The Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. It is supernatural and it empowers us, and causes us to live in the realm of victory. This is one reason why the enemy attacks our joy level. He knows depression releases defeat, and so he works hard to steal our joy. One way he robs our joy is through the pain of sickness and disease.

He stole Bridgete’s joy through the pain of TMJ. She was in constant pain for 5 years. Her doctor could not help her. She tried acupuncture and was not free from the pain. She took 8 ibuprofen every day and Tylenol in between, and was still in constant pain. The enemy stole her joy, she could not even smile because she hurt so much.

But then she heard about a healing service, and came. Her faith was encouraged, she came forward and received a healing touch, and instantly 5 years of agonizing pain, and depression were gone. And not only was her jaw realigned and healed, but her joy was restored in Jesus’ name.

Rejoice in the healing power of the Lord, as you watch and  listen to Bridgete share her testimony.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Sickness Steals Joy

  1. Dear Ms. Becky, I have been on anxiety/depression pills since 1998 and still on it. At this point I am getting a headache and pressure on the middles of my head too often, especially if I try to think too much the whole front of my forehead and head would starts like waves of pressures try to break out. – Also its been eleven years now I moved from NY to MN and are still trying to get a good decent well paid job. – soon as I get one I am letting go or something happen where I lose it. The other thing I just cannot seem to concentrate on anything. Please pray for me divine healing of depression, healing for my mind and the righrt jobs for me. please and thank you.


    1. Dear Seeta,
      In the name of our great healer–Jesus, I renounce this spirit of depression and anxiety. I pray for an inner healing to come forth, that you are able to forgive past hurts, disappointments and even wrong doings on your part that you have not been able to let go of, if need be. I renounce a spirit of addiction to this long time use of strong medications. I speak peace, truth and love to engulf you this day, and you will not remain the same, but be forever changed for the glory of our Lord, amen and amen.

  2. I visit Phoenix area about 1 -2 times per year. I keep people posted on Events in the main menu bar on top of the page. But, we can minister to this need now. Lay your hand on your hip. Right now, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your hip and joints. I renounce this weakness in your body. If you need to forgive anyone, forgive them by faith right now, in Jesus’ name. And I speak a creative miracle to manifest in your body. I speak to the cartilage to grow in Jesus’ name. I speak into the spine and into the hips to be realigned in Jesus’ name. Bones that are worn down grow and be normal in Jesus’ holy name, amen.

  3. Hi Becky, I need healing from severe arthritis in my hip (bone on bone–no cartilage). Do you know where I can find a healing service near me? I live one hour south of Phoenix, Arizona. Thank you.

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