Dear Becky,

My grandson, Alvin was admitted to the psychiatric ward today. He has been hearing voices that say they want to harm us. Please join your faith with mine for his deliverance.

Grandma Susan

Dear Grandma Susan,

Before you visit Alvin in the psychiatric ward, anoint a prayer cloth with oil. (A little dab of vegetable or olive oil will do.) Hold this prayer cloth in your hand and start to intercede for Alvin. In the name of Jesus, come against all demonic spirits that are attacking him. Take your authority over a spirit of fear, death, suicide, murder and all other harmful spirits that are manifesting through him. Command all lying spirits to be silent in Jesus’ name. Cast these wicked demons out of him.

In the New Testament, we read the story from Luke 8:26-39, of Jesus’ encounter with a demoniac, a man possessed with demons. Demons manifest in the presence of Jesus Christ. And by their actions they identify themselves.

In verse 27 it says that the man wore no clothes. Spiritually speaking the man was missing his spiritual covering, the glory of God. He was stripped of his identity. Then it goes on to say in the same verse that he lived in the tombs. The spiritual significance of this is that he is possessed with a spirit of death. In verse 28 we read how an unclean spirit (ungodly spirit) is begging Jesus to stop tormenting him. Demons cannot stand to be in the Lord’s presence. It drives them mad. And the demons throw the man on the ground in seizures, and drives him into the wilderness, away from the presence of God or human contact. A place of utter torment where they have total control of the human being who was created in the mirror image of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In verse 20 we read how Jesus asked the demons to identify themselves. And they replied to His authority and identified themselves as Legion, meaning many demons. They begged and pleaded Jesus Christ not to send them into the abyss.

In cases of deliverance I have had the demons beg me not to send them to this place. And I have learned if the demons do not want to go there, it must be very bad. Now, I want to be very clear here, I do not play around or converse with demons, I use my authority in Jesus Christ and cast them out of the person immediately.

My reason for sharing this story of Jesus is to show you how to identify the demonic spirits attacking your grandson.

With the prayer cloth in hand, declare with the power of your faith-filled words Alvin’s freedom from all satanic power. Release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to manifest in Alvin’s spirit, soul and body. That he will become whole by the blood of Jesus that was shed for his deliverance.

Spend the time, and pray the perfect will of the Father over Alvin and pray in the Spirit.

Then go to Alvin and place the cloth on or near his body. You may need to place this cloth inside of his pillowcase, or under his mattress.

Ask the Father, to release His ministering angels around Alvin. And that they cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty. Who was, Who is and Who is to come.” And other angels cry out the name of Jesus 24/7 over Alvin all the days of his life.

I know from experience that the enemy cannot stand to be in the presence of true worship of the Father.

Every deliverance is different, but as you put your faith into action, and anoint a prayer cloth and intercede for Alvin’s deliverance, you prepare the spiritual atmosphere and build your own faith for his complete deliverance. The Holy Spirit will show you how to walk though this deliverance. For now, anoint the prayer cloth, and intercede for Alvin’s complete deliverance.

10 thoughts on “Anoint a Prayer Cloth

  1. Thank you Jesus I seen you on Sid Roth and your testimony and I was looking for prayer cloth and anointing oil and I stumbled across your website and I recognize you right away thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord for he is great and worthy to be praised I’ve been trying to find my calling how many people say that I’m called to preach but I’m going to keep on praying and see what the Lord tells me God bless you and everything you touch the mighty name of Jesus

    1. Lockwood,
      In the name of Jesus I baptize you with the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Open up your mouth by faith and begin to speak in your heavenly language. I renounce this spirit of addiction to chewing tobacco and any other addictions as well. You be delivered, healed and set free for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  2. Praise the sister Becky
    Please help I cannot sleep at night.i feel so fresh .I try to read the Bible,pray,worship give thanks to the Lord ..I hardly sleep
    Please pray over me sister thank you sister

  3. I believe Jesus Christ already has intervene for Alvin for what is impossible to man to God is possible. The Bible says in Luke 10:19, those that trust the Lord has been given an authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and He promised that nothing will hurt us. We pray that in Jesus mighty name those demons should be cast out through Jesus Christ power and authority as Grandma Susan place the anointed cloth on him.

      1. Awesome Testimony!
        Where to get prayer cloth.
        Use for eyes glaucoma & cataracts.
        Plus peace in my home.
        My granddaughter who father passed away 2 years ago find peace & her own place to live.
        Name : Joan
        Thanks! Love how to use oil & pray 🙏 over it.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce these cataracts and a spirit of blindness attacking your optic nerve. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through the lenses of your eyes and optic nerve to heal and recreate them and restore normal 20/20 vision to you. I pray the Holy Spirit impart His peace and comfort into your home and granddaughter, and that she receives the gift of salvation and inner healing take place within her mind and emotions and with the help of the Lord she will be made whole, all for God’s glory, amen.
          Please see Becky’s website for products, books and more:

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