(4-Week Online Spiritual Growth Course) Jesus, the Great Shepherd tells us that His sheep hear His voice and another voice they will not follow. But how can you be sure it’s the voice of our Lord speaking to you? And what are the different ways He speaks to us. If you desire to follow the […]

Make Ready You and Your Family
During intercession the Lord continues to give warning for the chaotic times that we are about to enter into. He says to make ourselves ready for the pressing times ahead. And interestingly, He is not speaking about physical preparations, but the way He speaks through me to His people is to be ready spiritually for […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death Preview
I would like to offer you a free preview of the first chapter of my boldest book ever, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. The Spirit of Death Word of the Lord The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass through difficult […]

The Prayer of Faith Saves a Boy’s Life
The prayer of faith saves a boy’s life, but before you read this wonderful testimony that just took place let’s talk about faith and the prayer of faith. (This teaching comes from “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, Chapter 8, “Prayer Strategies” on page 149.) What is faith and the prayer of faith? […]

How to Pray in Faith Over Cancer
So many people are suffering in this world from cancer. And we have what it takes to overcome it–faith. According to the Scriptures our faith when correctly activated can move mountains. Jesus says in Mark 17:20, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this […]

How to Maintain Peace in Our Lives
God tells us in His Word, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men,” Romans 12:18. In other words live as peacefully as possible with other people. This can be a challenge, especially if we have daily contact with very stressful people. Seriously how do we set out […]

Healing Prayer for a Stubborn Mountainous Disease
Are you fighting a battle with a stubborn mountainous disease that doesn’t appear to go away? Let’s talk about this today, using the example from one of my readers, and share a healing prayer to bring this mountain down. But before this let us first talk about mountains in the natural realm of things. The […]

Healing Prayer for Cancer
A reader writes requesting prayer for her sister who had just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This is the prayer I prayed for her and know it would be very helpful for many other people suffering from this vicious attack from the enemy. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this vicious spirit of […]

Daily Improvements From a Stroke
Do you remember the lady from the other day that wrote concerning the need for healing prayer for her husband who suffered from a stroke? Well, I want to write and share her testimony with you about what they are witnessing since this prayer of faith was verbally released over him. “Again I say to […]

Do You Need to Know All Details to Pray for Healing?
A reader asks; “Do you have to know all the details of what needs to be healed in order to pray for healing for someone?” This is a good question that many want to know the answer for. No, we do not need to know all the details to pray for one another for healing. […]