Do you remember the lady from the other day that wrote concerning the need for healing prayer for her husband who suffered from a stroke? Well, I want to write and share her testimony with you about what they are witnessing since this prayer of faith was verbally released over him. “Again I say to […]
Is It Enough to Just Believe
The Holy Spirit constantly challenges my faith, and causes me to think about what I believe, and why I believe a certain way. And so I present the same questions to you that He does to me. Today, I posted the following comment on social media, “No matter what people may say, God says that […]
Authority Over Severe Allergy
It’s summertime and so many people are talking about their seasonal allergies. But do we have to succumb to an allergy because of the change of the season? Do we need to suffer with pain, swelling, difficulty with breathing, itchiness that practically drives someone mad because they came near a plant, such as Poison Ivy? […]
Faith Demands Action
Perhaps you are speaking all the right words and yet are not seeing your healing manifest. You need to take it one step farther for your miracle to manifest. Watch and listen and find out what you need to do next. Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE […]
Let Your Faith Loose
In 1 Samuel 17: 45-51, we read about David, the shepherd boy with his slingshot in hand, fearlessly rises to the occasion, accepts the challenge, ignores the obvious, and with full confidence in His God replies to Goliath’s threat, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but […]
What Would You Ask of God?
If you could ask for whatever you want, what would you ask of God for yourself? Do you know? I find oftentimes, Christians say they want one thing from God, but as I become involved in their situation I discover they really desire another thing. One time I was asked to minister to a woman […]
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Healed
A Brown Recluse Spider bite is a serious matter. And the first thing you are to do in the natural is to call 911. That’s how serious it is. Cynthia from Virginia was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider. But she had learned what the Bible said about healing and put her faith into action. […]
2 Steps to Use Your Faith Shield
The Lord Jesus has given you a supernatural shield called faith. This shield is to protect you and to help fight off the attacks of satan. But its not enough to just own this shield. You must activate its supernatural power for it to work. Do you know how to activate this power? Do you […]
Walk in His Authority
One of the weapons of our spiritual warfare that God gives to us is His authority. But how can we walk in this authority if we do not know that He gives it to us? Jesus tells us in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over […]

Why Is My Healing Not Manifesting?
Why is your healing not manifesting? Many people are wondering this as well. I have found that there are two main reasons for this. And the good news is they are both things you are able to work with–change so that your healing can manifest. There are many reasons as to why your healing is […]