Remember to watch my show, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, tomorrow, 12/28 at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST (and every Monday) on the internet at
Making Merry this Christmas
Making merry this Christmas may seem challenging, but it is possible, and not only is it possible it is necessary. Making merry doesn’t mean to get drunk or high as the world would have you to believe. That type of activity only leaves people feeling emotionally empty and in want for something more. Making merry […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death in the NICU Ward
One of the victims of the spirit of death is the vulnerable, those that can’t fight the good fight of faith on their own, and such is the case in the NICU ward. But Terri, a woman of faith, my friend, and one of my intercessors stood in the gap for one of these precious […]
Is God Able and Willing to Heal Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer, is God able and willing to heal skin cancer? Is skin cancer greater than God? Most of my readers immediately respond with the correct answer, “No!”. While others do not know Him as Healer, so in all honesty they are not sure which is greater. And then there are many who say He […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death Preview
I would like to offer you a free preview of the first chapter of my boldest book ever, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. The Spirit of Death Word of the Lord The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass through difficult […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death Book
I am very happy to announce to you the arrival of my boldest work yet, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. In this book you will learn to experience and enforce the resurrection power of Jesus against the spirit of death. In this book, I not only teach you from the Word of God, but I […]
Say What You Have? Or Say What You Need?
Do you say what you have? Or do you say what you need? This is the topic of discussion for today. Knowing that our words have the power of life and death in them we need to take what we say very seriously. But most people don’t consider what they say and just blurt whatever […]
Healing Prayer for Cancer
A reader writes requesting prayer for her sister who had just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This is the prayer I prayed for her and know it would be very helpful for many other people suffering from this vicious attack from the enemy. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this vicious spirit of […]
Do You Need to Know All Details to Pray for Healing?
A reader asks; “Do you have to know all the details of what needs to be healed in order to pray for healing for someone?” This is a good question that many want to know the answer for. No, we do not need to know all the details to pray for one another for healing. […]
The Healing Wave Has Arrived
You have heard me share a prophetic word from God about a tsunami wave of healing hitting the western world. God told us that that no longer would His people ask, “Why not healing in the western world?” He told us that in this wave there would be healing of all types, even unusual healings. […]