I invite you to join me tomorrow, March 18th, Wednesday on Becky Dvorak Facebook Live at 11:30 AM EST. I will be continuing with my series on faith to overcome  these chaotic times. Tomorrow I will be teaching the importance of exercising authority over fearful situations, such as this Coronavirus in these last days.



8 thoughts on “The Importance of Exercising Authority over Fearful Situations

  1. Becky, I have ALS and while watching church online, I decided to Google ALS and God’s healing. I read about your healing.

    1. Cheryl, in the name of Jesus’ I curse this spirit of death and als attacking your body. I speak recreation to your nervous system strength to your muscles and restoration of your physical function.
      I speak recreation to your nerve cells, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  2. Is Becky,
    I just started reading your books and am learning so much. What I have been doing wrong and what I did not know. I have been battling the devil in regards to the cancer in my family. Too much I am Done. Cancer has taken both parents my brother uncle and aunt one grandpa in the last 8 or nine years. He has been attacking with all he has. Terrible pains in my head, lump growing out my forehead, having big problems swallowing. He has covered me with a terrible rash. I would appreciate praying for me and with me for total healing. I am determined that Satan will not take another family member prematurely and to cancer or this virus. I do appreciate your work and want to be apart of this healing. Not enough is taught in total healing in churches theses days.
    Thank You and God Bless

    1. Terry, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and cancer, growths, rashes and coronavirus inflicting suffering on your family. I curse every cancerous cell and tumor and command them to die off at their seed, dry up at their roots and be supernaturally eliminated from your body. I speak to this growth on your forehead to be gone, all pain and suffering and rashes be gone. I speak to your every cell, tissue, organ and system to be recreated and healed in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  3. Minister Dvorak my name is Vivian my brother Ozzie has been diagnosed with coronavirus and today the Doctor said he might have to put him on a ventilator I am asking you to stand with me in prayer for my brother complete healing and thank you so much.

    1. Vivian, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and coronavirus over Ozzie. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through his body, especially his lungs to cleanse them from all impurities of death and this virus. I speak life, healing, strength and recreation of his lungs, amen and amen.

  4. Becky – there is so much fear currently – please can I ask
    I am a Christian, but my family are not. I have always lead by example, and they are all good people. Caring & generous of heart.
    They know I am ‘ spiritual ‘ and accept me completely, but I don’t ‘preach’ or ‘admonish’
    How can I help them in these ‘end times’
    Of course I pray for them constantly.

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