In response to my recent post, Loosed From Your Infirmity Emily writes, “Thank you for a fresh look at ownership of disease and disability. He owns the deafness, and the para-spinal muscular atrophy by which I have been leaning forward to walk, with difficulty. Those conditions have fooled me all these many years. Thank you for correcting my wrong assumptions. Thank you, Lord Jesus.

I am going to visit my neighbor, who has held a grudge against me for several years, over a matter which is my fault. Pray for me to obey God’s will that I make amends to her, and in the presence of her family. I want to enter heaven without spot or wrinkle, and if my neighbor’s family is not saved, they will be.”

It could be that you are physically bound because you are spiritually bound to things such as offense and unforgivenesss. But you can be loosed from satan’s wicked chains of bondage by following Emily’s example. And in doing so you activate God’s ability to help you overcome any form of disability that you face.

I see over and over and over again, people instantly heal when they repent of sin, and forgive those that have deeply hurt them. I’m talking about people that can no longer stand, walk, or function from day to day.

Why does unforgiveness physically bind people to sickness and disease? We can find the answer to this question in Proverbs 17:22, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” You see, life is produced in the marrow of the bones, and if offense is not dealt with it turns into bitterness, and bitterness will destroy you from the inside to the outside. It literally dries up the life from within you.

You may be reading this and saying that you can never forgive a certain someone for the evil that they had done to you. When you take on this attitude you actually curse yourself. You stop the blessings of God, such as healing to flow into your body. The Bible is very clear,But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses., Matthew 6:15. When you do not forgive, you bind yourself to the evil consequences of the sin of the offender. And the consequences of sin are harsh.

You may be thinking to yourself, I get what you’re saying but I honestly just do not know how to forgive them. The Lord understands what you are going through, but He never intended for you to walk through the forgiveness process alone. Hebrews 4:15 states, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet he did not sin.” Think for a moment what He went through as a human-being on this earth, as they were ripping Him apart, exposing Him down to the bones, mocking and rejecting Him, in the end He cries out, “”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”, Luke 23:34. If the offender truly understood our Lord and eternity they never would do these evil things but, they are deceived by the devil, himself. And if they do not repent, they will reap consequences far worse than your unforgiveness. But you cannot control their actions, they have been given a free will to live a sinful life, or to live a godly one.

What you can do is surrender your will to the Father’s will and forgive the offender by God’s grace. Activate the power of His unmerited favor and strength. And as His Word encourages us in Zechariah 4:6, “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” By His Spirit you are empowered with His ability to overcome any disability, whether the disability is spiritual or physical, we have the power to overcome with His help.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

1 thought on “Ability to Overcome Disability

  1. Becky hello!

    We are a group of ladies studying healing, between your book and Curry Blake from John G Lake Ministries. Interesting! I see exactly what your saying and why, and I agree…

    My question is this – “Is there a difference in the way you minister to Christians that most likely do know better, compared to non Christians who have not seen the light of Jesus? I ask because in many instances we read that JGLM people have instant healing’s of non Christians out in the workplace. I would think they would then need the message of salvation and the goodness of God that leads to repentance. I am trying to get this clear in my thought process on how you would do this. Does my question makes sense?

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