Gabriel answers Mary’s honest question, “How can this be?” He says to her in Luke 1:35, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.” The Amplified Version of the Bible describes this […]
God Can Handle Your Honest Question
Luke 1:34, “Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” This is Mary’s response to the most astounding news she receives from Gabriel, that she would give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Mary was a simple young girl, and yet she was chosen to carry out a […]
God Wills to Speak to You Prophetically
As we continue on with the real life account of the birth of Jesus we read from Luke 1:31-33, the prophecy that the angel Gabriel came to deliver to Mary. “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called […]
You Have Favor With God
The angel Gabriel comes down to Earth, appears to a young virgin girl named Mary to deliver an astounding message from God in Heaven. The message that he has to give is so amazing, even the greeting itself is perplexing to the young girl. And its this greeting that we are going to look at […]
Pray For the Assistance of Ministering Angels
The Father sent His angel Gabriel to this earth to deliver a message to Mary that would change her life. Did you know that He still sends angels to this earth to minister to His people? The Bible says concerning these angels in Hebrews 1:14, “Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out […]
A Gift of Reconciliation for You
A gift of reconciliation wrapped with unconditional love, tied with a beautiful white bow of forgiveness may be the perfect gift given to the undeserving one this Christmas. … READ MORE. SALVATION PRAYER – The First Step – Because the greatest sickness that exists is a spiritual condition and lost souls are condemned to hell, […]

God Has a Perfect Spiritual Gift for You
It’s that time of the year when many people are out shopping and searching for the perfect gift for family and friends. And I have to admit that I am no exception, and I enjoy shopping during the Christmas season, and get all excited when I find just the right gift for someone. Today, I […]

Boldly Make Your Request Known
Are you timid when it comes to asking God for something you need or want? Does the Lord want you to be shy with Him? Or should you come to Him with boldness? The other day I asked one of our new girls in the home what she would like for Christmas. She quietly whispered, […]

Do You Believe?
Do you believe in the power of faith to receive miracles? Or does your human reasoning resist God’s supernatural ways? Do you readily surrender to His Spirit? Or do you lock arms against Him? There are many Christians today that believe in Jesus, but they don’t believe Him. They believe just enough to receive eternal […]

How to Remain Faithful
We live in an unfaithful world, even God’s people struggle to remain faithful nowadays. But that does not mean we need to join the ranks of the unfaithful. But how can we remain faithful when many around us are falling from the faith? How do we remain faithful in an unfaithful world? Our ability to […]