I have been teaching you the power of the spoken word and encouraging you to write up a confession of faith for healing and to speak it out over you and your loved ones daily.

Well, I love the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Not only does it heal the physical body, but the life of the person is forever changed. As is the case with one of my regular readers of the daily devotional sent via email.

Karen and her husband have been believing for the healing of their son, Jon for many reasons. One desired healing was to be healed from daily seizures. Let’s look at some of the steps of faith they have put into practice.

  1. They are Christians.
  2. They believe in the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. They have been praying and fasting as a family.
  4. Members in the Church they attend have been praying for Jon.
  5. They have asked the elders to anoint him with oil and pray for him.

They still were not seeing the desired changes. I suggested to Karen that she write up a confession of faith for healing and start declaring this over her son. They started doing this last Sunday and do know what has happened? The daily seizures have stopped for the glory of our Lord!

I am so blessed by this family and that they choose to put their faith in action for their son. That they are teachable and willing to work the Word of God.

Read Karen’s praise report. “I finally got this written up this past weekend, and  my husband and I pray it over Jonathan every night before he goes to bed, and I pray it every morning with Jon (he loves to cuddle up with me while I have my morning time with God, so I just read the Scriptures out loud to him).  I gave a copy to our prayer minister and also a copy to Jon’s children’s church director, who is a great woman of faith.  She prayed it over Jon in children’s church on Sunday.  The first part of the healing confession is Scriptures of healing and authority, that we claim, and the second part is detailed commands for specific spirits that need to leave and areas of his body that need healing.  Since we began praying and claiming this confession on Sunday night, Jon has not had ANY seizures, and we also are seeing the depression lifting.  Praise God!”

And read another report a couple days later, “Jon is continuing to prosper in all areas – he has his energy back, he is achieving tasks at school that they’ve been trying to teach him all year, he is giggling and smiling again, and he is starting to say words again, he has his appetite back.  (and I will add updates as healing continues to manifest).

Here is the confession of faith that they are speaking over their son daily:

“Heavenly Father, You have promised that Your Word will not return void, but it will accomplish what You desire, and it will succeed in the matter for which You sent it. (Is. 55)

So today, we stand on Your Word!  Your Word says,

Jesus took our diseases, and He carried our affliction…the chastening for our health fell on Him, and by His stripes, we are healed. (Is. 53)

The prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. (James 5)

Those who believe will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover! (Mk 16)

Jesus has been placed far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, Everything is in subjection under His feet. (Eph. 1)

The Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil. (I Jn 3)

If God is for us, who can be against us? He will graciously give us all things! We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!  (Rom. 8)

Through God we will do valiantly, and He will trample under our feet our affliction. (Ps. 108)

So today, we declare an insurrection against the powers of darkness that have been keeping Jon down!

  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we cast out the evil spirit of Epilepsy and it may never come back. Neurons must function normally without hyperexcitability.  Neuronal networks must function with the proper level of inhibition.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil spirit of Autism. Aggressive actions must leave. Stimming behaviors must leave. Sleep disorders must leave. Sensory processing disorder must leave now.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil mute spirit. The Broca’s area of Jonathan’s brain and other areas responsible for memory, word recall, and production of clear, articulate, and fluent speech are regenerated and made whole.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil spirit of depression that inhibits smiles, laughter, dancing, and an interest in the world.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jonathan’s brain is being recreated to a normal size, and healed from the stigmata of Down Syndrome, and from damage caused by seizures and seizure meds, and from all damage caused by lack of oxygen at birth.  The lesion on his right temporal lobe, and the cluster of bright spots on his left frontal lobe are both healed. Cognitive disability is healed. Attention deficit is healed. Impulsivity is healed.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, all stigmata of Down Syndrome on Jonathan’s body is removed. Hypothyroid disease is healed. Muscle tone and flexibility are made normal. Nasal passages are made normal, and breathing is regular. Macrocytosis and any other bone marrow or blood cell disorder are healed now. Tongue and upper palate size are recreated to normal size.  Jon will grow until he attains normal height.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, kidneys, liver, and any other organs and blood cells in Jonathan’s body damaged by seizures and seizure meds are healed.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jon’s digestive system is completely healed, and inflammatory bowel disease and chronic diarrhea is gone.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jon has bladder and bowel control and is no longer incontinent.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, every cell and every strand of DNA and every part of Jonathan’s body from the top of his head to the soles of his feet are healed and completely normal.

Hallelujah!  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!”


