A woman brought her aging parents to a DARE to Believe Healing Service in Phoenix, AZ. After they heard the message the elderly couple called out for me to come and minister to them. They began to share with me the numerous physical challenges that the man was suffering from. Here is their daughter’s story.
“This was the couple who could hardly wait for you to be finished that you might pray for them. The woman actually called out your name to pray.
The gentleman had congestive heart failure, and the main artery/valve was leaking seriously. He also suffered from a hernia, and from swelling in his legs so badly that his ankles would swell to 16″ around. And he also suffered from Alzheimer’s.
The next morning, I went to their house and he was walking erect, without his cane. His shoulders were back, and he was stable. There was no longer any sign of the hernia and the swelling in his legs were reduced by 95% at that point.
Over the course of the next 2 weeks there was a slow progression with a few ups and downs. This primed their faith and hope that he would be completely healed.
The woman continues reading your book DARE to Believe and telling everyone about what God is doing.
One week ago yesterday, they went to the healing room again, and God gave him a huge blast of healing power and the rest is history.
For a solid week he has been running around, jumping, giggling, praising God and sharing all that He has done. And on Sunday morning, he ran across the front of their church.”
This a beautiful testimony of the healing power of Jesus Christ reaching out to this elderly couple, restoring their joy and their strength, and healing and recreating their physical bodies.
The Lord gives us this promise in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” NKJ