“I stand in awe many times over as I witness the prophetic healing power of the Spirit change and rearrange the lives of God’s people forever. A simple command of faith, “In Jesus’ name, I command this cancerous tumor to shrivel up and die,” and by morning the large tumor is gone and a woman’s life is dramatically altered.” Quote taken from Chapter 1, page 7, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

I believe the Word of God when it says, “As Jesus is so are we on this earth.” See 1 John 4:17. Jesus was a man filled with faith when He walked this earth in the human form. And everything He did while here He did as we would do. He did not cheat. He did not call upon His God-powers in heaven. He left them there and came to show us how to live by faith according to the Father’s ways.

Take time to ponder upon this thought for a moment, “As Jesus is so are we on this earth.” What an amazing word from God! We are to emulate Him, act like Him, love like Him, and even speak like Him. And just how does He speak? With authority.  He was not passive with His words. He always spoke with a purpose. His words cut to the heart of the matter. He rebuked the religious, was compassionate with the hurting, He put satan and his demons in their place every time, and since His childhood on this earth was speaking in the realm of the prophetic.

He has a way with His words that dramatically alters the lives of those He comes into contact with, and so should we. We are to be like Him, and use this gift, the power of the spoken word and prophesy healing to all those in need in our arena of influence. Romans 4:17 teaches us to “call those things that are not as though they already were”, this is prophesying. And it is not as mysterious as one might think. We do it all the time, every time we open up our mouths we prophesy either life or death, see Proverbs 18:21.

With all of this in mind, perhaps we should learn to use this supernatural power, the gift of the spoken language in such a way that we create a change, alter the destiny of the lives of those around us for the glory of God. Learn how to surrender our words to Him, allow Holy Spirit to play a vibrant melody on the strings of our vocal chords.

I can teach you how to use your words to dramatically alter the lives of those around you for the glory of the Lord, especially in these last days in my new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words. I even give you the opportunity to check out a free chapter for yourself. Or click here to purchase your copies now.


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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Words Can Dramatically Alter Lives

  1. I truly believe the word when it says, ” Death andl life, are in the power of the tongue and we eat the fruits thereof.”

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