It’s faith, your faith in Jesus, the Healer that saves, delivers, protects, heals, preserves, causes you to do well, and makes you whole. Let’s look at 3 examples in the New Testament that will help us see this truth clearer. First, let’s start with the woman with the issue of blood, then we will go to the scene of Jesus and a leper man, and then to the blind beggar.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

3 thoughts on “Your Faith Makes You Whole

  1. The Lord is good Becky to give us His servants that teach us on how to believe the word of God and have faith that will provide healing and make us whole like a woman with an issue of blood. Thank you.

  2. Praise the Lord ! Thank you for your teachings on Healing and Faith .Am a mother of a 21 year old son with autism though not very sever but he is also dylexic.Please pray for his healing.Please kindly finish your teaching with a prayer.

  3. Thank you Becky. Such a good word. I listen, and constantly I am increasing my faith. I want my faith in Jesus to make me whole, too. I believe it will.

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