How many times have I heard that it is not always God’s will to heal people. Or that He chooses to heal some, but not all. Comments like these  are like fingernails scratching on a chalkboard.  They cause my spirit to cringe within me, and they should cause your’s to cringe as well. Let’s turn to the Scriptures to discover the truth about God’s will to heal you and me.

Jesus had to deal with this issue as well, one such time is recorded in the Book of Luke in chapter 5, verses 12-13. It says, And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Then He put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him.”

Let’s study these verses out a bit more to see the depth of the desire He has to heal us. The leprous man calls out, “If You are willing, …”. This word willing in Greek is thelō from the Strong’s Concordance, G2309, and it means to will, to have in mind, to intend, to be resolved, to be determined, to purpose, to desire, to wish, to love, or to like to do a thing. This man is inquiring Jesus, “Do You desire to heal me? Is it Your purpose or intent to heal me? Would You love to heal me?” Perhaps, you desire to understand the intent of Jesus concerning healing. And you, like this man want to know, “Is it His will to heal you?”

Shall we continue on to find out what is His will in this matter? Not only does this man want to know if Jesus is willing, but he wants to know if He can heal him. The word can in Greek is dynamai, Strong’s G1410, and it means able, powerful and strong.  He wants to put an end to his doubt and find out if Jesus possesses the ability to heal because in the natural his situation is labeled impossible, and carries the power of death and suffering. This man’s life depends upon a miracle, and is Jesus the One that is strong and powerful and able and willing to give him this much needed miracle? You may be wondering the same, “Is His strength and power greater than the disease attacking your body? And does He really possess the ability to make your body whole again?”

This man was seeking Jesus for deep truths about His credentials, “Can He make …?” This word make in Greek is katharizō means to cleanse,to purge, and to purify, Strong’s G2511. This man is plagued with a curse of death and needs to be purged from it. To purge yourself from something is to be freed from something unwanted. This man needed to be completely free from leprosy, no residue of it could remain in his body if he were to be totally free and cleansed from it. Are you in this man’s situation? Your body needs to be purged from the sickness or the disease, not a trace of it can remain.

In response to this man’s plea for a miracle, Jesus does the unthinkable, what others are afraid to do, He reaches out and touches the man. Let’s ponder upon the faith principles that are being activated at this point in time. Jesus is demonstrating to us how we are to be by His example on this earth in the form of a human being. He was operating in the principles of faith, and faith operates by love, and love alone, and there is no fear in faith. 

  • For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love, Galatians 5:6.
  • There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love, 1 John 4:18.

And Jesus answers the man suffering with leprosy and says to him, “I am willing.” Meaning, “I desire to heal you. I would love to heal you. My intention is to heal, and not to harm you.” And this is what He is saying to you as well.


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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

10 thoughts on “You Will to Heal Me

  1. HI Becky, I have read your books Dare to Believe and the Healing Creed. I completely believe God for supernatural healing. My son has been sick for 11 years with gastrointestinal illness and now the inflammation is in his spine. He can’t even turn his neck, for almost 4 years now. He has given up believing for a miracle and is convinced (for the 40th time) that he has to follow a perfect diet. His wavering is very frustrating. I want to believe that God will heal him despite his lack of belief, because I have the faith to believe. What do you say? He wants to die sometimes because the physical pain and isolation is so great….too much to recount here. I’ve laid hands on him so many times. He has been prayed over so many times. The lack of a healing has worn out his faith. He is so sick and I don’t know what to do.

    1. Dear Valerie,
      Only speak words of faith and healing over him and to him, no matter how he is acting. Right now, I renounce this spirit of infirmity over him. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into his spine. I command the inflammation in his spine to be gone and the nerves to be at peace in Jesus’ name. I renounce this gastrointestinal illness, I command it to leave his body in the mighty name of the Lord. That his digestive system is at peace, no more pain, swelling, and illness, because it is gone in the name of Jesus and it is not going to return for the glory of our Lord, amen.


  2. Dear Becky! Many thanks for your post on Healing. This is what I needed today. I have today started my 5 day fast and prayers for the healing of my daughter of her autism, complex motor stereotypies and other related symptoms. I have faith in Jesus and I pray in his name that he completely heal my daughter of all her symptoms, and not a trace of it will remain. Amen.

  3. Sister Dvorsk. God is good. Thsnk you for your teaching. We need to hear this. That God wants us all heal . I’ve lost love ones from cancer and I know God is willing to heal many from this dreadful disease that is killing many people alover the world. I am from Texas and I pray that I will go see you at Austin . I am a 63 year old single woman and please be in agreement that God will make a,way for me to go in Jesus Name. God continue to bless you and your family. Blessings from Texas.

    1. Hello Don,
      In Jesus’ name I renounce this problem with your eyes, and release the healing power of our Lord Jesus into them and that they are healed and made whole, all pain and suffering begone and 20/20 vision return in Jesus’ name, amen. Blessings, Becky :O)

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