Like you, my spirit is grieved with the evil that took place this weekend in Charlottesville, VA in regards to the demonic demonstration of hate and violence of the white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the KKK. Its times like these that it is difficult to find words to express the absolute disgust I have for satan and all of his wicked works against the human race. But I know, as Christians, we must rally together in the name of the Lord, take a stand, pray for a sovereign move of the Spirit and speak up.

I read in the Book of Revelations 6: 3-4 where it says concerning the last days, “And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” I am reading these passages from the Scriptures, seeing these prophecies coming to pass, knowing that hate will be increasing, and the world will be growing darker spiritually. And yet, finding myself asking Father God, “What do we do?”

And what I continue to hear Him say to us is to shine our light into the darkness. Be not afraid of what they may say or what they may do to the physical body, but to be more concerned for the salvation of others. We are to be mindful of the times, fully aware of the lateness of the hour in these last days. Speak the truth, not from a heart filled with bitterness and revenge, but speak it in love, and remember vengeance belongs to the Lord. We are not to bend to the sinful ways of the world, but bear the light of truth found in God’s Word.

Those with a mature ear will hear and know that our weapons are not carnal, but they are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds. Many will bow before the throne of grace and start to intercede for the human race while there is still time. Pray for those that are willing to go into this horrific dark corner of hate and release a mighty move of the Spirit of repentance and redemption.

Be not overpowered by the enemy’s offer of hate, reject the wickedness upon his plate, and instead reinstate the full power of the Father’s love.


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© 2017 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Shine Your Light into the Darkness

  1. I just shared these recommended post – links, with our Christians on Campus Club at Butler County Community College. One of my students requested a study on miracles. I am hoping the students in our club agree to do a book study on your book, “The Healing Creed:God’s Promises for Your Healing Breakthrough.” Thank you for sharing God’s Word with us.

  2. Sister Becky: You are right. We need to let the bitterness go and give compassion and forgivness to those who cause the pain. It is hard becuase each of us have our own crosses to bare. I just pray everyday to Jesus & the Holy Spirit for discernment of what is happening & what to do. I hate satan for the pain, hurt, and miserary that he causes. I ask Father God everyday for understanding. The healings are needed for all and you are a teacher for all understanding and compassion. I needed to read this tonight for my Faith and Christian love. I am a wounded person and I know the Holy Spirit, Jesus, & Father God understands that. I have to remember to speak of love and understanding for salvation of others. I need to remember that vengeance belongs to the Lord not us. Blessings

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