Release the Prayer of Faith

I recently prayed with a woman who suffered from kidney disease. They were very sick and did not function properly. I released the prayer of faith into her kidneys and commanded them to be healed and to function right in the name of Jesus. With tear-filled eyes she shared with me the next day that […]

Why the Conflict About Healing?

If Jesus tells us that by His stripes (whippings) we are healed, then why is there this conflict about healing in the Church today? This is a good question, a real conflict within the Body of Christ, and the Bible has the answers for us concerning healing. First of all, let me share with you […]

Is There Healing In Feathers?

Question: “Becky, do you believe in the healing power of feathers?” Answer: No, I do not. Feathers do not heal. That is witchcraft. Divine healing ONLY comes from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah 53: 4-5 “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and […]
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