We are to take on the attributes of Barnabus from the Book of Acts and encourage people around us. We should encourage these people to believe in the message of hope that Jesus gives to us. And in this case, give them hope to trust Jesus for their miracle. Let us not be like Thomas, a doubter, or Judas Iscariot, a betrayer of Jesus and all that He stands for. But let’s determine in our hearts that we will give people around us hope for healing.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

4 thoughts on “Give People Hope for Healing

  1. Sis Becky
    I agree with your message. Christians are not taking advantage of our full coveneant and that is too be healed. When my son was diagnosed with autism, I had Christians who essentially told me that God made him that way and I should just accept this devastating diagnosis for my son. Thank God for teachers like you. Why would a loving and merciful God do this to a child? It is a lie out of the pit of hell amen. I know that this is not God’s best for my son. Please continue to agree Becky. I know God can and will. Hugs Marilyn

    1. Marilyn, You are so right when you say God did not create your child to be autistic. You who live with your son see the suffering it has caused him and your entire family as well. As you probably know our adopted son, Andres was delivered and healed from autism. Before this happened I had to learn my identity in Christ and learn how to activate His authority in me. I did and Andres is completely delivered and healed from this wretched attack of the enemy. We know can enjoy the sweet and compassionate person God created him to be. I pray that I can encourage your faith to believe for your son’s complete deliverance and healing in Jesus’ name.

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