD.
    He hears voices again last night to kill his mom a single parent and store owner.
    Using knives in middle of night.
    Pupils dilated. Mom not wanting God/ Jesus spoken in home. How to pray. I believe Jesus blood can banish the voices. Then what?. We live in different city and visit few days now in a motel.

  15. Dear Becky Please pray for me for dive healing from lyme disease, I been seek for almost a year and my body cant handle any more antibiotic a don’t know what to do or were to turn

    1. Dear Marjorie, in the name of Jesus–your healer I curse this lyme disease at its seed. I curse all the damage that it is causing in your body. I speak healing and deliverance from this and all the suffering that it is causing. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to be recreated, healed, strengthened and made whole, amen and amen.

    1. Anthony, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce these kidney stones and problems with your blood pressure. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your kidneys and the stones are supernaturally gone. I speak to your bp to be at peace and healed, amen.

      1. Becky,please pray for me my lungs and thyroid to be healed. New jaw and new teeth and back and stomach problems. My friend has a little girl with battens decease and a whole day with cluster seizures. And my friend Audrey is very sick please pray for her complete healing because I’m not sure what all she needs prayer for,I know she drinks a lot but she has been getting chemotherapy.thank you so much praise god and the lord Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah amen

        1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and all these diseases and ailments listed in this request. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through you, your lungs and thyroid, your jaw and your teeth and your back and stomach and command them to line up to the word of God and declare you healed and made whole-put your faith in action.
          I renounce these siezures in this little girl and command them to cease in Jesus’ name, and the pathways that they follow are supernaturally erased, and no new pathways can be made. And all disease attached to this situation to this girl are healed and her every cell, tissue, organ and system are recreated and healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.
          I come against this drinking problem with your friend, Audrey and that she is delivered from it and the fears from the disease and chemo treatments- amen.

    2. Anthony, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce these kidney stones and problems with your blood pressure. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your kidneys and the stones are supernaturally gone. I speak to your bp to be at peace and healed, amen.

  16. Dear Becky please pray for my friend, a father He has been taken to hospital with severe pain and breathing difficulties

    1. Anne, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death, pain and breathing difficulties. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his lungs and clean out all impurities of death and disease. I speak life an healing into his being in Jesus’ name, amen.

    2. Hi Becky thanks so much for writing your Prophetic Healing and Power of Words book!

      I am speaking to different part of the body that need healing at a time but please can you pray specifically for a skin disease I’ve had for a long time called Rosacea and ocular Roscea which affects the eyes!

      Thank you very much!

      1. In the name of Jesus’ I curse this eye disease and release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your eyes and cleanse them from the impurities of this disease and declare your eyes healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  17. Please pray for me to be healed of HIV , hyperthyroidism and epilepsy to stop and never come back into my body. In Jesus name Thank you.

    1. Daphney, in the name of Jesus’ I curse this spirit of death, hiv, hyperthyroidism and epilepsy. I command every cell, tissue, organ and system to be recreated and to function 100% normal. I speak to this epilepsy to leave immediately, and the pathways that these seizures follow to be supernaturally erased and no new pathways can be made. The spirit of epilepsy leave at once! I pray that the brain, brain cells be recreated, healed from all the damage these seizures have caused. I speak to your immune system to be recreated and it along with your blood be free from hiv. I curse every hiv cell and command them to be eliminated from your body, never to return. And I speak life and recreation into your every cell and immune system and blood and that they are hiv free, full of life and functioning 100% normal. I speak to your thyroid to be recreated and healed and function normal, amen! **Speak life, healing and recreation ONLY over yourself.

    1. Ana,
      In the name of Jesus I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your body cleansing it from all sickness and disease and declare it healed and made whole, amen.

      Becky :O)

  18. Dear Becky

    Please pray for me as I have been suffering from severe lower back pains, consistently high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, immunity issues, my eyesight has been gradually fading and on Christmas Day 2019 I suffered a mini stroke.
    I used to be a very a prophetic dreamer and very sensitive to things happening around me, my family and others but now find that am unable to remember my dreams. I feel that a demon has been inhabiting our home as often times I hear our entrance door been opened and believing my husband is home, only to find no one there. Other times, while sleeping, I feel myself been held down and fighting someone holding me down and struggling to wake up. Some months ago I dreamt that I was killed while I was sleeping, but by God’s grace I woke up. I also woke one morning to find my head spinning and just fell down, luckily, on my bed. Since then my head has been weak and my power of concentration not as good as it used to be.
    Also, my husband has been suffering severe hearing loss, which has been very frustrating for us as although he now wears hearing aids, but still struggles to hear.
    We are both very gifted and bright people and had a small ministry, which sadly, folded. All of our aspirations and dreams have failed to manifest. We still remain childless. We are now flat broke and our business has failed, although friends of ours in the same business have been flourishing.

    We believe there has been demonic and witchcraft forces operating against us and believe only a miracle from God can help us overcome our cross conditions.

