Healing is a restart button and by faith we can hit this button, trust God to heal us in spirit, soul, and in the physical body. Let’s talk about how healing is the restart button. Jesus says that the thief, the devil, comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, see John 10:10a. And a […]

Desperation vs’ Faith
Desperation verses faith, they are both spiritual foundations. Which one will you choose? I have seen over-and-over again that desperate people do desperate things, and create even more trouble for themselves. Desperation is never the right place to base decisions upon. It’s also the wrong foundation for a miracle. It’s not our desperate situation that […]

A Formula for a Miracle
Did you realize that there is an actual formula for receiving a miracle? It is not based upon human understanding, but upon the supernatural power of faith in God Almighty. My husband and I were working with a group of Bible students. The students were ministering in a church service. A Guatemalan man with his […]

Unborn Baby Healed
A concerned grandmother contacted me to ask for prayer for her unborn granddaughter. The parents were given no hope, and told to abort. We joined our faith together and prayed for a miracle, and a baby was miraculously healed while still in the womb. The doctor ran a second ultrasound to confirm what he had […]