I would say to you, “Revive and come alive again.

The moment you believed in your heart, and confessed Me as your Lord, I breathed into your spirit, My breathe. And you became alive, born-again.

But since then, you have allowed the cares of this world to darken your view. And the things you confessed that you once believed, you don’t anymore.

My Spirit is calling out your name, and is wooing you to revive and come alive again.

All it takes is a simple, but heartfelt cry of repentance and the dryness of your spirit will be hydrated and refreshed again.

I am very near to you, I have never walked away from you. I have been longing for you to return to Me. For I love you with an everlasting love. And I am for you, and never against you.

My Spirit is interceding for you to revive and come alive again.

Return to your first love. Forget not the day you were born from above, as you entered into the presence of My great love. And the newness you experienced as I washed your sins away. How My joy overflowed within you as the heaviness of this world left you.

Forsake the ways of this world, and revive and come alive again.

Allow Me to exchange My beauty for your ashes. Give to Me all your disappointments and hurts, all that pain and suffering I bore upon My body so you could be free from it. Lay it all down at My feet, and leave it there once and for all.

Let My healing virtue flow through you. Revive and come alive again.

My joy is your strength. And I gave you the medicinal benefits of laughter. Learn to smile and laugh again. Enjoy the simple, but all important things in life that really do matter.

Allow My joy to revive you, and come alive again.

Your mind has been wandering in the wilderness, and temptations have been overtaking you. The way to overcome is to submit to Me and My ways. Return to My Word, and your thoughts will be renewed, and victory over sin you will have.

Meditate in My Word, revive and come alive again.

The days are short, and soon you will hear that mighty trumpet blow. We will meet together in the air, and what a glorious day that will be.

But until then, now is the time to revive and come alive again.


Click here to learn about the power of your words in  Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Revive and Come Alive Again–Prophetic Word

  1. Dear Evangelist and Prophetess
    Mrs. Becky DvorakI:
    It was indeed a pleasure to have been part of your teaching and healing Ministry tast weekend of April 26-29th, 2019 in Niagara Falls, Quebec, Canada with Evangelists Victor and Victoria Phillips at Faith Factor Church, wherein you prayed for me as I have been afflicted by stroke since March 29Th, 2017, Which have left me with some remnants of the stroke by way of paralysis on my left hand and left leg, with a slight slurred speech. I am trusting God for a complete miracle healing in Jesus’s Name and I shall trust if you would pray with me to release the healing word in the realm of the Spirit so that the tangible manifestation will soon occur for my Victory in the mighty Name above all Names , in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Jehovah Shama. While you prayed for me, I was saying, that,”the Spirit of Son of David, do not pass me by;
    That , I receive my Miracle healing in Jesus’s mighty Name, that The God we serve is a faithful God, and his mercies transcends human understanding and wisdom!”
    So please Evangelist Mrs. Becky Dvorak let me know what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you about my case, as I have come to a prayer meeting at Faith Factor which featured Evangelist Tommy Combs, in Niagara Falls in 2017, and subsequently met Evangelist Charlie Schamp also with Victor Phillips in Toronto at the Toronto Bethel Church, and although I did not receive healing on those previous times I am still trusting the Lord and still steadfastly trust the Lord Jesus for my eventual healing of this stroke affliction, in Jesus’s Name, thereafter to devout myself to converting Souls into God’s kingdom, in Jesus’s mighty Name.
    Thank you and may our Lord continue to bless you abundantly, in Jesus’s Name.
    Amen and Amen!
    Kind regards,
    Peter Brother-in-Christ.

  2. Thank you Sister Becky
    I’m pushing into My Lord , giving Him my all. Thank you for sharing this word.
    Agape Leonora Rebekah Pearson
    From the United Kingdom

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