Choose Forgiveness

Everyday we have opportunities to choose forgiveness. Spouses, children, friends, neighbors, colleagues, even complete strangers can hurt us. Therefore, we are faced with daily decisions to forgive, or to ask for forgiveness, or to be bitter and full of vengeance. Unforgiveness is a weapon of satan to  destroy the offended person from the inside to […]

Faith Operates By Love

Without love we cannot effectively release faith for the miraculous. Throughout the gospels we see that love motivates every miracle Jesus performs. He loves people, and puts the needs of others before Himself. Even when they beat, mock and crucify Him, He still loves and forgives them. And because of His unconditional love His supernatural […]

Can I Minister Healing Too?

Yes, you can minister healing too. In fact, the Great Commission in Mark tells us that if we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. All believers in Jesus Christ, including you can minister healing to the sick. Mark 16:14-18 — The Great Commission Later He appeared to the eleven […]

Healing the Whole Person

The whole person is spirit, soul and body. The spirit is the eternal being that will either spend eternity in heaven or hell. And this is our decision alone to make. God does not desire or send anyone to hell. We send ourselves there if we reject Jesus Christ as our Savior. John 3:16 says, […]

How Do I Develop Faith For Healing?

Our faith for healing develops as we learn to trust in God’s faithfulness to keep His promise to heal. The Scriptures tell us in Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” As we spend time in God’s Word concerning healing, the Holy Spirit reveals to us the […]

Is Jesus Willing to Heal Me?

I know Jesus is able, but is He willing to heal me? Perhaps you believe that Jesus is able to heal, but struggle with doubt as to whether or not He is willing to heal you. Until you discover the answer to this question you will not be able to stand in faith and believe […]

Be A Witness To The Worldly Church

The Worldly Church, we see it broadcast daily into our homes, we witness the evil affects from its false witness, and many of us know people who are trapped in it. How do we reach out and help them to see the need to escape it? Let’s first read the following text from Revelation 2:12-17. […]

Encouragement for the Persecuted Church

The Persecuted Church, we read the biblical accounts of the saints long gone, and we hear the horrifying news about our Christian brethren being tortured today. But do we truly understand what it means to be a member of the Persecuted Church? Jesus does. He can identify with the fear of being tortured for His […]

A Message For The Backslidden Church

Jesus has an important message for the Church that has left their first love, their Savior, Jesus Christ. Let’s read and discuss what He has to say to the Backslidden Church. But let’s first read Revelation 2: 1-7. “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, ‘These things says He who holds the seven […]

The Truth Shall Make You Free

I went to minister to a pastor who had lost his mind. As I walked into his home I saw the man of God sitting on a chair in the living room with his head bobbing up and down and back and forth repeating the following words aloud, “Hallelujah. Praise the Lord…” I sat in […]
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