I walked into the bedroom and saw something was wrong with our baby. I called out to my husband, “David!” He came immediately and swept Marcos up into his arms and ran to the car to rush him to a hospital.

I was not able to go with him because we lived in our children’s home with 17 children, and 5 were babies. It all happened so fast, and I did not have someone that could take care of the babies for me.

The first hospital he went to did not have oxygen. He was recommended to try another private hospital. He quickly found it. They saw Marcos and grabbed him from David’s arms and ran to save him.

In the natural they did everything they knew to do, but too much time had lapsed and there was no hope. Our adopted son, Marcos died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome when he was 1 month old. His heart didn’t just stop, but exploded within him, and along with his blood pieces of his lungs came up out of his nose. And the doctor pronounced Marcos dead.

But we dare to believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and with Him all things are possible!

During this time in Guatemala communication systems were not very good. We did not have land lines, and cell phones were brand new and we owned one. But with only one cell phone we were not able to communicate with one another. So, I did not know what was happening with David and Marcos, nor did he know what was happening with me and the Holy Spirit.

As soon as David and Marcos fled the house, I called all the children to pray with me for Marcos. They prayed the best they knew how, but then I went into our bedroom, shut the door and prayed in tongues fervently.

While interceding in the Spirit for Marcos, the Lord broke into my natural realm and spoke to me in an audible voice. He called me by name and whispered, “Becky.” I answered Him and said, “What?” He said to me, “You need to command the spirit of death to come out of Marcos now.” I did not question or even fear what I heard. I immediately said aloud, “I renounce the spirit of death over Marcos and I release the Spirit of Life to flow into him in Jesus’ name.” The Lord then spoke to me again and said, “Now Becky, you need to speak to his spirit directly.”

No one had ever taught me this except that during the past two years the Lord had instructed me to study healing and nothing else during this time. And I saw in the Gospels that Jesus sent His Word and it healed them.

I immediately heard myself say, “Marcos, I know in the natural there is a distance between us, but in the spirit realm there is no distance between us. Marcos, I need you to start breathing on your own now. Breathe, breathe, breathe!” And then I had a peace that surpasses all understanding.

David had already heard the news that Marcos was dead, and was signing the necessary paperwork. When all of a sudden they heard Marcos grasp for breath. They all turned around and ran to attend him.

In the natural Marcos was not able to breathe on his own. What was upon him? The Spirit of Life.

For the next month, we stood in the gap for his very life, because when he died everything within him died as well. But by the true power of faith we believed and received a new heart, a new set of lungs, a new set of kidneys and a new brain, because they were all dead, but now they are alive.

We celebrated Marcos’ 13th birthday for the glory of our Lord.

For the full story and instruction on how you can do the same read Becky Dvorak’s book, “DARE to Believe” by Destiny Image Publishers. And to listen to Becky testify of Marcos’ amazing testimony order her CD, Marcos — How We Raised Him From the Dead.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

32 thoughts on “Marcos Raised From the Dead

  1. Hello miss Becky. You came into my life’s journey. I’m so fascinated about your insights. I’ve learned so much I’m sure god put you in my path thank you so much for your calm spirit god bless Roxanne

  2. Good morning Becky!
    Pray for me for a severe dental health problem that is very complicated. I trust in the Lord and believe in any di ine outcome because I must surrender evrything to the Lord.

    1. Henry, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce these severe dental health issues. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your teeth and gums and cleanse them from all impurities and that His life, strength and restoration flows through them and by His healing whips they are healed and made whole for the glory of our great, Jesus. Amen and amen.

    2. I want to learn the Bible and to be able to quote scriptures. I also want to learn how to pray publicly with confidence. I want to know God’s plan for my life here on earth and to humbly accept it. Please pray for me in this journey.

      1. Michelle,
        IN the name of Jesus’ I pray that you will make quality decisions in your life–daily. And the first decision is to choose a life based on the Word of God and not only read and study it, but speak it out and live what it says, amen.

        1. Becky,
          Reading you’re word’s truly moved my spirit. Wowwwwww!! I have a tendency to procrastinate. Thank you for these powerful words of encouragement that I will print and carry with me daily.

  3. Hello Becky, please pray for the discomforts, movements, sensations and weakness to be removed from the right side of my body.Please pray for healing and restoration on that side. I have had brain surgery has i had Chiari 1 malformation and a large syrinx. Healing wasn’t so smooth but i got to a point where it started to go well. IT was about 4 months after surgery, i pulled a door ( guess it was way too heavy) and it’s been really rough from then. I can hardly do things as even when i use my leftside it affects my body. Prior to this i suffered severe depression and as ifelt my breakthrough wash here i started experiencing chiari symptoms. It’s been a while going through a lot. I am a mom and an only child. Really want to be helping myself and my son. I am a christian and i pray all the time for healing and deliverance. Please pray for me please. Need healing. Thank you..