Isn’t this an amazing testimony? Yes, they have more to believe for, but what an amazing start to Jon’s total healing and deliverance. No more seizures! This just blesses my heart. Learn to activate your faith today and see the needs of those you deeply care about change for the glory of our Lord.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

116 thoughts on “Seizures Stop by Speaking the Word

  1. Good day Pastor, my daughter Hephzibah experiences brain seizures every month for the past two years, I am keying into Jonathan’s testimony. Please pray for her. Thank you

    1. Dear Esther,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of premature death over Hephizibah. I curse these seizures. I command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that all these pathways are supernaturally erased with no more pathways to follow in the future. Epilepsy get out of this girl, Hephizibah for the glory of God. And any and all damage that these seizures have caused be healed and made whole, amen!

    1. Natalie, in the name of Jesus I renounce these seizures and the cerebral palsy. I speak a recreation of her brain and her ability to move and maintain balance and posture. I declare healing and creative miracles according to Isaiah 53:4-5 that says, “By His stripes we are healed” and so is she. I prophesy in the name of Jehovah Rapha that there is no weakness or problems with using her muscles, amen and amen.

      1. Wow, thank you so much! Powerful! When you receive prophesy, that’s God’s truth and will that will come to pass, that He tells you, yes? Thank you so much and God bless! I also didn’t mention to you how she was only born with forty percent of her brain and you mentioned ‘recreation’ of brain! Perfect! In gratitude to you and Jesus!

  2. hi becky ,
    please pray for my daughter evenglyn (hindu name was Kashmeera Naira)
    she been going thru many seizures since march 2019,
    doctor has prescribed many medicine but its not working,
    currently she is taking KEPPRA its make her more temperamental….
    I want you to pray for her to lord jesus to get deliverance…
    she cant concentrate he school study…
    please pray for the healing.

    1. Enoch,
      In Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit of death attacking Kasmeera. I release the dunumus power of life to flow through her. I command every pathway that these seizures are following to be supernaturally erased, and no new pathways may be made because there are no more seizures, amen and amen,

  3. Hi… My son is having seizures while eating n while he is sleeping….. His name is chandan Rao N.. He is fifteen years old… From last two years he is suffering… Plz pray for my son in the name of Jesus… Amen

    1. Divya,
      In the name of Jesus, I renounce these seizures attacking Chandan. I command the pathways that these seizures follow to be supernaturally erased, and no new pathways may be made, because these seizures and the source of them has been cursed at the whipping post where Jesus shed His precious Blood to deliver Chandan from seizures. In Jesus’ name, amen.






  4. I am really encouraged by Jon’s testimony of healing from epilepsy & autism. I really praise the Lord. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am also encouraged to speak the healing scriptures over my problem & my husband’s problem.

    Thank you Becky for your ministry & teachings.



  5. I really thank God for Jon’ s healing testimony. I experienced the first epileptic attack on 06/07/2017 at the age 49yrs. I am born again. I took this as a serious challenge. I had an attack again on the 22 September 2018 & again on the 11th October 2018. On the 18 October 2018 I came across this testimony & I knew right there that God has totally delivered me. Not only that but He has given me a brand new brain . No more epilepsy. God is good & He never leave us without a testimony.

  6. Please dear Heal and pray for me and my daughter as my daughter is studying and I just request you in the name of JESUS to heal my daughter.

    1. Dear Ekta, In Jesus’ name I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to move through your daughter and that all sickness be removed far from her body in Jesus’ name, amen.

  7. Please pray for my 6 years old daughter Amelia, she has frequent seizures and right now is going out from status epilepticus. She has autism and development delay. Please pray for my daughter in order she can be seizure free, smart, speaking and independent in her everyday activities. Thank you! God Bless You!

    1. Dear Antra,
      In the name of Jesus, I renounce this demonic attack against Amelia. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to hover over her, and the manifestation of every need be met for the glory of the Lord. I renounce these epileptic seizures and command them to stop at once, in Jesus’ name. I erase the familiar pathways in the brain that these seizures have dug out and command them to be healed as if they were never there before. And I decree that no new pathways can be created by seizures. This agony stop at once! I renounce the power behind the label of autism. By His stripes Amelia is delivered and healed from every symptom of autism and from autism, itself. I speak to your spirit, Amelia to be at peace, to be made whole, to be free from fear and suffering. I speak creative miracles into your brain and that your ability to speak comes forth, and that you can learn to communicate with clarity and security. I decree that you become all that God created you to become, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  8. Hi Becky, thank you to Jonathan’s parents and to you for sharing the epilepsy prayer. Please pray for my son Katlego, 8 years he has epilepsy and ADHD, lately he gets very angry and impulsive.. Which is had to deal with. Also pray for my faith as l feel l lack this at times and especially when it comes to fighting epilepsy.

