The Healing Wave Has Arrived

You have heard me share a prophetic word from God about a tsunami wave of healing hitting the western world. God told us that that no longer would His people ask, “Why not healing in the western world?” He told us that in this wave there would be healing of all types, even unusual healings. He assured us that this healing wave was for everyone and anyone that was willing to get wet with this healing power. We were warned that along with this tsunami wave of healing there would be a strong undertow of unbelief, but that we were to keep our eyes fixed upon Him and expect to get wet.
I am telling you that this end times’ wave of healing power has hit the western shores. A mighty wave of healing power is moving quickly throughout the entire earth, including the Western world. As I minister throughout the earth I am witnessing a surge of the power of the Holy Spirit being released in greater measure to His people.
I was just in Sweden last weekend and many people were instantly healed of many things. One woman was bound to a wheelchair and instantly she was healed and walked. Her husband pushed the wheelchair out door after the meeting while she walked out the doors in her own strength. When the people witnessed this one miracle their faith for their own miracles was activated and they readily received their miracles.
Next to her was a woman suffering from fibromyalgia. She too was instantly released from the power of this disease. Then numerous people were quickly delivered and healed from deafness. And many backs, necks, shoulders, knees, and feet were completely healed too.
Two weekends earlier I was in North Carolina and a woman had been suffering from ALS and it had her bound to a wheelchair for 12 years. She could not stand or walk on her own. In fact, there were so many things she could no longer do on her, but the power of the Holy Spirit in this tsunami wave of healing overtook her and she too got up from that wheelchair and walked. And in this meeting as well so many people were instantly healed from so many diseases and aliments.
There is so much healing power being released in this tsunami wave of healing that I have taken to minister to people in groups according to the disease, for example; deafness. Whether the people are suffering from complete or partial deafness, in one ear or both ears I have them all stand together in a line and I minister to the entire group, like I would with one person.
I renounce the spirit of deafness, and I release the Spirit of Life into their ears, and prophetically command that their ears be recreated, realigned and are healed and made whole. We activate our faith, they all close their eyes, and I shut off the mics and walk farther and farther away from them and ask them if they can hear me. And they do.
Whatever your need is, trust God, and expect to get wet with this amazing healing power of the Holy Spirit during these last days.
Click here to read this prophetic word, or read this prophetic book, Greater Than Magic.
Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.
© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
What words should we use when we pray? What should we exactly say? I’m confused because we are also told to pray like we have already received it.
Dear Joan, If you really want to learn how to speak / pray correctly I teach you extensively what to say and how to pray… in my last book, “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.” Otherwise, speak life, healing, strength… in the name of Jesus.
My dad’s heart suddenly raced & the ER doctor’s shocked him back to normal. He’s been battling fear over his heart & life. Checks his pulse obsessively. Can you pray for his heath, life, heart & get that spirit of fear off of him?
Also, my lab results show adrenal fatigue, high cortisol, improper thyroid, high DHEA & possible mold in my body. Can you pray in agreement over my body levels to be normal & heathy?
Thank you!
In Jesus’ name I renounce the spirit of death, and I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his heart and that it is healed and made whole and functions 100% for the glory of the Lord.
I renounce this spirit of infirmity over you, Kymberlee. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your body, and I declare that your thyroid is recreated and functions perfectly normal and all these other symptoms, allergies, high cortisol, adrenals are healed and made whole, amen and amen.
Dear Becky.. thank you for your prophetic word of tsunami healing! I received it for my grandson Gabriel & decree that he is soaking in it for healing of inability to speak in words & sentences! Gabriel is going to be twelve & his speech hasn’t manifested yet! He is currently taking medication for seizure disorder. We claim his Total healing & wholeness in this Tsunami Season of God’s healing power! Thank you & God bless you & your ministry . Rita
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death and these seizures attacking him. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow into his brain and that all the pathways that these seizures follow are supernaturally erased for the glory of God. I declare by faith that no new pathways for seizures may be remade because according to the Word of God, Isaiah 53:4-5 he is healed by the blood of Jesus He shed for him at the whipping post to pay the price for all healing, amen.
Dear Becky. I was born with my legs knock kneed. Please pray that God straightens them and I can feel better about myself and have less pain. Thank you and God Bless You.
In the name of Jesus’ I believe with you for creative miracles to be released into your knees and that they straighten out for the glory of God, amen.
Thank you. I will keep praying and staying Faithful for that healing.
Hi Becky. I want to attend your healing service in Virginia May 11
Would it be better for you to pray over me to obtain the physical healing of my legs straightening? They are still the same. Thank you and God Bless you
Still praying for healing of insomnia, overactive nervous system, dry eyes and mouth, poor circulation. I just want my peace back. Thank you Becky!
Write a confession of faith, make it strong and biblical. Instead of saying, “I am still praying…” Declare by faith, “I am delivered and healed from sleeping disorders… and I sleep through the night…
Thanks woman of God for sharing this end time healing waves prophesy, am also awaiting to be made whole in Jesus’ name. How i wish my country Zambia could also visited by anointed men and women of God just like what is happening in other countries. I believe one day God will open the doors.
God richly bless you sissy Becky.
Blessings to you in Zambia.
I have been single 55 years/please pray for me a Godly mate!!
I pray as you are faithful to God you will find one another in Jesus’ name.
Sister Becky. . Thank you for sharing Gods prophetic word . I receive the tsunami healing for myself and love ones in Jesus Name. I’m ready to get wet and watch the miracles manifest . Yes. our eyes must be fixed and focus on Him alone. God bless you and your ministry abundantly. I look forward to reading your post . They truly bless me. Thank you …I’ve been single for 19 years and believing for a mans after Gods heart. Please be in agreement. Blessings
Continue to pray and trust God.
PTL!! I receive complete and total healing of partial deafness in both my ears, in Jesus name.
Amen, Kathleen!