The Lord God would say to you this day, “Get ready, prepare for this year, for it will be a challenging one. But I have called and anointed you for such a time as this. (See Esther 4:14) Be ready in Spirit, know Me and My ways, and walk in them. Blessed is the one who walks in My ways, (See PS. 1:1-2) whose life is guided by My Spirit (ROM. 8:14) and is firmly planted in My Word. (JOSH. 1:8)

I warn you of things that are coming your way, not so that you run and hide, but so that you are not taken off guard. You will be pressured to recant your faith, but I say to you, “He who is faithful to the end will be saved.”. (MATT. 24:13) Therefore, be ready in season and out of season, know what you believe and why you believe it. Be prepared to give a proper reply. “For out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks.” (MATT. 12:34) But do not fret and be full of worry, for in that hour I will give you the words to speak. (LK. 12:12)

I have not called you to be a cowardice. But by My Spirit, I have empowered you to be strong, and courageous, (JOSH. 1:9) equipped for every battle that you will face. For greater am I in you, than he, the devil who is in this world. (1 JN. 4:4) I have destined you to be more than a conqueror. (ROM. 8:37) So, arise, put on the full armor, (See EPH. 6.) and fight the good fight of faith, (1 TIM. 6:12) and know that you win, because I won for you. (1COR. 15:57)


For those that are joining me for the 21-Day Daniel Fast, Click Here for the special page for assignments and links for prayers and words of encouragement. 

Click here to purchase your signed copies of my new book, Decrees that HEAL, (Prophetic prayers & Declarations That Bring Divine Healing).

Click here to enroll in my next 12-Week Online Healing Course, Decrees That HEAL.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2024 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Word of the Lord for 2024

  1. I will try and register for this healing class. I have to for I need healing and breakthrough in my life.

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