Believers Are Invite In

Jesus is both willing and able to heal, but He gives us the responsibility of a free will. He respects the authority of the house. When the authority of the house surrenders to His ultimate authority, His healing power releases and heals. Let’s look to the following example found in Luke 8:40-56 to understand what I mean.
Here we read the testimony of how a man named Jairus invites Jesus to his house to heal his sick daughter. Jesus agrees to go with him to his house but has another woman to attend to first. In the meantime, Jairus’ daughter dies. When they arrive, Jesus encounters doubt and unbelief. He tries to encourage the people to believe, but they only laugh at Him. But because Jesus has the go-ahead from the authority of that household, Jairus and his wife, He minsters to their daughter.
Before He can do so, He has to kick the doubt and unbelief out. In other words, He makes the doubters leave the room and shuts the door and only allows those who believe with Him–Peter, James, and John and the girl’s parents. He then raises her from the dead.
My question for you is this, “If you had been there at this time, what side of the door would you be on?” Would you be one of the few that Jesus allowed into the room? Or would you be with the majority that thought human reasoning and common sense were greater than the power of faith to raise this girl from the dead? Sometimes we look at these examples in the Bible and forget that these stories are true happenings with real people just like you and me. I believe this situation is taking place over and over again within Christian families everyday all around the world. And yet many are quick to place the blame on God and say it’s not His will to heal this person, and negate their responsibility to believe.
Peter, James and John were 3 out of 12 disciples that were receiving personal training from Jesus about His kingdom ways. The others had the same opportunities to learn how to believe, but they chose to remain outside of Jesus’ inner circle. How about you? What side of the door are you on? As a believer in Jesus do you actually believe in His ways? Are you included in His inner circle because you have trained yourself to believe? Or are you on the wrong side of the door because you believe in your human reasoning more then you do in the sayings and ways of Jesus? These might be tough questions for us to ask ourselves, but they are real and to the point. And they are the type of questions we should be using to judge ourselves with. I don’t know about you, but I desire to be invited into His inner circle, and be apart of His Kingdom ways.
Click here to learn more in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.
Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.
© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Hi Becky, Thank you ? for passing the baton of healing and miracles so the body of Christ can serve in wisdom for His Glory…Your books inspire how to walk in the anointing..,Blessings Becky ❤️,
Please pray for my eczema, finances teeth and a job All are inter realated.
Thank you
Love your immense faith! Please pray for me to over come my weaknesses satan is uses against me every time I get on my feet. Thank you
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce all weakness, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your feet and declare them healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen. Walk freely for the glory of the Lord.
Hi Mrs.Becky, I jave been standing in faith for a jesling in my body since march of 2018. Not only i but others are standing with me. I was diagnosed with lung cancer which i didnt receive. I am 58 years old and had a desire to learn about the healing ministry of Jesus. I was even preaching it. I believe it. Would you please pray for the manifestation of the finished work of the cross in my body. Thank you
Dear Jackie,
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of premature death and lung cancer. I release the healing power of Jesus into your lungs and I curse every cancer infected cell. I command them to die off and be eliminated from the body, and new healthy cells be recreated and cancer may not enter into the new cells. I curse all tumors and command them too to die off at the seed and dry up at the roots and be eliminated from the body. And I decree that your body is separated, cut off by the blood of Jesus from cancer. I declare that these reports are of no effect over your body for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen. Hugs, Becky
Becky, this is true there more benefits in the inner cycle in terms of authority of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Hi Darling Becky, Today is my birthday! Pray for me to heal the root of my high cholesterol and blood pressure- overweight due to feeding my carnal desires rather than spirit lead! This stronghold has affected my self esteem..My ❤️ Is to glorify God in my body, to be a living testimony to His Grace…spreading the Good News of Jesus Love❗️On a seek and save mission always, ?⭐️….Madalyn
Dear Madalyn,
Happy Birthday! :O) In the name of Jesus’ I renounce these problems with high cholesterol and high BP. I release the healing power of Jesus’ into your body and declare that as you lose the weight necessary that the cholesterol levels and the BP return to normal readings for the glory of God, amen and amen. Blessings, Becky :O)
Please pray for my husband thigarajan who is having high blood pressure and diabetes and also cataract in both his eyes
Please also pray for me suffering from asthma, knee pain.cannot control urine,hot flushes, nail fungus.i need deliverance from these.thank you Becky God bless you
Parimala, I renounce this spirit of death and infirmity over you and your husband. I renounce diabetes and high BP and cataracts in your husband. I release creative miracles into your eyes and that they are recreated and see just fine, his pancreas is recreated and functions perfectly normal. I renounce asthma, nail fungus’, hot flashes, knee pain, lack of urine control and speak creative miracles to take place throughout your entire body for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Dear sister,
Do I have to fast and pray.
Kindly advise. Thank you
Fasting and praying is part of our spiritual weapons, praying is communication with God, and yes, you need to pray. Fasting is done for many reasons, but it is very powerful in the power of the Holy Spirit when it is combined with praying.
Dear Mrs. Becky Dvorak:
I thank you very kindly for praying for me per my request re:The stroke which had left my left side with paralysis and a slurred speech since March of 2017: Yes, I plan to also see you at your upcoming scheduled Prayers and Healing Conference At
Faith Factor Church, Niagara Falls, Ontario April 27 – 30, 2019
(With Pastors Victor & Victoria Phillips):
Do you at this juncture recommend I do some fasting with prayers as well as pee the Holy Spirit of My Case?
I shall appreciate your guidance very much.
May our Lord continue to bless you abundantly in Jesus’s Name.
Kind regards,
Yes, I recommend you pray and fast and study your identity in Christ.