Giving Testimony of Tooth and Gum Miracle

The Bible tells us that “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”, Rev. 12:11a, NKJV. Their testimony is their evidence given, their record, their report, or their witness, G3141, Strong’s Concordance. Jesus gives instruction in Mark 5:19, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” David cries out to God in Ps. 22:22, TLB, “I will praise you to all my brothers; I will stand up before the congregation and testify of the wonderful things you have done.” King Nebuchadnezzar testifies in Daniel 4:2, he declares, “It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me,” NIV. Testifying of God’s supernatural interventions in your life are powerful. They open up the hearts of the people to the goodness of God. Are you testifying to your family and friends about all the wonderful and great things the Lord has done for you?
I love a good testimony of God’s creative power in action. And I believe you will be blessed by this testimony, especially those that are believing for healing and miracles of their teeth and gums.
Judy writes, “I want to thank you for an amazing seminar in Folsom, Ca. I witnessed many healing miracles through your prayers right before my very eyes and you prayed for my mother to receive restored, healthy teeth and gums. Something amazing is happening. I’m in the process of documenting it though pictures. Right now most of her gums are healed and new bone is forming where she had bone loss! I’ve learned so much and received much insight through the Holy Spirit during your 3 day visit. I got many glimpses of God’s power which I’m still processing in parts. Bless you and your ministry! Thank you Jesus for your healing power!”
The majority of people in this world doubt that God cares enough to heal an elderly woman from serious tooth and gum disease. But if more would willingly share their healing testimonies to the people in their arena of influence, more people would be encouraged to believe in the God of the miraculous, and more would be healed. And eventually more would come to know Jesus as their Savior. “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name,” Jn. 20:30-31, NKJV.
Click to read another tooth and gum healing by faith.
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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Please pray for my teeth, gums, dental crown, and fillings 🥺.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums bones, and teeth (crows and fillings) to cleanse all infections, disease and impurities and recreate new strong teeth and healthy disease-free gums, all for God’s glory, amen.
Please pray for God to restore all my decayed teeth. I’m afraid they are going to fall out. Please God build them back up.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums and teeth, cleanse them of all impurities and infections, and strong new teeth and healthy gums are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Please dear Becky, pray for my 3 year old son. His 2 upper front teeth “died”/went grey after a bad fall at 18 months. Now one of them is infected and the dentist wants to take it out. I am convinced that Jesus can save his tooth and protect his little smile.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into his teeth and gums, cleanse all impurities and infections, and new strong healthy teeth and gums are recreated, all for the glory of Jesus, amen.
Dear Becky, from the bottom of my heart, please pray for my teeth, to be restored naturally. I know they can be saved by a miracle
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth and gums, cleanse them of impurities and infections and supernaturally new strong teeth are recreated, all for the glory of God, amen.
Please pray so that Jesus Christ can heal my cavities
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of infirmity, this attack on your teeth. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your teeth, cleanse them of impurities and infections, and new strong, cavity-free, healthy teeth are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I came upon it at a perfect time. I have never had a cavity (praise God) but part of my gum is not doing well. I am praying and believing and declaring the healing of this area in the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of pain and fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums, jaw and teeth, cleanse them of all impurities and infections and healthy gums are recreated and pain-free, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
I am believing, declaring and receiving full restoration to my teeth and gums. In my flesh I have many cavities, decaying, abscessed. The dentist had wanted to do root canals and teeth pulling as well as fillings. But I am standing in faith. So all prayers and commanding them to be healed in the Name of Jesus would be so appreciated. Thank you!
In the name of Jesus’, your healer and restorer, I release the miracle working power of God that raised Jesus up from the dead to flow through your every tooth and root and throughout your gums in your mouth to cleanse them from death, decay, infections, pain and swelling. I stand with you for recreative miracles into every tooth and all that is attached to that tooth to be cleansed, healed, recreated, strengthened and made whole, amen and amen.
I receive this miracle in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!!!! Hallelujah and amen.
God bless you with His healing power!
I have been praying for a miracle for my teeth since the last three years. I’m 21 y/o and I have fillings in most of my teeth and two root canals, I had waited for 2 yrs before doing the second root canal and praying for a new tooth but I finally had to do it since I’m moving to another country for higher studies, dentist said some of my teeth are on borderline stage but I believe my Heavenly Father can give me a whole new set of teeth despite and inspite of anything.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your gums and teeth, cleanse them of impurities and infections, and new strong teeth and healthy gums are recreated, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
I have numerous cavities that want Jesus to heal with new enamel please have mercy for me.
In the name of Jesus’, I release the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ to flow through your teeth and gums to heal them from all impurities of decay and infections, to strengthen and recreate strong and healthy, pain-free teeth, amen and amen.