    1. Dear Thapelo,
      In Jesus’ name I renounce the spirit of epilepsy and the power behind the label ADHD. I command his brain to be healed and made whole, all seizure pathways to be supernaturally erased without a trace of their previous existence. And I put a hedge of protection around him with the Word of God in Isaiah 53:4-5, “By His stripes Jonathan is healed and made whole.” and no new pathways in Katlego’s brain can be made for seizures, because e is delivered and healed from epilepsy. Epilepsy, I do not fear you, you are just a fallen spirit sent to do people harm. Well, you can’t have this young boy in Jesus’ name. He is covered by the power of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce this angry and impulsive spirit behind the ADHD, get out and leave Katlego at once! Katlego be at peace, delivered from these demonic strongholds, and your brain recreated and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  9. Please pray for my 6 year old son Galo who is diagnosed with epilepsy. May these seizures be outgrown soon. Thank you!

    1. Dear Sandra,
      In Jesus’ name I renounce this spirit of epilepsy over Galo. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his entire being. I command these pathways that the seizures have dug out to be erased in the name of the Lord, and no new pathways can be dug out, because the spirit of epilepsy is gone, out of his body. I speak total and complete healing in the name of the Lord, amen.


  10. Please pray for my son Shane. He seizured in his sleep. He is on low dose medication. I believe in full healing by the power of God through Jesus Christ.

    1. Dear Bridgette,
      In the mighty name of Jesus I renounce these seizures that are attacking Shane in his sleep. I command them to stop and not to create any more pathways in his brain. I speak to his brain to be healed from all damage this has caused and by the mighty stripes of Jesus Shane is healed and made whole. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  11. Hi, my brother EVANGEN is suffering from epilepsy seizures most often during his sleep or early morning wake ups.. he is bitting his tongue, stiffness, staring and unconsious, its been tormenting him since child hood. Please pray for him in JESUS NAME, thank you

    1. Godlygen,
      In the name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of epilepsy tormenting Evangen. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit over him to deliver and to heal him. I speak to his brain that the pathways that have been dug out that these seizures follow are erased and no new pathways may be dug out, because the spirit of epilepsy is gone. All symptoms and negative effects from seizure are healed and Evangen is ate peace for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  12. Please pray for my daughter Niyah, she is on 3 seizure medications. They say she has a single gene mutation but there is not enough research to say for certain that is what’s causing it. The meds have not proven to work yet. Lately her seizures have been very long when she has them. The longest has been 2 hours. She is 3.5 years old. I am very encouraged to read this post.

    1. Dear Seema,
      In Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit of death and these seizures that are tormenting Niyah. I release the power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout her entire being. I erase these pathways that these seizures have made, and declare that no new pathways will be dug out because these seizures are no more. I release creative miracles into her and the problem with the single gene mutation is healed bu the name and the blood of Jesus. I boldly declare that there are no more seizures, she is delivered, healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.


          1. Hi Becky, April 24, 2018 I reached out to you as my daughter went through a very tough few years with bad seizures. I have been praying that prayer since with Niyah. May 2018 she had her last seizure until June 17,2019. She got her chicken pox vaccine on June 12th and she had a seizure June 17, 24th and July 9,2019. I am still praying that prayer but I admit I am confused at why they have started again. Please pray for her.

          2. Seema,
            In Jesus’ name I renounce this spirit of death and these seizures attacking your daughter. I command these pathways that the seizures follow are supernaturally erased for the glory of the Lord, and no new pathways for seizures can be formed as this curse has been broken by the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus. I speak creative miracles to her brain and any damage caused by these seizures, amen and amen.

            PS — Speak life and healing over her and nothing else.

  13. Hello Becky. My mom has been induced into a coma because her seizures won’t stop and her kidneys aren’t functioning at 100%.

    1. Dear Corrado,
      In Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit of death, these seizures, and kidney problems. I release the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout her entire being. I say, “Wake up, and fulfill your destiny for the glory of the Lord.” I command these seizures to stop, the pathways they have carved into the brain are supernaturally erased, and no new pathways will be dug out, because there are no more seizures. I speak to the kidneys to wake up and be healed, function 100% and do your job. I speak life, and life in abundance in the name of Jesus into your mom.


