Broken Hips Healed and Walking!

I stand in awe as I read the amazing testimonies that I receive from people reading and putting into practice the message of my book, DARE to Believe.

I received this exciting testimony from a Christian school of supernatural ministry in Daytona Beach, Florida where I taught the students one night from my book.


Thank you for your visit to our School of Supernatural Ministry while you were in Daytona Beach, Florida. Many of the students purchased your book “DARE to Believe” during your visit.

We were all captivated by the stories of faith outlined in the book even to the point of taking a risk at our monthly nursing home outreach. While there, (though we had been ministering there for over a year) we made our first announcement that we believe that God still heals today and if anyone wanted prayer to ask one of us.

There was a woman who had two broken hips, confined to a wheel chair who wanted prayer. Two of our lady students prayed for her as directed in the book commanding healing followed by asking her to get up in faith. She did and walked!! Her attending nurse said “I have just seen a miracle today, this woman has never walked since I’ve been working with her”. Praise be to our Glorious Savior, Jesus!!

You know there are so many hurting people out there waiting to be prayed for, and I can’t reach them all, but I can equip you how to minister to those around you. If you haven’t already done so, please purchase a copy of the book from us, read it, study it and put the message into practice and be amazed at what God will do through you too! DARE to Believe.

If you would like to host a special DARE to Believe healing service or conference please contact me at for more information.


Jesus Heals Scoliosis

Jesus wills to heal all people from all sickness and disease, this includes Scoliosis. One of the most precious healings of scoliosis that I ever witnessed was of a young teenage girl in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a ballerina and the scoliosis was affecting her ability to dance. She came forward with her parents for prayer. After ministering the healing power of the Holy Spirit to her spine I asked her to put her faith into action and do something that she was not able to do before. Immediately she bent over backwards and was completely healed. And her family rejoiced over the goodness of our Lord.

A woman in her sixties from Daytona Beach, Florida was in attendance at a healing school where I was teaching. And she requested healing for her spine from scoliosis. She suffered daily for many years from the pain this produced in her body. As I touched her she immediately fell on the floor and started to thrash around. All those around witnessed an amazing miracle before their eyes. Her body was moving and twisting in all directions as she was out under the power of the Holy Spirit. We could hear her bones snapping and popping. When the Holy Spirit was done healing her body, she stood up healed.

Another young woman in her early twenties from Las Vegas, Nevada was stricken with the same disease. After prayer I asked her to put her faith into action and she bent down and touched her toes and she came up healed!

Isaiah 53:4-5 prophesies of Jesus, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly]considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.”

Our Lord Jesus paid the price for all healing, including Scoliosis too.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic, and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

God Heals Hip Bursitis

I met Gwen at a DARE to Believe Healing Service. She was suffering from severe pain from bursitis of the hip. When she entered the meeting room she was in so much pain that she could barely walk or stand. After the message I ministered healing to her, I commanded her body to be renewed in Jesus’ name, and it was! She left the meeting supernaturally healed, and able to stand and walk free from pain.

Here’s what she has to say concerning her healing. “I participated in your healing ministry in Burnsville, Minnesota. My hip bursitis was very bad when I was among the prayers, I could barely stand. We prayed for my hip to be completely renewed! I fell to the ground… it was amazing! Power of the Holy Spirit! It has worked, so far… wonderful! Now I am walking fine with no problems. And I am reading your book, DARE to Believe!

Isaiah 53:4-5 says, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.” AMP

God Heals Aging Parents

A woman brought her aging parents to a DARE to Believe Healing Service in Phoenix, AZ. After they heard the message the elderly couple called out for me to come and minister to them. They began to share with me the numerous physical challenges that the man was suffering from. Here is their daughter’s story.

“This was the couple who could hardly wait for you to be finished that you might pray for them. The woman actually called out your name to pray.

The gentleman had congestive heart failure, and the main artery/valve was leaking seriously. He also suffered from a hernia, and from swelling in his legs so badly that his ankles would swell to 16″ around. And he also suffered from Alzheimer’s.

The next morning, I went to their house and he was walking erect, without his cane. His shoulders were back, and he was stable. There was no longer any sign of the hernia and the swelling in his legs were reduced by 95% at that point.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks there was a slow progression with a few ups and downs. This primed their faith and hope that he would be completely healed.

The woman continues reading your book DARE to Believe and telling everyone about what God is doing.

One week ago yesterday, they went to the healing room again, and God gave him a huge blast of healing power and the rest is history.

For a solid week he has been running around, jumping, giggling, praising God and sharing all that He has done. And on Sunday morning, he ran across the front of their church.”

This a beautiful testimony of the healing power of Jesus Christ reaching out to this elderly couple, restoring their joy and their strength, and healing and recreating their physical bodies.

The Lord gives us this promise in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” NKJ           

DARE to Believe!

