A man with a blind eye came forward at the healing service. With tears running down his face he said, “I am an artist, I create sculptures, but without my eyesight I cannot continue to sculpt.” I replied, “Jesus wants to heal you, so that you can continue to create with your artistic gift.” I […]
Herniated Disk and Scoliosis Healed
A woman entered a DARE to Believe Healing Service with a herniated disk and scoliosis. She was in tears because of the pain. She told me that she had been to the doctors that day, and they gave her 18 injections in her spine. I asked her if she was any better after the doctor […]
A Financial Miracle
I want to share with you a financial miracle that I believe will bless and encourage you to DARE to Believe the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of your life. I was preparing a bank deposit slip for this past ministry trip. And as I was setting aside a tithe and offering for the […]
A Tsunami Wave of Healing Has Arrived
In a vision the Lord showed me a Tsunami wave of supernatural healing hitting the Western World. He said “No longer will people say, “Why doesn’t divine healing manifest in the US and other parts of the Western World?”” A wave of divine healing is overtaking the West. Expect to get wet! But along with […]

Faith 101: Salvation
There is a real need to get back to the basics with our spirituality, so today I am going to write about Salvation. Let’s begin. Many people have heard the famous verse from John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not […]
Faith to Conceive a Child
“Hello Becky, I am in the middle of reading your book DARE to Believe. I see here in your book that you have prayed for couples to have babies. My wife and I are believing for children. We have been married for just over 2 years now. After some testing the doctors said that we […]
Will God Heal Scars?
Gale asks, “Will God heal the scars left by sickness and disease? Or is this too much like the lady who wanted a makeover on page 89 in DARE to Believe? A couple of years ago, in my mid-twenties, I developed severe cystic adult acne and took Accutane. This lead to horrible scars on my […]
Does Everyone Have the Gift of Healing?
Denis asks “Does everyone have the Gift of Healing?” This is a super question with even a better answer. But before I get to this answer, let me ask you a question. Does everyone have an artistic gift to draw and paint a masterpiece to display in a museum. No, we don’t. But, most of […]
Did God Ever Say “No” For Healing?
Denis asks “Did God ever say “No” when I prayed for someone for healing?” This is a good question, and the answer will help us to build a strong foundation of assurance for faith for healing. I can honestly say that God has never told me not to minister healing to someone. It says in […]
31 Days of Healing Scriptures with Nature Photos
Since the release of my book, DARE to Believe I have been asked by several readers to post a list of healing scriptures online. So, I posted on my WordPress blog 31 Days of Healing Scriptures with nature photos to bless and encourage you. Check it out. Also, for those of you that are fighting […]