When it comes to a stubborn sickness that does not want to let go, we need to make sure we turn our focus on God’s promise to heal and not on the sickness. We have to purpose in our heart to magnify God with our words and actions and not the symptoms.

Why? Because when we magnify something we enlarge it visually so we can clearly see the minute details. How do we magnify sickness? We do so with our spoken words, and even with our moans and groans. In a way, it is a form of praise that empowers the sickness to reign over our mortal bodies.

Instead of giving strength to the sickness attacking our body, we should magnify the Creator, and Healer of our body, Jesus Christ. Taking hold of our confession of our faith, purposefully declare the promises of God that activate His healing power in our physical body.

No matter how bad the situation appears, speak words of healing such as; “I believe in the healing power of the blood of Jesus, and by His sufferings at the whipping post, I am healed.” And continue on to declare His healing promises, “According to Genesis 1:28, I have been given dominion over every living creature, including sickness and disease which are tiny microscopic living organisms that move. But I will no longer magnify them with my words and actions, but I will exercise my God given authority over them, (see Luke 10:19) and dominate and subdue them in Jesus’ name.

I choose to honor God, and boldly speak forth that Jesus is Lord of my body, not this sickness. I surrender to Jesus, and not these symptoms. I magnify the greatness of my Messiah, Yeshua and meditate on His goodness, His promise to heal in spirit, soul, and in body. I will to magnify God, and not sickness, disease, or symptoms this day, and forevermore, amen.”


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© 2017 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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