No matter the situation, no matter what the report says, “I trust You, Lord.” My mind shouts one thing, but my spirit calmly whispers, “I trust You.” The doctors say prepare to die, but my soul says, “No, I trust in my God.” I know You, and You do not change. Therefore, I can confidently […]
Trust Me –Word of the Lord
The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, “If you will trust Me, then you will see the mighty hand of the Father upon you. I will not hide from you, but be found by you at the whisper of My name. You do not need to bow your head in shame, but trust […]
Do You Feel Overwhelmed?
Do you feel overwhelmed? Does your world feels like it’s caving in on all sides at once–look to Jesus. He’s faithful. He will never leave you, or forsake you, Hebrews 13:5. God’s not angry like the world would have you believe Him to be. Psalm 86:15 beautifully describes the goodness of God towards us, “But […]
Examine Your Spiritual Progress
Surely it is not always comfortable to examine our spiritual progress, but it is necessary. Yes, it reveals both good and bad, but instead of condemning ourselves during this process let’s allow the Holy Spirit to convict us to change. Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are […]

Trust God
Are you or a loved one facing a very difficult problem? Does it seem that others around you have given up all hope? It’s a tough spot to find yourself in, but it happens. God’s people give up hope for healing everyday. They even believe that God tells them that He won’t come through for […]

Pray for God’s Comfort
God’s Word is clear that we will pass through difficult times on this earth, not because He wills pain and sorrow for us, but that we live in a fallen world. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of […]