Before I share the telltale signs that a spirit of death is attacking you, let’s discuss how it gains access into our lives. The spirit of death is sly and cunning, and it works in the realm of spiritual darkness. It first enters into the mind and the emotions when we least expect it. Especially, […]

There is a Spirit of Death Over our Nation and People
There is a spirit of death over our nation and people. And the alarming thing is that many do not see it, but nevertheless it is here. And it is working hard against us in these last days. Perhaps, when we do not realize the connection between the physical realm and the spirit realm we […]
As I travel around the world and minister divine healing, I see many difficult situations. Premature death is one that presents itself in a wide diversity of cruelty. God is not the author of these vicious attacks, but the Redeemer from sickness and disease. One of my life assignments is to release physical healing, to […]