Where Does the Deep Begin with the Spirit?

Such excitement stirs within us when we allow ourselves to think about plunging into the deep and glorious realm of the Spirit. Our imaginations visualize great spiritual adventures of the supernatural kind such as dreams, visions, healings, heavenly visitations, and creative miracles. And yes, all of these and so much more await us as we plunge into the deep with the Spirit.

But let’s take a moment to contemplate what it means to plunge into the deep and glorious realm with Holy Spirit. Our uncontrolled mind and emotions throw us into the deepness of the Spirit instantly, but I’m telling you from experience it doesn’t work this way. This is where it will eventually lead us to, but this is not where it begins. Before plunging into the deep and glorious, let’s find out just where this supernatural realm begins.

In the natural, the beginning of the deep is at the bottom of the sea. And in the deepest part of the ocean, it’s dark, the pressure is strong, it’s unbreathable, and a lonely place to be.

But spiritually speaking, in order to go into the deep and glorious of the supernatural realm with God, we must start here. And even though we may feel like we are all alone in this place, we are not. The Spiri of the Lord is with us.

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?  If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me (Psalm 139:7-10).

Spiritually speaking, the deep for us begins in the depths of repentance. This is not a popular topic in most pulpits nowadays. Many think they can rent a big hall, hire great-sounding musicians and singers, add a moving preacher who can preach, send out the invitations, and we’ve got ourselves a great revival. But that’s not how it works. A true revival always starts with a repentant heart.

When we look at the great prophets of the Bible before they walked in the true power of the Spirit, they all went down into the depths of repentance. The loser they moved toward God, the more they sensed His holiness and saw how unworthy they really were. They felt inadequate for the job and the need for a spiritual cleansing. In today’s world, it’s the same for us.

This was Isaiah’s response when he entered into the presence of God and received the prophetic call,

So I said: “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 6:5).

You may feel like Isaiah did here—undone! This is the beginning of the second wave, (that I speak of in this book), but fear not. Instead, trust God to take you into the deep waters of repentance and have His way with you, cleansing your heart from all ungodliness.

This excerpt comes from my book, “The WAVES of Healing Glory”, chapter 3, “Plunge Into the Deep Waters of Repentance”, pages 57-59.

Let’s pray.

Father God, in the name of Jesus’, I confess that I am not where I should be spiritually. I have allowed the things of this world to cloud my view of You. Help me, lead me to the deep waters of repentance. Help me to truly examine my heart, and to see the areas that I need to adjust to live as I should for Your glory, amen.

Click here to purchase your copy of “The WAVES of Healing Glory”. Or you can also purchase a copy of it from your local Amazon.com. 

Take a Spiritual Bath of Repentance

Lovers of Jesus desire for His glorious return, but we read in Ephesians 5:25-27, (NKJV) “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,  that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”

What stirs within my spirit, is that yes, we long for the return of our Lord for many reasons. One reason being we desire to be united with our Lord and another reason is to be rescued from the turmoil of this sinful world. And yet, according to the Word sin separates us from God. (See Isaiah 59:2.)

I tell you the truth, as I travel and minister, I see how sinful God’s people have become. And they do not see their own sinfulness. But God’s Word warns us in Galatians 5: 19-21, (NKJV), “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

Could it be that in God’s mercy, He is waiting for us to take a spiritual bath of repentance? And no matter what you think of this possibility, at least we should be grateful that He hasn’t returned yet, as many would not be ready.

Yes, I agree that “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23 (ESV). And that “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” 1 John 1:9, (KJV). But my point is the day-to-day sins that are being committed, that God’s people have become spiritually blinded to. Why is this? According to Matthew 24:12 in these latter days there will be an increase of lawlessness. And it is happening before our very eyes, and many are becoming worn down spiritually, complacent, compliant to these ungodly acts.

Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. Mt. 24:12, (NASB 1995).

