Did you know that there are three gifts Jesus wants from you? Let’s look at these three gifts. As we look to the Scritpures concerning these gifts I pray this Christmas season that you will give Jesus the gifts due Him. We read in the story of Jesus about the gifts of the Magi and […]
Access Your Spiritual Title Deed
One of the foundational elements that we need to stand firm in faith is an understanding of our spiritual legal rights. Without this revelation knowledge it is difficult to take ownership of God’s promises and confidently believe. Many people are suffering from broken marriages, financial difficulties and incurable sicknesses and disease. They desire a miraculous […]
How to Recognize the Voice of God Online Course
(4-Week Online Spiritual Growth Course) Jesus, the Great Shepherd tells us that His sheep hear His voice and another voice they will not follow. But how can you be sure it’s the voice of our Lord speaking to you? And what are the different ways He speaks to us. If you desire to follow the […]
Take a Spiritual Bath of Repentance
Lovers of Jesus desire for His glorious return, but we read in Ephesians 5:25-27, (NKJV) “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle […]
Be Strong and Courageous Prophetic Word
The Word of the Lord to you this day, July 23, 2024. I, the Lord Jesus would say to you this day, “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid, or dismayed for I the Lord God am with you. But I say to you to be on the alert for your enemy, that serpent of […]
A Transition in the Spirit Realm
A transition in the spirit realm is taking place. Are you ready? The Word of the Lord would say to you. Do you sense the transition of the Spirit? Do you hear Him wooing you without the fear of it? Great change is on the horizon. It’s time for the Church to step up to […]
Are You Fighting Discouragement?
Are you fighting discouragement? If so, you are not alone, many are struggling to find a bit of encouragement these days. Let’s face it, the news is ugly, social media is filled with hate, and in general people have become so negative. So, where do God’s people find a word of hope? Right from the […]
Waiting for the Full Manifestation
You ask, “What about the person who has been prayed for numerous times, knows God wants to heal them, but just doesn’t seem to ever receive the full manifestation?” This is a challenging question, but it does have an answer. I would recommend to this person to listen very carefully to what they are actually […]
Healing is the Restart Button
Healing is a restart button and by faith we can hit this button, trust God to heal us in spirit, soul, and in the physical body. Let’s talk about how healing is the restart button. Jesus says that the thief, the devil, comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, see John 10:10a. And a […]
It’s Time to Dethrone that Sickness
Have we idolized the sickness? Has it become all-powerful to us? Has it become the center of our lives? Is it the controller of all we say and do? Is it the center of every message we give? Do our words glorify Jesus as the Healer of all, including this sickness, or do they insinuate […]