    1. Dear Catherine,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death that has taken over your life. I curse it at it’s point of entrance. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to be healed, recreated if need be, and functioning 100% normal. I pray that both you and your husband will stand your ground against your enemy, satan instead of allowing him to destroy so much. I encourage you to stand up and fight in the name of Jesus, remembering that you are more than conquerors, amen and amen.

  19. Hi Becky,
    I need you to touch and agree with me in prayer. I was diagnosed in 2018 with stage 4 ovarian cancer and immediately had to start chemo in Jan. 2019 and then surgery to remove any cancer… Praise God they got it all . However, i had to continue 4 more rounds of chemo. I finished in July 2019 . My monthly check in where good cancer count was below normal range. They wanted me to get on cancer maintenance pill in Sept. I did not feel good about these pill in my spirit. I went seeking help from the church concerning not taking these pills and standing on the power of supernatural healing to take place but they were pushing the pills along with my doctor. I battled faith and the fear of not taking them… I did this for a couple of months. I could not find anyone that belived as i did…I thought I had to be wrong so out of fear I started taking this pills a couple months later in mid Oct. 2019. I was told Since in Nov. 2019 cancer count started going up from 26 to 196 now Dec. from 196 to 345 . i knew was the pill because before then it was 13 .and now they want to do chemo again and i don’t belive this is God’s will bcos i know He healed and it was premanent. I’m choosing to not do chemo. The doctor was so negative saying going to die but i know that’s a lie. I want a supernatural healing just as sudden as i was diagnosed out of nowhere. I’ m standing on God’s word for a sudden miracle. Blessing

    1. Dear DeAnn,
      In the mighty healing power of Jesus’, I renounce the spirit of death, and this ovarian cancer. I curse every cancerous cell and tumor throughout your body. I speak to them and tell them to die off at their seeds, and to dry up from the roots and be supernaturally eliminated from the body. I release the power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout every cell, tissue, organ and system in DeAnn’s body and command them to line up to the Word of God and be supernaturally healed and made whole, cancer-free and cancer-proof in the name of Jesus’, amen and amen.

      PS — You need to get real drastic in the way you speak, lay your hand on your body and say, “In the name of Jesus’ there is no cancer in my ovaries or anywhere else in my body, because by His healing stripes I am healed. Say this over and over yourself, until you believe it and even then keep on saying it.


  20. Many years ago I was diagnosed as having Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid). I have also had ringing in the ears for many years which interferes with my hearing of normal conversation. I was diagnosed as a child as having scoliosis – had surgery and a rod attached to my spine (between neck & waist) and bone removed from right hip and used to fuse my spine – I have limited movement in my neck and waist. I have been told that I have HPV, Epstein Barr Virus, Herpes Virus. I am a believer and receiver of ALL Jesus accomplished for me at the cross, including healing. I’ve prayed, had hands laid on me, multiple times with no physical manifestation. I rebuke all afflictions, affirm that I am healed, claim a new thyroid, claim a new spine w/full flexibility w/o fusion and no rod, claim complete healing of every cell of my body. Would you please stand in agreement with me for physical manifestation of healing? Thank you for your ministry and teaching and willingness to step out and follow God’s will for your life to affect others. God Bless you!

    1. Dear Christine,
      The Lord God would say to you, “Do not grow weary in well-doing, stand firm n the faith, believing and receiving your creative miracles. Speak life, healing and strength ONLY.”
      Right now, I renounce the spirit of death in your body, I curse it’s hold on you. I bind this spirit to Isaiah 53:4-5 and by His stripes every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body is healed, recreated, redeveloped, strengthened, regenerated and made whole and functions 100% normal. Your healings and creative miracles defy nature and human reasoning for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  21. My son who is a born again believer is having a problem with addiction to pornography for some time. His wife who is also a born again believer has been having attacks at night from a spirit spouse. She complains about her husband viewing pornography and it is the source of much quarrelling between them. She has recently threatened to leave him and claims that she don’t love him anymore and lacks any feeling for him. She is doing all in her power to get him to hit her in order to have a person to League the relationship. My wife and I as well as my sister have praying for healing for them. They have gone for Counseling and deliverance as well as being given prayer points to pray, but they still struggle with the spiritual attacks.

    1. Rev. Anthony,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce these wicked spirits of addiction, porn, sexual sins, a spirit of violence (divorce) in your son and daughter’s life. I pray that your son will repent of all unrighteousness and ask his wife to forgive him. That they will choose the pathway of forgiveness and restoration, amen and amen.

      1. I would like to request a special prayer for my friend Irma, she got sick with the flu and is in coma at a hospital in San Antonio Texas. Please help me to pray for Irma’s health to be restored. God heal Irma in Jesus name I pray.


        1. Arcely,
          In the name of Jesus I renounce this flu that has attacked your friend, Irma. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout her being and cleanse her system of all impurities, sickness and disease. I speak life, healing an strength to her every cell, tissue, organ and system, amen.

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