Chronic anxiety and depression are running rampant among people today, even throughout the Church. One of my readers wrote me with the following request, “Becky, I need help for healing from chronic anxiety and depression.” I ask you now, you who hold this book in your hand, “Is this request too difficult for God?” You answer in your heart, “No.” Then let me ask you another question, “Is chronic anxiety and depression too difficult for the Christian to overcome?” Many struggle with this type of inner healing, but I remind you again, “With God…” not in your own strength, but with Him, all things are possible, even this situation is possible to triumph over.

And just how do you win over this type of attack of destruction? You win with God and with the power of the spoken word.

In Jesus’ name, that’s correct, with our God, Jesus Christ, with the power of His name, you use the authority of your words and verbally renounce the spirit of fear and depression. Again, with your vocal chords you command these evil spirits out and off of you. You decree with your voice a radical turn around in the way you see and hear things, the way you respond to others and even to the past. Use this Scripture, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord” (Jeremiah 30:17). 

*This excerpt is taken from “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”,  Chapter 12, “Decrees of Faith”, pages 215-216.


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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Help to Overcome Chronic Anxiety and Depression

  1. I have bought your book;The prophetic and healing Power of your words. I’m on page 50. So glad that I now understand how to use the authority and power of my spoken words and careful how I speak words. Careful not to use words to befall me or others. Still learning a lot.

    Thank you for this book, it is a much needed tool.

  2. Sister Becky. God Bless you and your healing works. Please let me know if you received my request for healing.. Thanks again Janet

      1. I just received your book Prophetic & Healing Power of Words..I turned to page 160. Jesus demonstrate healing of binding and loosing…your words make this very clear who the strongman is…. Satan. Please pray for me..My husband died, after I had fall… Injury. I am in debt…I do not believe in lack.. please pray that I may be healed…I have been voicing the truth, but nothing happens. Janet

  3. Mrs. Becky. Thank you sharing this truth. I needed to hear this words of encouragement. My daughter Wynette and her son Freddy are going through depression. Plesse be in agreement as I continue to pray for them against this spirit in Jesus Name. My daughter hadnt been able to find a job and this is part of her depression. God bless you and your ministry. Yolanda.

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