    1. Dear Sheena,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of paralysis, premature death, and head trauma and negative effects from surgery and further injuries. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your brain, spine, nerves, and declare the Word of the Lord over you that states the facts of God, “By His healing stripes you ARE healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord. Put your faith into action, speak life, healing, health and act out in faith that you are already healed, amen. Hugs, Becky :O)

          1. Hi again Becky, am still going through. Really dont want to be paralyzed or die. I am an only child and my mother takes care of so many others. I also have my son to care for. Please could i receive healing from you in Jesus’s name through telephone or if even a prayer cloth. Whichever is more effective. Please i ask, i beg, please. Thnk you….

  4. Ok, I’m loving all of these stories and they are giving me hope! I almost died while pregnant and my baby died in utero, but I rejected that and prayed and asked everyone to pray and she came to life 2 days later! A true miracle! However, due to lack of oxygen, her brained stopped developing and she was born with 40% of brain, dead optic nerves (no vision), seizures and cerebral palsy. Doctors give us no hope, but I pray non-stop that God will finish this miracle…I even believe He has/will give her a new brain that will restore all! Thanks for the helpful praying tips and please pray with/for Baby Vega! You prayed for her CP and seizures on the other article, but I would be most grateful for prayer of brain and eyesight restoration as well! May she dance, sing, see and praise the Lord and have a beautiful relationship with us and big sister! Praise Jesus!

  5. Hello requesting prayer for healing of burning sharp pain in my left side, complete healing from foot surgery on both feet, 20/20 vision. Thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus I renounce this burning sharp pain on your left side. I curse this problem at its seed and speak healing, restoration and strength to come forth in Jesus’ name, amen.

  6. Blessings upon you

    The Holy Spirit led me to your page. I am a minister and had never heard of you but God allow your page to pop up. I read several of your articles as directed.

    God challenged me that the same way the principles of faith worked for you, He has a specific assignment for those faith principles to work in my life to do international ministry in the area of wealth and health

    Thanks for all you do and your testimonies of faith has motivated me that God is about to do even greater testimonies through my life than the many He has done before.

    Blessings upon you, your family and your ministry

  7. You are indeed modeling the true life of Jesus to this generation. Ever since i followed your ministry, my Faith for healing is ever increasing. I have seen numerous healing miracles in our meetings; all to the Glory of God.
    I so wish to attend your meetings for more insight and uplifting. McGeoff from Botswana.

    1. Hello Tirelo,

      Thank you for your kind words of support. And I am happy to hear that you too are experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in your meetings. Praise the Lord.

      Becky :O)

      1. Geoffrey, In the name of our Lord Jesus, I renounce all sickness and disease that is attacking your brother’s body. I renounce all bad bacteria, viruses, sickness and disease. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to enter into his body and by the healing whips that Jesus suffered for him he is healed and made whole for the glory of God, amen.

  8. Good day in Jesus name . Becky I came across your interview with Sid Roth when you spoke about the Blood of Jesus and how God ushered you into healing ministry through prayer and fasting .
    I ordered the healing decree immediately which I declare over my husband’ s life and I am trusting God to heal him.
    I also pray using the Blood of Jesus and this has greatly delivered me from night mares and spiritual attacks in dreams .
    I would like to attend healing crusade in Accra Ghana in February 2018 , I kindly request for contact details for me to register for this event. I am.coming with my husband.

    1. No, my son did not have a brain transplant. He received a new recreated brain by faith in the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, as well as a new heart, new lungs, and new kidneys too. All by faith in the atoning blood of Jesus.

  9. Becky. I so look forward to these daily posts of yours and am amazed at what God and Jesus and Holy Spirit have taught you. And others through your generous testinonies and sharing. I’m so grateful to be reading your books. Thank you for your big heart of God’s love for others. God bless you and your family. The months are flying by and October will be here soon!

    1. Thank you Heidi for your support, friendship, and yes, the Ladies Israel Tour will soon be upon us in October. It will be fabulous! :O)

  10. As God is no respecter of persons, please join with me in prayer for Bishop Leonard Foday Farrar, Pastor of Solid Rock Ministries in Garner, North Carolina who passed away Dec. 4, 2015 SUDDENLY..I am praying the same prayer you prayed for your son for Pastor Farrar.I BELIEVE GOD for LIFE to come into him again.
    Thank You, Gail Cromwell

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