A man with a blind eye came forward at the healing service. With tears running down his face he said, “I am an artist, I create sculptures, but without my eyesight I cannot continue to sculpt.”

I replied, “Jesus wants to heal you, so that you can continue to create with your artistic gift.”

I released the healing power of the Holy Spirit into his eye and immediately he could see light and my hand.

Another man came forward and said, “I am a truck driver, but my vision is failing me, and I need my eyes to continue to drive.” Instantly, this man’s vision was restored and he could read the small print up on the screen in front of the Church.

An elderly man was blind in one eye and he too instantly received his sight.

Just because we are maturing in age, it does not mean that we need to fall apart. By the true power of faith in Jesus Christ we can take back what the enemy has stolen from us. We need to learn to activate the healing power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and claim what rightfully belongs to us. Jesus Christ repurchased our physical healing by His own blood so that we could be healed.

And healing is not just for men, a woman came forward at a DARE to Believe healing service the weekend earlier to receive healing of a blind eye from a stroke she had suffered. And she too was instantly healed and could see the light and my hand immediately.

The Bible says in Mark 16:18 that if we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed. Stir your faith for healing and read DARE to Believe. And if we will believe in the promises of God’s Word, even the blind will receive their sight.

3 thoughts on “The Blind Receive Their Sight

  1. My husband was diagnosed with Autoimmune disease Diabetes Type-1 for over 20years, he has lost his eyesight due the retina detachment, and the other eye, the sight starting to fading. Please pray for healing of the Autoimmnue disease and its complication, and complete healing on both eyes

    1. Irene,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this Spirit of Death, and autoimmune and diabetes, and blindness. I curse these diseases attacking his body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit / Spirit of Life to flow through his body and burn out all impurities in it. I speak creative miracles to his autoimmune system and to his pancreas, detached retina, and the other retina. I command every cell, tissue, organ and system to be recreated and to function 100% normal, amen and amen.

  2. I’m sorry I keep commenting…I’m just very inspired. My baby’s optic nerves are dead, and the doctors say this is the one part of the eye that can never repair or be healed through surgery and that she will always be blind. However, for my God, NOTHING is impossible! Please pray with me that her eyes/optic nerves are healed for full eyesight restoration! Praise Jesus!

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