We need to take the time and examine our own heart, be honest and ask Holy Spirit to reveal the areas that we need to clean up. He will help all of us to recognize the sin areas of our lives if we allow Him to.  Let’s do this right now,

Dear Holy Spirit, I ask for Your help to examine my heart, show me what I need to change to make things right in my life. I desire to take this spiritual bath of repentance. And I don’t want to just do a quick sponge bath, but to plunge into the deep waters with You, and truly cleanse myself of all unrighteousness. In Your name, I pray, amen.


Tomorrow, I will share an excerpt from my book, “The WAVES of Healing Glory” and discuss them with you. For those that have a copy of the book, I encourage you to start reading through the book and work your way through this. It’s time to get ready for the return of our Lord.

Click here to purchase your copy of “The WAVES of Healing Glory”. Or you can also purchase a copy of it from your local Amazon.com.

Plunge into the Deep Tsunami Waves with the Spirit

I don’t know about you, but my spiritual senses are on high alert right now. My spirit is telling me to get ready, be prepared as this supernatural battle between good and evil is about to heat up to a level we have not witnessed before.

Times are changing rapidly, and it can be challenging to keep up to all that is transforming around us. Many are hoping for the Lord’s speedy return, but according to what I read in the Word it says that Jesus is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle. Those that have been following my teachings over the years, know that I believe the spot is the sin, and the wrinkle is the old man, the old sinful ways. And we need to take a spiritual bath and prepare for the largest revival we have ever seen. I invite you to plunge into the deep spiritual tsunami waves with the Spirit.

Tsunami Wave of Healing Glory

Along with reading His will and desire for our health and well-being in the Scriptures, the Lord continues to give me dreams and visions and prophetic utterances about waves being released onto this earth. These prophetic sightings started with the following vision I call, “A Tsunami Wave of Healing Glory.”

In a vision the Lord showed me on January 7, 2012, a tsunami wave of supernatural healing hitting the Wester world, and He said to me, “No longer will people say, ‘Why doesn’t divine healing manifest here?”

A wave of divine healing is overtaking the West, expect to get wet! But along with this wave will be a strong undertow of unbelief that will try to pull you away. Don’t allow satan the liberty to pull you under. Rise to the top and believe.

This wave is different from before. It won’t be in isolated locations with pockets of people receiving. This wave will manifest in all places to all people.

Ministers of healing are rising to the top of this wave. Not only will we minister healing, but we also will equip others to ride the wave.

The blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, the paralytics walk, incurable diseases are healed, and the dead rise. Unusual types of miracles are also in this wave—and it has arrived at the Western shores.

Don’t be afraid of this Living Water. It’s what you have been waiting for. This powerful tsunami wave overtakes and heals all who are willing to step in and get wet.

Many are of the mindset that God only heals those who ae in poverty-stricken nations. Or unfortunate ones who don’t have access to good medical care. But I ask you, “Is this truth or just hearsay?” It is the latter. We in the Western world have seen how suddenly the richest nations can fall into calamity and financial hardships and share in the same tribulations with the developing nations.

Times are changing, and so too is the earth and its inhabitants. Truly, I say to you that God is not geographical. He goes wherever there is a believing heart, and believing hearts can be found anywhere in the world—in every hemisphere. And the one believing can call out to Him at any given time—morning, noon, or night—and the Lord Himself promises to hear us when we call to Him.

I am taking this excerpt taken from chapter 1, “Tsunami Wave of Healing Glory, pages 3-4, from my book “Waves of Healing Glory.” And I am adding additional information to this message for today. Why? Because for those that have read this book, you know that I talk about numerous waves that are sweeping across our land, and one very important wave, specifically a tsunami wave is “Repentance.”

This nation must repent, but God always begins with His own household first, the Church. And when God’s people are truly humbled, all sin and pride broken off, then the Spirit of the Living God can freely move in and through His people—you.

I normally, take people on a time of fasting and praying, using this book, “Waves of Healing Glory” during the month of January to help you to start the new year afresh. But Holy Spirit is prompting me to take this time now through the elections and get people ready for the chaos that is about to break loose. The body of Christ needs a reset, and she needs to examine her heart and get things in spiritual order now. God needs us to be ready to activate our faith now, not just for ourselves, but for those in our arena of influence. I sense a strong urgency in my spirit that we must prepare ourselves for all that is about to take place and do so quickly.

