There’s much talk for the need of revival throughout the world, our nation, and in the body of Christ. And this is certainly true, but I’m not sure if God’s people understand how to make this happen.

We can fill large auditoriums with God’s people, have the most popular preachers and Christian singers, people can sing and dance throughout the night, and still not have revival.We can travel the world and revisit where amazing moves of the Holy Spirit took place, and still not enter into true revival.

Why? Because revival is a matter of the individual’s spiritual heart. It involves self-judgement and repentance. Spiritual revival resurrects the dead, gives oxygen so that the spirit can breathe again.

True revival is not staged, and it doesn’t come cheap. It doesn’t transfer from one person to another, you have to go after it for yourself.

You must look at yourself with your spiritual eyes wide open, and recognize your utter desperation for the Spirit of the Living God. Become the deer that David describes in Psalms 42 that is so thirsty that it pants in desperation for the water, this is how we are to desire our Lord, Jesus Christ.

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, “Where is your God?”” Psalms 42: 1-3.

If you are thirsty for God, I invite you to join me for 40 days for a Daniel Fast. I will teach you how to do this with daily words of encouragement and instruction. Not only will we cleanse our bodies by eating fruits and vegetables, but spiritually we will cleanse our spirits by the washing of His Word, and learn to enter into fellowship with Him, pray daily for the healing of our Nation, and breakthrough to the realm of the miraculous for ourselves and our loved ones.

This fast starts, Monday, March 28th and ends Friday, May 6th.

Make sure to have on hand for Monday, March 28th, a supply of fruits and vegetables that you enjoy. You can juice these, or make into smoothies, or eat whole, cooked or raw, organic or non-organic, which ever you prefer. Drink lots of water, tea, and natural fruit juices. We will eliminate added sugars, and not use salt.

Have your Bible on hand, and a journal, a notebook is just fine for journaling.

If you will put your all into this time of prayer and fasting, you will enter into the place of true revival.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Revive Your Spirit

  1. I am excited to begin our fast tomorrow. I will look on ny email or yours for further instructions and I thank God for this blessing you’re offering us. God bless you.

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