Hello my name is James I have missing teeth I have tarter Build-up on my teeth I won’t God to restore my smile I believe in God and I believe that hes a miracle worker please pray for my teeth that God restore and calls them to be white and pretty again
In the name of Jesus’, I release the miracle working power of the Lord Jesus Christ to flow in and throughout your mouth cleansing your teeth, and creating teeth that are missing in Jesus’ name, amen.
Please pray for my teeth. I have so many issues that a dentist could never fix all the issues in a satisfactory way let alone the enormous cost. I have been a widow for 25 years since I was 35 and I would love to give glory to God and not be embarrassed to smile when I go to work. I always feel like I can’t smile except with my mouth closed.
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce tooth and gum disease. I release the healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ to flow in and throughout them to cleanse them from all impurities and decay, infection and disease. I speak life, healing and strength to them in Jesus’ name, amen.
Please pray for a miracle for my teeth!
In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing and creative power of Holy Spirit to flow through your teeth and gums to cleanse, heal, strengthen any weak areas, and recreate what needs to be recreated in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.
Mam pray for my teeth, I can’t able to eat I have 3 decayed teeth.its terrible,I’m 22 years old name varsha . Let miracle happens in my teeth one teeth is broken
In the name of Jesus’, I renounce this decay in your teeth and all the pain and suffering this is causing you. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow throughout your gums and teeth to heal and refresh them with the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, and by this power I say, “Be healed and made whole!”, amen and amen.
Hi, my name is Cristina. It is no coincidence having met you, God has put you in my path to help me heal. I have a cracked front tooth, please ask God to restore my tooth and make it look like new.
In the name of Jesus’ I release the creative miracle working power of Holy Spirit into your tooth and declare words of faith over it that it is healed, strengthened and made whole, amen.
Please pray for my sister who has gum and side face pains.
In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus into her upper and lower jaws, gums, teeth and nerves to cleanse them from all impurities, infection, and disease. I speak life, healing, restoration and strength to them, amen and it shall be so!
Pls pray for me I have 1 root canal and 4 cavities…..I want Jesus fix all my dental and other health problems … amen
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce all decay in your teeth and release the cleansing power of Holy Spirit to flow through them and to cleanse them from all impurities and decay and release the creative power of Holy Spirit to flow through them and to recreate them from the inside to the outside, amen and amen.
Praying for healing of a tooth with severe decay. Seeing myself made perfect by Him. Amen.
Amy, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this decay in your tooth and gums. I release the cleansing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout them removing all decay and infection. I speak to the inner workings of your teeth and gums and declare them to be strong, healthy, decay free, and that missing parts grow back for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.
Hi. I’m just 21 years old and my teeth have many cavities. Lord God, please help me regrow my teeth and heal the cavities. I promise that I’ll take good care of them. Please provide a great dental health. I know that nothing is impossible with You. Please Ms. Becky, pray for my teeth. Thanks and God bless!
In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your teeth and gums and to cleanse them from all impurities and disease. I speak health, strength, recreation to your teeth and gums from this inside to the outside, amen and amen.
Pray To God for heal cavities on my teeth, to regrow the missing teeth and provide me with great dental health.
Also pray for healing to my abdomen and for the side pain to be healed in Jesus name. I’ve been in pain for many year and pray that God heals me and restores my health.
Vimbai, in the name of Jesus’ I release the healing and creative power into your teeth and gums and speak cleansing and restoration in Jesus’ name. I curse all sickness in your abdomen and that it is cleansed by the power of God and healed and made whole, amen and amen.
Hi becky. I need help and prayer please. My teeth…..filling has fallen out. Its a new one and has been don e 6 months ago. Please i cant go again
Dear Shanna, in the name of Jesus’ I speak creative miracles to your teeth and that this filling is supernaturally replaced by the power of God and no more issues for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Hi Becky,
Can you please pray for healing and creative miracles for my teeth ? A few years ago my all upper were extracted including lower on sides and I am only 50 yera old male. The dentist made crooked upper denture and refuse to fix it. So, I need new 16 upper teeth and and new lower teeth on sides . Also, my own teeth are crooked. For years, I had anemia and paradontosis . Thank you!
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this death and disease in your mouth. I release the power of Holy spirit to flow through your teeth and gums and cleanse them from all impurities. I speak strength to the remaining teeth, and creative miracles to your gums and that they grow new teeth, amen and amen. I speak to your blood to be fortified for the glory of the Lord and you are cleansed from anemia, amen.
Thank you!
You are welcome.
Hello Becky my name is Alan
I have come here asking for the healing of my teach. I regret not taking better care of my teeth but I have come here asking Jesus to please heal my teeth.
I ask the Jesus to please take away the pain I am feeling.