I invite you to join me during these next couple of months to get ready spiritually for what is about to take place. I ask you to make a conscious effort to press into the Lord Jesus Christ right now, spend more time in the Word with me, go through the teachings in this book, “The Waves of Healing Glory”, and other teachings and assignments as the Lord leads. I will be sharing on FB Live words of encouragement, prophetic words as Holy Spirit leads. All I know right now, is that God’s Spirit is impressing upon me to prepare the people for what is coming.

Sepsis Prayer of Faith

Pray this prayer of faith for those you know that are under the deadly curse, “Sepsis”. And together with your family and friends trust the Lord, your healer, to do the impossible and cleanse and purify the blood of your loved one. Remember, with God all things are possible.  (Matthew 19:26)

I plead the power of the blood of Jesus over you. I declare words of faith that you will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord (Ps. 118:17). You have been redeemed from this blood poisoning curse, sepsis, when Jesus became the curse for you (Gal. 3:13). I declare words of life (Prov. 18:21) that your body is healed from all types of infections, your immune system is strengthened by the power of the Spirit (Zech. 4:6), all inflammation is gone, and tissue damage and organ failure is healed. In Jesus’ name, I pray in faith for you, amen.

Excerpt from “Decrees That Heal” page 74, Blood Disorders.

Watch My Interview on the Shaun Tabatt Show

I am happy to share with you my interview on the Shuan Tabatt Show that I recorded earlier this year. Listen to the meaning of a prophetic dream that the Lord gave to me concerning the spiritual condition of the Church and the worldliness attacking her from within. Be encouraged as we discuss a lie or two that people believe that block their healing from manifesting. Click on the link and watch this powerful interview and strengthen your faith to believe for your miracle today.

CLICK to WATCH My Interview on the Shaun Tabatt Show.

How Do I Not Panic or Give in To My Fears?

How do I not panic or give in to my fears? Let’s face it, times are rough. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, (NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” How do I calm my mind and emotions during tribulations, difficult times?

We read Jesus’ response to the disciples concerning the latter days from the Book of Matthew 24:6-8, (TPT), “You will hear of wars and revolutions on every side, with more rumors of wars to come. Don’t panic or give in to your fears, for the breaking apart of the world’s systems is destined to happen. But it won’t yet be the end; it will still be unfolding. “Nations will go to war against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms. And there will be terrible earthquakes, horrible epidemics, and famines in place after place. This is how the birth pains of the new age will begin!”

Jesus was prophetically revealing that these horrific events would take place, but at the same time He says, “Don’t panic or give in to your fears.” His words about how we should or should not respond to such terrifying events are bold, and full of faith. And a question many are asking themselves concerning all of this is, “How do I not panic or give in to my fears?” And it is a real-life response to critical times. And God’s answers to how we can stay calm and bold are found in His Word.

God has a spiritual tranquilizer, it’s His peace. And He instructs us how to ingest His peace in the midst of all this chaos in Philippians 4:8 (NKJV), “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

He is not telling us to be ignorant about what’s going on around us, but to choose what we dwell on. And this portion of Scripture helps us to make healthy thought choices. We are also taught to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, (see Hebrews 12:2). While in the middle of the trail, make a quality choice that no matter what Jesus is our focus. And pray in faith (see Heb. 11:6), believing (trusting) that God knows what you have need of (Matt. 6:8), and trust that the Lord is and will be faithful to you, (1Thess. 5:23).

So, how do I not panic, and give in to my fears?

  1. Make healthy thought choices.
  2. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
  3. Pray in faith.
  4. Believe God will meet your needs.
  5. Trust in the Lord’s faithfulness to you.

Let’s pray.

