Leaders, God’s People Want Healing

Leaders, God’s people want healing, and they also want to know how to have faith so that others receive their healing too. They are done with living in defeat. And this is something we should all agree upon. It’s time we take up the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit and put on the rest of our attire and fight the good fight of faith, defeat our enemy, the devil, and win the battles in this life. God’s people want healing.
We need to stop making excuses as to why some do not receive their manifested healing, and move forward in the spirit of truth so that others can receive their healing. Repentance needs to come to the Church, God’s people, for a lack of faith, a lack of revelation that only comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God. Haven’t we lost enough members of our family to sickness and disease? When are we going to look in the mirror of God’s Word and say, “Father, forgive us. We have missed the mark in this area, we have not taught ourselves how to believe the promises in Your Word. And many have suffered needlessly as a result of our lack of faith.”
Are we really willing to turn our backs on the redemptive blood of Christ so we can hold onto our faithless doctrines of unbelief and foolish pride? Are we really willing to look Jesus in the eye and declare to Him that it was His fault that we did not receive our manifested healing on this earth? Are we going to tell Him that it was His fault that we did not train ourselves to believe His redemptive promise for the healing of our spirit, soul, and body? I really don’t believe we will be able to do so then, so why do we take this stance against Him now?
God’s Word plainly tells us in Isaiah 53:4-5 that by His stripes we are healed. He tells us in 1 Timothy 6:12 that we are to fight the good fight of faith. In other words, we are in a battle, but God is not our enemy, He is not withholding our healing from us. Satan is our enemy, he is the one that does not want us to receive our healing. He’s the thief that Jesus warns us about in John 10:10 that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy us, and he uses his mass weapons of destruction, sickness and disease against us. Why? Because he hates us, he is jealous of us. He lost his position in the realm of spiritual order, and he wants us to do the same–lose in life.
But Jesus, oh, that wonderful Lord and Savior of ours, did everything in His power to undo the wicked works of satan in or lives. And He won the good fight of faith while on this earth so we can walk in His victory while on this earth. He told us in the second part of John 10:10 about Himself, “I have come to give you life, and life in abundance.” When will we take up our responsibility and believe Him? Nowhere in the New Testament did Jesus tell us He would put sickness and disease upon us to teach us a lesson, to punish us, to test our faithfulness to Him. Nowhere is it recorded in the Scriptures that God only heals some, but not all. This type of doctrine is false, and anti Redemption, and it devalues the power of the Blood.
Repentance needs to come to the Church, and it needs to start with the leaders of God’s people. We need to stop teaching people to trust in human reasoning and their 5 senses above God’s Word. We need to stop encouraging people to align themselves with the unbelief of this world. Enough is enough! God’s people want healing. They want leaders who will teach them how to believe again, to give them a reason to trust in their Savior–Jesus Christ. Leaders, get back to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News that draws all people onto Himself!
Click here to learn more in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.
Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.
© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Hello Becy, I saw you in sid Roth’s show and which was in Dec. We live in U.K. and I am a believer. Please, would you pray for our son who is 8 yrs old and is Autistic so he can be healed, and become like a normal child..
your prayer will be much appreciated,
GodBless you,
With Regards,
Gur preet
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the power behind the label of autism in your son. I pray for inner healing of his mind and emotions. I renounce fears, and unnecessary misunderstandings. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through his brain and that it is recreated and functions normal for the glory of God. He can look people in the eye, he can communicate well, process his thoughts… in Jesus’ name, amen.
I so BELIEVE God wants us healed. Why do my prayers fall flat? Where is the manifested healing.
Our words have power, and as long as we say things like, “Why do my prayers fall flat?” They will. And this is the most common reason healing doesn’t manifest, because we say they don’t. But the good news is that is fixable.
How do I ask for help to see healing manifested? I am famous for reminding others words have power
or saying dont speak that over yourself.
I would ask the Holy Spirit to refine your wording. He’s good at that. And do a fresh study on healing, my book, The Healing Creed is helping many people.
