Perhaps you find yourself in the position of believing God for the impossible, but not sure how to get there. First of all, if you find yourself in the place of the impossible then you are in right standing for a miracle. If it’s possible in your own strength, then it’s not a miracle.

Believing God for the impossible is entering into the realm of faith, and before you can have faith you must have hope–hope for the miraculous. Hope in the strength of God where you defy man’s wisdom and strength, and willfully deny your own human reasoning and the power of your 5 senses.  The first step of faith may not be easy, but it is a must. You must have faith in God’s supernatural ability to obtain a miracle.

We read about a ruler of the synagogue named Jairus, he asked Jesus to come to his home to minister healing to his dying daughter, but she died before they started their journey. And in the midst of the death report Jesus said some pretty amazing words to him about the situation. He said, “Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well.” And after they arrived to Jairus’ house He said to the mourners, Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said, “Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping.”And it goes on to say that they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. (Read this amazing account in Luke 8:40-56.)

Imagine how foolish Jesus looked to the mourners when He spoke words of life, instead of the obvious situation that lay before them. This is also why He made them all leave the room. In order for this little girl to come back to life, there could be no words of death, doubt and unbelief. Like Jesus, you are going to have to learn the power of your words, and speak life in the face of death.

Now Jairus had a decision to make, he was either going to agree with the majority and doubt the power of God in the situation, or he was going to believe, meaning he would have to deny his human reasoning, the power of his 5 senses, and the ridicule of those that thought they knew more about spiritual matters then Jesus did. He did  deny himself, and even the sympathy of the mourners. He believed Jesus for the impossible, and obtained it.

Believing God for the impossible doesn’t have to be complicated, but most often we make it more complicated then it needs to be. I teach regularly about the power of childlike faith. Childlike faith is not childish, but super strong in the field of trust. Where it is weak is in the arena of doubt and unbelief, human reasoning, and lacks the power of the 5 senses. Just as it should be–totally dependent upon the supernatural power of God to perform. And this is the stance that Jairus and his wife had to take.

The humble place of believing God for the impossible is misunderstood by the world and even by many of our fellow believers in Christ. But in order to overcome the impossible situation you must deny your flesh and your soul (mind and emotions) the pleasures of sympathy that doubt and unbelief produce, and believe God, no matter what. But look at all the good it produces–life, healing, restoration, joy, and possible out of impossible situations. Believing God is well worth it all.


Click here to learn more about the power of your words and how to use them to produce the miraculous in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.


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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Believing God For the Impossible

  1. Dear Becky, my husband of 23 yrs left me and our children almost 15 yrs ago for another woman and filed for divorce. He never married again but every relationship he’s entered following our marriage has ended. Almost 6 years ago he came back into our lives after having moved away and never coming to even visit the kids for almost 8 yrs. We allowed him back into our lives while he drove 800 miles to visit us every few months or so. He actually stayed with my youngest and me while here. By the time he asked to visit us the first time, we had already become grandparents twice. Suddenly and quite by accident I discovered he now has a new girlfriend and actually told our daughter that after just 3 months of dating that they are getting serious! I’ve never stopped loving him and this has caused me (once again) terrible emotional pain. I need a miracle for his relationship with her to end as I fear he will ask her to marry him. Please, if you would, stand in prayer for a miracle with me??

    1. Dearest Jenni,
      In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your mind and emotions and heal them from all the past years of hurt and rejection. I pray for your ex husband to dedicate his life to Christ and heal him in in mind and emotions and that both of you will heal together for the glory of the Lord. And all the damage that was done to your and the children by all of this running around be healed. in Jesus’ name, amem.

  2. Greetings Sis Becky,

    Thank you for your prayers for my mum Noreen.
    I understand due to strong medication her eye sight was lost. Please keep her in your prayers for her total healing, deliverance, protection, restoration in Jesus name. I believe her sight is restored 20×20 clear and blessed in Jesus name and she is getting better and better every day of her life and the glory of god to protect her in Jesus name.
    Blessing and glory wisdom and thanksgiving, honor and power to our mighty god who performs miracles after miracles in Jesus name AMEN.

    1. Sunshine,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of blindness, and the death of the vision in the eyes. I release the Spirit of Life to flow in and throughout every part of the eye and that the eyes are recreated, full of life and flowing with 20/20 vision for God’s glory, amen.

  3. Amen Sis Becky,
    God is not slack regarding His promises. According to Mark 7:37 He does all things well. He makes the blind to see and the mute to speak” My faith and belief in God is everything. Please continue to stand with me for the manifestation of healing in my son’s life. We have been through so much. We have been mistreated, disrespected, and lied to. God said He is near to those who are contrite in spirit. ” Some trust in horses and chariots. but I will always trust in the Lord my God.

    Bless you Sis Becky

    Hugs Marilyn

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