      PS — Lay your hand upon your mom and read this out loud over her in the name of Jesus. If you are not with her call the hospital and have someone hold the phone up to her ear in the name of Jesus.

  14. Hello Becky, my son Tristan has been having seizures for 5 years, he is now 7. He is also lame and mute. I believe his healing has already been paid for through Jesus and is ours. I am seeking guidance on how to pray for Tristan particularly during seizures. God bless you.

    1. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the spirit of death over Tristan. I renounce these seizures, and command their pathways to be supernaturally erased from his brain. And I declare that new pathways cannot be dug out because he is delivered and healed from seizures according to Isaiah 53:5, “By His stripes” Tristan is already healed and made whole. Be at peace in the name of the Lord, our God, amen.

  15. Thank you sister for praying for Matt.Glory to God.I will let you know of his full recovery.God blessing overtake you and your family in Jesus Name.

  16. Please pray for Jonathan for healing from seizures in the night. He is 9 and they cant find a cause. Thankyou Denise

    1. Denise, in Jesus’ name I renounce this demonic attack against Jonathan. I renounce these seizures and the source of them. I command every pathway in the brain that these seizures have dug out to be erased and no new ones can be formed because by the blood of Jesus Jonathan is delivered, healed and made whole for the glory of God. Amen.

  17. Hi I was led here by Jesus. Matthew V had a stroke when he was 3 months old. And he has a lesion on the right side of his brain and he has been suffering with some grand mal and he suffers more with complex parital seizures. And he doc has him on 3 seizure drugs on high level. Please lift him up to the Lord and I really felt better seeing the testimony about jon,God bless you

    1. Willow, in Jesus’ name I renounce the spirit of death and the seizures it is causing to harm Matthew. In Jesus’ name I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow mightily through his brain. I command this lesion on the right side of his brain to be healed and made whole. I erase the pathways that these seizures have been following and I declare that there will be no new pathways dug through the brain because by the whipping stripes Jesus suffered for him, Matthew is healed with no more seizures in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    2. My son has been suffering from epilepsy since 12,since electric spark in is from left side of his brain, doctor will not operate.only good can save him.he is on high potency druga but is studying law.pls pray for his cure as well him to clear his exams

      1. Dear Anne, in Jesus’ name I renounce this epileptic spirit that has been plaguing your son. I command it to leave him in the name of Jesus. I erase the familiar pathways that these seizures have dug out in the brain and have been following. And there will be no more pathways dug in this brain because there will be no more epilepsy in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

  18. Please say a Prayer for my 4yr old son who is suffering with a rare epilepsy, Doose Syndrome. I pray for him every day and I know God will heal him. Thank you.

    1. Dear Kristine,
      In Jesus’ name I renounce this spirit of epilepsy that is attacking your son. In Jesus’ name I command it to be gone and that all physical damage that this has caused is healed and the brain is recreated and restored in Jesus’ name, amen.

  19. My name is Olivia and I have epilepsy please pray for me so I can be healthy and take care of kids and Jesus’s name

    1. Olivia, in Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit of death, and the spirit of epilepsy that is controlling you. I bind them in the name of Jesus and I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit over you to flow and move throughout your entire being. I declare that you will live you will not die, all seizures cease. I erase the pathways in the brain that these seizures have been taking and they cannot dig out new pathways because the spirit of epilepsy is gone it does not function any longer in your body. In Jesus’ name, be healed, delivered and made whole, amen.

  20. Our Father is a good, GOOD father. He always was and is and is to come! Thank you, Lord, for supplying us with your word so that we can apply your word as you have intended and instructed us to do so. I declare the healing of epilepsy in my sister! May the power of our Savior, Jesus Christ heal her brain and cast out any demonic manifestation there may be causing her epileptic episodes! I love you, dear Father! Amen! ????????

    1. Please pray for my daughter who has been suffering from seizures from last 4 years. Her name is aditri Sinha. Now she is 4 years 10 months old

      1. Subhradeb,
        In the mighty name of Jesus’, your Healer and Redeemer, I renounce these seizures. I command all pathways that these seizures that to be erased in Aditri’s brain. No new pathways for seizures may be reformed, all seizures stop in the name of Jesus. And all damage that has been done because of them be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  21. Praying for my 7yr old grand son who is having multiple seizures and we can’t see why. Very encouraging testimony thanks.

  22. Praying for my daughter to be healed from her seizures. Thank you for your prayer. It gave me peace. Blessings..

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