Dear Becky, I agree with you 100%. Jesus paid for it all with his precious Blood…if for no other reason than to honor his great love and sacrifice we should take everything He died to give us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is not complete without the testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit working in miracles, signs and wonders in our lives and others. Jesus ministered to unbelievers through the mighty working of miracles. That got their attention but he really wanted to teach them about working in his kingdom through the power of the Holy Ghost. I am delighted that we hunger after him in that pursuit….to know him and make him known. Bless you so much for teaching the truth. You really are such a gem and deeply beloved of the Father.
I love what you say, “The gospel of Jesus Christ is not complete without the testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit working in miracles, signs and wonders in our lives and others.” This is truth! Blessings, Becky :O)
Amen amen I can’t sense that the Holy Spirit is angry. I am so happy you put this out. I’ve seen very young Christians die and the church thinks God wants them home. For almost 2 years I refuse to go to church until I found one that teach the word and tell me how to be free and get results
Amen, you found a place of worship that teaches you the Word and how to get free and get results. That’s wonderful!
Often I quickly skim through the many Bible messages that come through my email. But I stopped at this one. The words are so powerful and urgent and genuine. We all do want healing- yes we do. We want healing for our divorce issues, to keep our children safe, to heal our bodies of trauma and hatred and bitterness that only comes with great sorrow, we want healing for this generation to grow and develop and be pleasing to God. Becky I have your Healing Creed book and audio- so tremendously filled with gratitude for your strength and conviction. Thank you for being wonderful. I read these words out loud and I will do again. We do want healing from our Lord Jesus Christ- even in dark subconscious depths- to heal whole. Amen.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Crystal. You are so right we all want healing in all areas of our lives. God bless you, Becky :O)
To God Be The Glory! Amen
Mrs. Becky. Thank you for sharing this powerful truth. I left a big church for the same reason. God put me in a small praying church that believes Jesus still heals . Churches are asleep and dont pray anymore. I am so grateful and thankful that God place me in this church. I am learning so much.Everthing you shared is what Pastor Paul taught. Praise God that I am growing and learning. God bless you , woman of God.
Yolanda, I am glad you found a Church that believes in the power of the blood of Jesus to heal today. Amen! Go with God!!! :O)
Totally agree. I am a Catholic and never really new healing was for today, I had heard of people being healed ,but I personally didn’t know I could come to jesus as his child and receive healing. I truthfully am confessing I do struggle with my faith in this area and I know it’s my own fault and not the lords. I only recently have been reading the word as I honestly never new you had to read the bible. I just thought you came to mass and heard the word there and then would go on to live my life. I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus when ive been going to church my whole life.. also times id not go at all due to feeling empty…This makes me sad. It’s only through having gone through the worst anxiety of my life I seeked God more and again I know this is not how it’s supposed to be, but it’s lead me to find such great christian leaders who are in the media and who do teach in more depth about the word and about healing and what’s always been available to us Gods children. So many have gone on to be with the Lord from illness from our parish and it’s always ” well must have been gods timing” I find it hard trying to strengthen my own faith in a place where it seems there is none. I don’t think it’s their fault it’s just lack of knowledge. I feel that was case for me anyways. Am hoping I grow. I want to be able to once in my life come to God with faith instead of fear. 🙁 sorry for my life story. Thank you for stepping out with your faith and being faithful
Heather, many people have your story. I did. I grew up in a denominational church that did not teach us we needed to be born-again. So, I understand where you are coming from, and many of my readers can relate to your story as well. But praise the Lord, we heard and accepted the truth. Now we need to all grow our faith by reading, studying and living the Word. Amen! Hugs, Becky :O)
Becky, oh powerful faith warrior, the words of conviction are a refreshing balm to my spirit and soul…My ❤️ Is grateful as I step out this year in the anointing to glorify GOD in my body… for kingdoms sake❗️? Let there be a revival. And let it begin with me:) IT IS FINISHED in JSUS NAME?⭐️???❗️
Yes, Madalyn. It is time to step out in faith and start releasing His healing power to the people!! Hugs, Becky :O)
i agree and confess myself on the sin of unbelief and pray the church I attend believes healing is for today. fear, doubt, unbelief, and lack of knowledge and keeping the healing once manifested.. God Bless You Becky Joseph
Amen. May you be bold and start to pray for the people yourself. Hope for healing will spread. Blessings, Becky :O)