Father God,

I have read in your Word how things would be concerning these latter days, but reading about them, and living through them have my mind in a tizzy. I ask for Your help Holy Spirit that in the midst of such chaos to make healthy thought choices, to fix my eyes on Jesus, a gentle reminder to pray in faith, believe Your promises to care for my needs and the needs of my family, and to trust in Your faithfulness to me. In Your precious name, I pray, amen.

woman wearing silver-colored ring

Build a Wall of Protection Over Yourself with Your Words

“Build a Wall of Protection Over Yourself with Your Words”.  Wow, what a title! The world is on fire, filled with the negative powers of satan being released by the ungodly use of words against one another. But as followers of Jesus, we do not need to settle for this.

According to the Scriptures, your tongue is full and overflowing with supernatural power. And this power is unleashed every time you open your mouth to speak. Spend a few moments and contemplate the following.

Spoken words are very important; in essence, they dictate the direction of your life. So, choose them wisely. They can be a positive or negative influence, cause others to feel good or bad, happy or sad, they encourage or discourage, promote peace or hostility, they build up or tear down, heal or hurt, they create or destroy, they can also build a wall of protection around yourself, family, and situation you face.

So, let’s build a wall of protection over yourself with your words and begin to speak these declarations of faith from God’s Word. “No weapon formed against me, my family, and the situations I face shall prosper, no evil will come near my dwelling, and every lying tongue set on fire against me shall be silenced, exposed, and brought to shame in Jesus’ name, amen.

Be Strong and Courageous Prophetic Word

The Word of the Lord to you this day, July 23, 2024.

I, the Lord Jesus would say to you this day, “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid, or dismayed for I the Lord God am with you. But I say to you to be on the alert for your enemy, that serpent of old will try to steal from the people of this nation once again. He is deceptive and conniving, but I gave to you the mind of Christ, and you have the written Word. Take it, hide it deep within your heart, ponder upon it, speak it out, and act upon My Word. For My Word gives life to the hearer. And you will need to be life-givers, for the people of this nation, including My people who are called by My name are wearing down. But I say to you, “Arise with the power of My might. For I will lead you and guide you through this time of turmoil. And if you will fight the good fight of faith, not give in to the deception of the devil, but stand for truth, justice will prevail.”

I have not called My people to fail, but to rule and to reign over the darkness of this earth. Within each of you, My people is My light. Take and shine My light to the darkest corners of this earth, and throughout this nation. For truly there is a great force of darkness flooding this earth, but even still, take heart, do not be discouraged or dismayed, for I the Lord, your God am with you wherever you go. And hold steadfast to My promise, “Greater, am I in you, that he, satan who is in this world.”  For I have not called you to fight this battle within your own strength, but with the power of My might. Thus, sayeth the Lord, your God to you this day.


The Prayer of Faith in Action Before Our Eyes

On July 13th, 2024, in Butler, PA the world witnessed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes. Many of us watched on our TVs how a bullet was launched at President, Donald J. Trump’s head but instead of entering his skull, hit his ear. Immediately, my son and I broke out into prayer I, along with many others that have been declaring over him, “No weapon formed against President Donald J. Trump will prosper, no evil will come near his temple, and every lying tongue set on fire against him will be silenced, exposed and brought to shame in Jesus’ name.” And like so many others we clung tightly with our faith in Jesus for a miracle. And as you know, this prayer of faith rose that man back to his feet, with his clinched fist in the air, and full of determination to, “Fight, fight, fight!”  This was indeed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes.

The iconic photos of the bullet whizzing in the air directed at his head, and the photo of him on the ground on his knees with blood running down his face, and then the victorious picture with his fist in the air, declaring war on evil is a breath-taking miracle.

Simply put, our words have extreme power. Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) teaches us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Isaiah 55:11, (AMP) says, “So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire. And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” And according to James 5:15 (AMP), “The prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” The prayer of faith is so very powerful, and all the prayers of faith that were spoken over Donald J. Trump saved his life that day.

According to these three verses, our words have the power of life and death, God’s words will not return void, in other words, they will produce the desired results, and they will save, raise up, and even forgive the sins of the sick, or the one in need. So, continue to pray the prayer of faith, not only for Donald J. Trump, but also over yourself and your family in Jesus’ name. For indeed, we witnessed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes, and it produced for the glory of God.

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