Alan, in the name of Jesus I speak peace and healing into your teeth, form the inside to the outside. All decay supernaturally gone, all parts of the teeth healed and made whole for the glory of God, amen.
Dear Becky, I’m also here in need of healing.
In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I asked that my damaged teeth be fully healed and restored with new and healthy material.
Thank you Becky.
Mark, in the name of our Lord Jesus I release the healing and creative power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your teeth and that they are strong, and healthy in Jesus’ name, amen.
Hello there Becky my name is Alan I am in need of a few dental miracles. I will admit that I take full responsibility for the damage I have done to my teeth. But I would like to ask God to heal my cavities and to heal me of the pain i feel when I am eating. I also would like to ask God for healing of my hands which have been in pain for the last 2 years.
Alan, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce the decay in your teeth and speak healing and creative miracles into them and declare them healed by the redemptive blood of Jesus, amen and amen. I also speak healing in to your hands and that all pain and suffering and weakness are gone and they function 100% normal, amen.
Hello Becky,
I am reading your book Dare to Believed and I just watched your last emission with Sid Roth. I am so encouraged. Please agree with me for my dental miracle. I have serious periodontitis disease. My teeth move a lot; And I was diagnosed with Hashimoto disease recently. I believe for creative miracle in my gum, teeth and my thyroid in Jesus’s Name. Thank you.
In Jesus’ name I renounce this periodontal disease. I speak life, healing and miracles into your teeth and gums. Form the inside to the outside you are healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.
Becky :O)
Hi Becky, I am in need of a dental miracle to undo physical damage to my teeth done by, in my opinion, an irresponsible and aggressive dentist. I would like to ask God for all of my teeth that were touched by a dentis’s drill to be restored to their natural state so I can be comfortable and have a comfortable bite again and beautiful healthy strong teeth that will last me for the rest of my days.
The proceedures had been done without my full knowledge of what was to be done and one without my permission and I also need help getting over the feelings of violation and attack.
I would like to see you at an event close to me if it will help more.
Dear Kathy,
In Jesus’ name, we forgive this dentist and the damage that was done to Kathy’s teeth. We release him from our anger, bitterness and vengeance. And in freeing him we are free to stand confidently full of faith and make our request known for strong and healthy teeth in Jesus’ name, amen.
Thank you
You are very welcome.
Hi Becky, my name is Edwin Barchue, I’m so grateful to God for the numerous medicals He is doing through your ministry and to God be the Glory. I have your CDs I ordered through Sid Roth and I just Order 4 more mericle CDs through PayPal because I’m believing God for healing from glaucoma and the restoration of my eye sight back to a 20/20 vision. Please also keep me in your prayers.
Hello Edwin,
In Jesus’ name I renounce this glaucoma that is attacking your eyes. In Jesus’ name I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout the optic nerve and nerve fibers and the retina. I declare that your optic nerve and everything attached to it are totally and completely healed and made whole and that you see 20/20 vision. In Jesus’ all powerful name, amen!
PS — I believe the cd’s will build up your faith to believe and receive all that God has for you.
praise God!
Isn’t it a wonderful testimony, Jessica!
Please, I have a toothache on my upper molar, last year I had a wisdom tooth pulled out next to it but the dentist was not careful and damaged the next molar which has started chipping since then. So I miss one third of this tooth including amalgam filling. It has been painful for about few weeks. I cannot afford to go to the dentist as I am on a maternity leave and I have 2 children, one of them had the cancer, he lost both kidneys due to it and needs the dialysis. The GOD answered our prayers and healed HIM and he is now cancer free for over a year. IT was the miracle because the cancer spread from plače where he had kidneys through veins to the heart. I pray now for dental miracle for my toothache to stop and to restore my tooth and please, pray for my teeth with cavities to get healed and restored, so that I do not need to go to the dentist. Please, pray for my daughter’s milk tooh8as well. She had just a White spot on it and a few weeks agou it turned to cavity. As I mentioned, we do not have enough money for the dentist procedures, so please please please, pray for US all…. I have been doing so for a few days but it is still the same. Thanks
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce tooth decay in your upper molar, and speak creative miracles to your teeth and gums and declare by faith that they are healed, recreated from the inside to the outside for the glory of the Lord, amen.
I want healing too. Teeth….doctors mistske pleae.
Kiya, In the name of Jesus’ I speak creative miracles into your teeth and the damage that was done be healed, and your teeth be recreated and strengthened, amen.
Please pray Our Lord JESUS grows all my teeth back in my mouth amen
In the name of Jesus’, I release the miracle working power of the Lord Jesus to flow through your mouth to recreate your teeth from the roots on up. I speak words of faith as I say, “Teeth grow in Jesus’ name, amen!”