We need to change the words we speak. And today, I am sharing with you two reasons why we must do this. I know that it is very challenging to change the way in which we speak because we live in such a negative world. Many people do not even know how to speak anything […]

Cover for New Book! Decrees that HEAL
I am excited to share with you the cover of my new book, Decrees that Heal. Release Date: December 2023. This book will bless you and help you to receive and release healing. Decrees that HEAL Prophetic Prayers & Declarations that Bring Divine Healing Featuring Targeted, Anointed Prayers for Specific Sicknesses

Breast Cancer & Liver Growth Healed
Is breast cancer or cancerous growths on the liver too difficult for God to heal? Paulette does not think so, and neither do I. Jesus and His healing power are the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes, nor has He ever removed His healing promise from the plan of redemption. Read this amazing […]

Bold Faith
Bold faith–what is it? Where does it come from? And how did you get it? These are very good questions that I am asked of often. And just last night, as I lay in my bed I started to dream. In this dream I was being interviewed and these are the very questions I heard […]

Be Ready for My Coming Is at Hand
The Spirit of the Lord would say to you in this hour; “Wake up. It’s not time to sleep or to slumber, for the greatest hour of power is upon you. Light is crashing into darkness, and the light will not blend with this darkness, but will cause a great separation. You are either for […]

A Declaration For Protection
Do you feel unsafe? Are you afraid? Have you received a disheartening medical report? God forewarns us that in this word we will have tribulation, meaning difficult times. Then He tells us to rejoice, not because of the difficult situations we are passing through, but that in Him we have the victory. One step to […]

Victory You Will Not Lack
The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “Do not worry, do not fret, and certainly do not forget, My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. I bore your pain and suffering upon My back, So victory while on this earth you would not lack. That old devil will try […]

I Live in You
Do you not know that I am your temple? My Spirit resides within you, but now I want to truly live in you.

Believing God For the Impossible
Believing God for the impossible is entering into the realm of faith, and before you can have faith you must have hope--hope for the miraculous. Hope in the strength of God where you defy man's wisdom and strength, and willfully deny your own human reasoning and the power of your 5 senses. The first step of faith may not be…