What Do I Tell the Dr.? from Minnesota was scheduled for surgery to repair a torn Rotator Cuff. But after prayer he was supernaturally healed. He looked at me and asked “What do I say to my doctor?” I replied “Just lift up your arm, he’ll know.”

After ministering at a women’s conference in Virginia, Pattie asked me to pray for her husband who had a frozen shoulder. I did and told him to put his faith into action and do what he could not do earlier. He quickly lifted his arm up into the air without pain.

I ministered to a man at a healing service in California, who suffered from severe shoulder pain for many years. Instantly all pain was gone and he had complete movement in his shoulder. And this man, who did not know Jesus Christ, not only received physical healing but prayed and accepted Him as his Lord and Savior too. DARE to Believe!

People Are Seeking God’s Help

A few nights ago, a group of us ministered to people along the Las Vegas Strip. We each asked the Holy Spirit to lead us to specific individuals. The Holy Spirit highlighted this man on crutches to me. I asked him if I could pray for him. He was surprised, not because I asked to pray for him, but because he asked God that morning to tell him what faith was. And the Holy Spirit sent me to him to explain what faith was and how to put faith into action.

Romans 10:14 asks us “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?… ” NKJ

People are seeking God’s help and we need to be willing to DARE to Believe that the Holy Spirit will use us to minister to their needs.


God Heals Heels!Amanda, from Las Vegas wanted prayer for healing because she was suffering pain as she stood or walked because she had deep fissures or cracks on the bottom of her heel from the dry climate. I held onto her heel and ministered healing, and we both felt a strong thumping inside of her heel as the wounds completely closed up. God even heals heels! DARE to Believe.


Torn Rotator Cuff Healed!I was teaching at a healing school in Las Vegas. Afterwards, as I was praying for the sick, a woman asked me if I would pray for her husband who came with her to the meeting, but when he saw the number of people to be prayed for he walked out and went and sat in the parking lot.

Knowing that faith needs action to produce a miracle I responded to her request, “You tell him if he comes back into the service I will pray for him.” She went out and gave him the message and he returned to be prayed for.

He was suffering great pain from a torn rotator cuff and was due to have surgery in a couple weeks. As I put my hands on his shoulder we could hear and feel things popping from deep within his shoulder area. Glory to God, the man was healed and set free from all pain!

But he almost missed out on the blessing of healing that the Lord had for him that night. And it makes me wonder how many times we have missed our healing because we felt discouraged or afraid.

Jesus doesn’t want anyone to miss out on their healing. He is willing to heal all those that come to Him. We are reminded of His willingness to heal in Luke 5:12-13 when a man with leprosy came to Him. This man was uncertain if the Lord would heal him, but Jesus responded to this man’s discouraged heart.

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him. (NIV)

Don’t allow fear or discouragement to rob you of your healing. Believe and receive today!

Becky Dvorak is a healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at

Cancer Eaten Hip Healed

DARE to Believe!I met this woman at a healing service held in Phoenix, Arizona. She had traveled from another state to come to this healing service. Cancer had eaten away at her hip and she could not walk, immediately after I placed healing hands upon her, and renounced this disease and the effects of this disease, and released the creative power of the Holy Spirit into her she was squatting, jumping, running and praising God!

What Do I Mean By Christian?

What do I mean when I tell you that I am a Christian? Am I telling you that I am religious? No, I am not. Religion is made up of lists of rules and regulations that people struggle with to achieve. And it is more about pleasing others, than pleasing the heart of the Father. If, I am not religious, then what am I? And what do I mean when I say to you that I am a Christian?

When I say that I am a Christian, I identify myself with Jesus Christ. I acknowledge to others that I have made a choice to follow after His ways.  I humble myself before Him and the darkness of my sin was exposed, and overtaken by His light. No longer do I carry the heavy chains of bondage to sin, nor do I bear the consequences of sin. These chains were broken, and I am free forever. My spirit is new in Him.

As a Christian, I bear the image of Jesus Christ, as He is so am I in this world. By the power of His redeeming blood, I wear His rich robes of righteousness, and the power in His redeeming blood gives to me the ability to make possible out of impossible situations. I wear a clean turban upon my head, I have the mind of Christ, and His Spirit gives to me the revelation knowledge needed for every situation that I face. I have access to unlimited supernatural resources to meet all my needs. And in Him there is no lack.

And as I dare to believe and put my faith in Christ into action, my enemy, satan must bow to my command. He may attempt to throw sickness and disease and other accursed things towards me, but the Spirit of the Living Word within me, gives me the authority to say no, and to cast these things far from me.

And it is the Living Word that graces me to be able to speak life to the dead, sight to the blind, open deaf ears, unleash the paralytic, and release healing and miracles to the sick and oppressed.

Regardless of the image that satan has falsely projected to the world about Christians, I am not a bumbling, idiotic fool. I am clothed in the glory and honor of Christ. And I am not ashamed to be called a Christian!


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

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