You feel as if life is spiraling out of control. Sickness has a strong grip on you. It’s dominating the direction of your life. You wonder when you will be able to stop scrapping the bottom of the barrel just to make ends meet. Let’s not forget your children are rebelling against their godly upbringing. You don’t know where to turn, and you don’t know what you should do.

The right thing to do is to get down on your knees and send Him a dispatch for help. His Word tells us that He will hear when we call out to Him, see Psalm 4:3. You read these words and think to yourself, “I am doing this, and still He doesn’t respond.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 teaches us to take every thought into captivity. And then we need to be still, quiet ourselves, and learn to listen. The prophet Elijah has to learn this lesson as well. Evil is happening all around, he’s now in trouble with Jezebel, and has to flee for his life. Let’s read from 1 Kings 19:11-13 what the Spirit of God reveals to him.

“Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. Suddenly a voice came to him, and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?””

The lesson I see in this portion of Scripture is that most of us don’t know how to still ourselves during times of crisis. Many busy themselves so they have no time to think about the situation. But in doing so, they also are so occupied with meaningless stuff that they cannot hear God’s voice either. Or they try to run from their troubles and go from one meeting to the next hoping that they will hear from the Lord, but it still doesn’t happen. Why not?

Because we must learn what Elijah learns, he needs to stop the running, be still, stop crying and talking and just be quiet and listen. If you will purpose in your heart to do this you too will hear the Lord speak to you. You will hear Him speak to you with His still, small voice, but only after you send out an S.O.S., take control of your wild and negative thoughts, stop running, quit busying yourself with distractions, and be quiet and allow Him to speak to you.

My greatest victories happen when I do as Elijah does and cover myself with my mantle, shut the noise and the confusion of this world out, and come out from the spiritual darkness of the cave, and stand in the entrance where His manifested presence can shine down upon me and I then can clearly hear His voice call out to me. And I encourage you to do the same.


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© 2017 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

10 thoughts on “Is Life Spiraling Out of Control?

  1. Good morning,

    Pray for me,I gastrite ulcers and gase in my stomach and keep loosing weight for no reason.

    I have been taking medication and medication,but not helping.

    When I seek prayers the men of God almost 4 different ones I have met,just say am healed it’s well with me and they give me a prophecy saying I carry a ministry,am called to serve God,but my healing not manifesting for 3years now.And I have even lost my job because of the Same sickness

    Am wondering how to serve God with sickness.

    Please pray for my stomach healing and give me direction.

    1. Jonathan,
      In the name of Jesus’ by His healing whips you are already healed, see Isaiah 53:4-5. The responsibility is now in your hands to believe for the manifestation of that healing power to come forth in your body. You do this, not by feelings, but by faith. When standing in faith you speak healing, health and strength over your body. And you act like you are healed. Blessings to you, Becky

  2. Need prayer for my daughter Jasmine. She has had her paycheck garnished for the past 7 years. EDD says 7,000.00 was just interest. She needs to make monthly payments that would go to the principle of the debt. She is under a lot of stress & anxiety. Asking God for justice. Because she says it’s government there is nothing she can do. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. Rose,
      In the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I speak into this financial situation and pray for forgiveness to be given and a fresh start to begin over again. I pray for grace and favor for Jasmine in Jesus’ name, amen.

  3. This is it….it must be it! You just described everything I’m experiencing. I hate thinking about all of it….the pile on is real and deep. I want the miracle so desperately and I want freedom. I don’t want this to define me anymore! I want a miracle testimony. I want to brag on God to the world! Every night I go to sleep hoping I will wake up with all the missing parts, especially my voice box…everything stolen by the enemy. I know that nothing is impossible and I also know that HE is not a respecter of persons.

    1. Deborah, the Lord loves you very much, and He desires for your healing to manifest more than you do. He is not withholding from you, The enemy, satan is standing in the way whispering lies to you that it will not happen, or you’re not good enough ,,, Don’t believe his lies. Position yourself to the point that you can hear the voice of God, and declare the promises of healing, and act on those promises. If you will hold your ground in this, it will manifest.
      Let’s pray… Right now, I renounce the damage that was done to your body, and I release the power of the Holy Spirit to hover over you, and His creative miracle working power work through that recreated voice box. Call forth those things that are not as though they already existed in the name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus, voice box come forth for the glory of God, amen.

  4. Thank you Becky, This is so true but also so contrary to our flesh response.

    Just today during our family bible time we were discussing these very scriptures.

    Such a timely post.


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